Chaps, if you’re dreading the prospect of following your better half for hours to trawl the Boxing Day sales, this will be welcome news。
For it turns out the most effective shopping sprees are the snappiest ones – with our ability to spot a bargain dropping off significantly after less than half an hour。
According to experts, the rational part of the brain begins to shut down after just 23 minutes on average when comparing deals。
The speed at which our cognitive abilities switch off was revealed in tests on 400 people who were placed in a £3 million 20-tonne medical MRI scanner。
It found the higher brain functions in the pre-frontal cortex initially give us the edge when hunting for bargains。
But relying on it for long periods is tiring, causing us to revert to more primitive parts of the brain, like the insular cortex, which are no good when it comes to judging value for money。
The good news for committed shoppers is a so-called ‘soft break’ – a few minutes rest grabbing a coffee, for example - can reinvigorate our senses, although only temporarily。