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BEC商務英語報名、考試、查分時間 免費短信提醒


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摘要 各位準備參加2021年11月BEC商務英語考試的考生,請盡快抓緊時間進行備考。環(huán)球網(wǎng)校小編為了讓您更好地備考2021年BEC商務英語考試,為您整理了“2021年BEC商務英語中級模擬試題之十”的內(nèi)容,請您參考,希望能對您有所幫助。


2021年BEC商務英語共有兩次考試, 免費預約短信提醒服務可以幫助各位考生更及時更準確的掌握2021年11月BEC商務英語考試報名、考試時間等信息,以防您錯過!


READING 1 hour

For each statement(1-7),mark one letter(A,B,CorD)on your Answer Sheet.


A.Bangkok rose 2 per cent on the day and 3.4 per cent over the week as buyers moved in to large market capitalization stocks. The SET index rose 27. 55 to 1,383. 57 in turnover of Bt 8. 5bn, down from Thursday's Bt 10bn.

B.Taipei was pulled lower by late profit-taking in industrials after Thursday's rebound, and the weighted index fell 45. 59 to 5, 806. 77, or 1.7 percent, over the week. Turnover rose to T $41.51bn from T $35. 78bn.

C.Manila opened strongly on foreign buying of blue chips but dipped at the close as profits were taken. The composite index fell 10. 07 to 2, 907. 00, 1.3 per cent higher on the week.

D.Hong Kong finished a mixed day slightly lower, sapped by profit-taking on confirmation of US renewal of China's MFN trade status and concerns over the lower domestic property market. The Hang Seng index fell 11.58 to close to 470. 13, 1.7 per cent lower on the week.

The share prices were influenced by the improvement of the two countries’relations.

2、 0ver the week.turnover rose by T$5.83bn.

3、 Many people went to buy capitalization stocks.

4、 In the beginning many foreign shareholders buy blue chips at high prices.

5、 Price was lower after shareholders sold stocks in industrials to make profit.

6、 0n Thursday price dropped and then rose again.

7、 The falling of composite index rose by l.3 percent on the week.

You will hear three telephone conversations or messages.



?Look at the note below.

?You will hear a man calling to confirm the flight.


Name: Denise Date: (1)_______

From: (2)_______ Departure time: 9:00 a. m

To: (3)_______

Arrival time: 12:15 pm

Flight number: E23

Confirmation number: (4)_______

Conversation Two


9、 回答第2題。

10、 回答第3題。

11、 回答第4題。

12、?Look at the note below.

?You will hear a man making on appointment.

Making an Appointment

To: Mr. (5)_______

From: Standard Cars Ltd

Re: Carter wants to make an appoinlment on (6)_______ afternoon with Mr.


Time: (7)_______ p.m.

Phone No. : (8)_______

Conversation Three


13、 回答第6題。

14、 回答第7題。

15、 回答第8題。

16、?Look at the notes below.

?You will hear a woman paying the bill.

There's a 4% merchant (9)_______ .

We (10)_______ these charges when you pay your sundry fees bill.

Totals: ( 11 )_______

Late give you your (12)_______


17、 回答第10題。

18、 回答第11題。

19、 回答第12題。

Write 40-50 words.

20、?You are the manager of a large company and the company has decided to introduce meal cards to the staff.

?Write a message to staff in the company:

?saying which staff will need meal cards

?eplaining why the meal cards are needed

?informina the staff how to get a card.

?Write 40-50 WOrds.

In this part,the interlocutor asks questions to each of the candidates in turn.

You have to give information about yourself and express personal opinions.

21、In this part,the interlocutor asks questions to each of the candidates in turn.

You have to give information about yourself and express personal opinions.


(1)What’S the meaning of your name?

(2)Is it dangerous for people to spend too much time on a hobby?

(3)Are there any advantages/benefits of working under stress?

In this part of the test,you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic.

22、In this part of the test,you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic.You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about one minute.

You have one minute to prepare your ideas.

A: What is important when…?

Operating in competitive market

?Product price


B: What is important when…?

Aiming to sponsor a recreational event

?Media coverage

?Target audience

C: What is important when…?

Planning a meeting



Write 120-140 words.

23、?Write to an old customer with whom business has shown a tendency to become slack, and draw his attention to your new products which represent a great Improvement on some of the models he has sold successfully.Stress the importance of an early order as other buyers are showing their interest in these goods?

?Write a letter with 120-140 words.

WRITING 45 minutes

You will hea five short recordings.

24、·YOU will hear five recordings.

·For each recording,decide what the person’s job is.

·Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the recording.

·DO not use any Letter more than once.

·YOU will hear the five recordings twice.






A.an exporter

B.a reception

C.government official

D.a cleaner

E.computer programmer



H.a sale coordinator


25、 回答第14題。

26、 回答第15題。

27、 回答第16題。

28、 回答第17題。

29、Section Two

·You will hear another five short pieces.

·For each piece decide what the speaker is talking about.

·Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the piece.

·YOU will hear the five pieces twice.






A.a computer

B.a insurance

C.an accident

D.a credit card

E.a house

F.a picnic

G.a banknote

H.a restaurant


30、 回答第19題。

31、 回答第20題。

32、 回答第21題。


For each blank(8-12),mark one letter(A-G)on your Answer Sheet.

34、?Read the extract below from an article about Bankers’bonuses.

?Choose the best sentence from the list on the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.

?For each gap(34-38),mark one letter(A—G)on your Answer Sheet.

?Do not use any letter more than once.

?There is an example at the beginning(0).


Lord Myners, the City minister, is allegedly worth £ 30m ( $ 47m). He is an unlikely tribune of the people. (0) G Derivatives traders are not footballers with unique talents and "should not be paid as though they are", he said last month.

More recently he has railed against " market failure" ; accusing big clients of investment banks of not challenging the fees and margins they are charged. (8)____________Lack of transparency makes them seem the more villainous. "The nation is angry about this. I'm angry," says Lord Myners.(9)____________"We are not an incomes regulator," says Hector Sants, chief executive of the Financial Services Authority (FSA). The watchdog's only sanction is to demand more regulatory capital from those banks whose pay policies appear to be putting their firms at greater risk.

The Treasury could influence matters at RBS and Lloyds Banking Group, two big banks in which it has substantial shareholdings, but is reluctant to micromanage. ( 10 )____________The government worries that any attack on bankers'pay could drive financiers offshore, depriving the exchequer of much revenue. City bonuses, which dropped from 10 billion in 2007 to £ 4 billion in 2008, could bounce back to £ 6 billion this year, says the Centre for Economic and Business Research (CEBR) ," a consultancy.

They mirror the health of a financial-services sector that in the good times brought in up to 67 billion in annual tax revenues, estimates PwC, an accounting firm. This fiscal year the figure could drop to 39 billion, says Douglas McWilliams at the CEBR, although banks'recently buoyant business may increase it. (11)____________So could the slightly softer option of preventing banks from offsetting past losses against future tax bills.

The reluctance to bash bankers'bonuses stems from recognition that wholesale finance is a global business. Bankers are highly mobile, says Marcus Agius, chairman of Barclays. He argues that banks in Britain must be free to pay as much as those elsewhere, but says he is "agnostic" about what that level should be. National and international proposals to reform pay at regulated financial firms are similarly agnostic. They mostly do not spell out how much public disclosure there

should be of big pay packages, other than those for board members. (12) ____________It requires a detailed breakdown of the remuneration of "employees whose actions have a material impact on the risk exposure of the firm" Yet that measure is unlikely to be implemented, even though the big British banks and the London-based operations of global investment banks have agreed to it.

The FSA, for its part, is not bothered about public disclosure as long as it has the information itself.Sir David Walker, a former central banker charged with an official review of bank-governance practices, has suggested that bands of remuneration for heavy hitters outside the boardroom be disclosed. It seems that banks, in the absence of much more than appeals to their better nature, will be setting their own benchmarks as and when they please. Barclays began a review of its remuneration policies in 2008. It remains unfinished.

A.But such attempts at mqral suasion are not working,and those in authority seem reluctant to do more.

B.A windfall tax on profits,discussed by both government and opposition,might put any recovery at risk.

C.The opportunity to take an equity position at a bargain price has been missed.

D.The crisis does not seem to have affected the way bankers are rewarded.

E.An exception is the communiqu6 from the Group of 20(G20)big countries in September

F.There was not a murmur when RBS hired a head trader for a rumoured£7m in total.

G.Yet.he has been sounding off more vociferously than his colleagues about“unac. ceptable”pay deals for bankers。






For each question(13-18),mark one letter(A,B,CorD)on your Answer Sheet.


Focus on You r Customer

If you think of the most successful companies around the world -- GM, Wal-Mart, IBM, etc. they all have one thing in common: loyal custom-ers. It can cost ten to twenty times as much to ac-quire a customer as to retain one, so it's easy to understand why Customer Relationship Manage-ment is such a hot concept. But, while everyone understands CRM is a good thing, putting a CRM strategy together isn't easy. The place to start? A customer -- driven business model.

A.customer-driven business model is the most prudent method of ensuring customer loyalty because it fosters a better relationship with new and existing customers. Others such as market, price, cost or e-commerce-driven business models may generate profits, but fall short of sustaining a loyal customer base. At the heart of customer- driven business model is a clear understanding of the customer-not just customer trends (although this is useful information, too), but the buying habits and history of every one of your customers. This 360-degree view provides analytics from multiple channels (direct, web, fax, E-mail, call center, sales/marketing) and consolidates into a common repository. Monitoring buying habits and tracking market dynamics lets you more effectively market new and existing products and services.

If you think this is a daunting task, you aren't alone. Because most enterprises don't have a consolidated view of their customers, obtaining customer profit and cost information is often a herculean effort.

Implementing a CRM solution is usually a huge project with a high probability of failure. Some analysts suggest most businesses underestimate the cost of a CRM implementation by 40-75 percent.

In fact, a successful CRM will interface with ERP systems to provide integration with all customer interactions such as order processing, billing. Also, CRM strategies must include commitment and sponsorship from senior management, as it should be deemed a strategic investment that is implemented incrementally and evolutionarily. Understanding critical success factors, such as those listed in the " Key to CRM Success"

sidebar, mitigates the risks. First, start with a cultural change that focuses on a customer-centric business strategy. Make sure your organization is well aware of the high cost of customer attrition and is focused on improving retention, increasing loyalty. Understanding and broadcasting the cost of acquiring new customers versus fostering existing relationships.

Second, focus on an enterprise view of the customer that encompasses all customer data, such as communication history, purchasing behaviours, channel preferences, demographics, etc. Understand your customers' preferred channels and determine if there's some way to optimize them.

Adopt a flexible architecture that will expand with your business -- this is tree with any IT project.

Never deploy a strategic, costly solution using the big-bang approach. Always take an increment, evolutionary, or iterative approach. The impact to your organization can be significant, thus, proceed slowly and ensure the returns on investment measures are in nlze.

The first paragraph indicates that loyal customers

A.help reduce costs of the company.

B.are quite common around the world.

C.produce huge profits.

D.are costly to develop.

40、 According to the writer,a customer—driven business model ensure customer loyalty by

A.attaching great attention to customer’S buying inclination.

B.keeping track of what customers have pumhased.

C.having a panorama understanding of customers.

D.launching new products and services quickly.

41、 According to the article,to get customer information is considered to be

A.an effective marketing method.

B.easier if the company adopts a customer—driven business model.

C.an impossible task to accomplish by many companies.

D.difficult for a company with an integrated view of customers.

42、 According to the writer,a CRM implementation fails because

A.the project is too large。

B.it involves strategic Investment.

C.the implementation is too integrated.

D.there is inadequate funds.

43、 What is the key factor of reducing the risk of a CRM solution?

A.complete customer files

B.retention of customers

C.good relationship with customers

D.broad preferred channels

44、 What can lead to a successful CRM strategy?

A.Invest enough money in the project at the start.

B.Develop the project gradually or repeatedly.

C.Be aware of its significant impact on the company.

D.Determine and keep the scale to the end.

For each question(23-30),mark one letter(A,BorC)for the correct answer.

45、·You will hear a Chinese ceramics manufacturer talks with an American importer.

·For each question,mark one letter(A。B or C)for the correct answer.

·After you have Listened once.replay the recording.

Amtrak was experiencing a ________in ridership along the lines comprising its rail system.




46、 At one time, ________were the only practical way to cross the vast areas of the west.




47、 had easily established itself as the fastest method of traveling great distances.

A.Sea travel

B.Land travel

C.Air travel

48、 One of the two portions of the total market were targeted:

A.travel haters.

B.anxious fliers.

C.sports lovers.

49、 Anxious fliers are NOT concerned with




50、 Travel-lovers do NOT view themselves as ________in the travel experience as part

of their vacation.




51、 The agency then developed a campaign that focused on travel experiences such as freedom, ________relaxation, and enjoyment of the great western outdoors.




52、TV shows and programs involving ________and America in order to most effectively reach target audiences.




LISTENING 40 minutes(including 10 minutes' transfer time)

In this part of the test,you are given a discussion topic.

53、In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic.You have 30 minutes to look at the prompt card,an example of which is below,and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner.After that the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic.

For two candidates

Launch Company Newspaper

Your company would like to launch company newspaper for all staff members on a regular basis.

You have been asked to help organize it.

Discuss the situation together,and decide:

?what kind of articles and information should be included

?what the newspaper should look like and how often it should be sent.

For three candidates

Launch Company Newspaper

Your company would like to launch company newspaper for all staff members regularly.

You have been asked to help organize it.

Discuss the situation together,and decide:

?what kind of articles and information should be included

?what the newspaper should look like and how often it should be published

?how to get the information and news in the company.

Follow?on questions

?Do you think it is important that managers listen to complaints from employees?

?Do you communicate with your colleagues often.How do you do it?

?What are the advantages of management communication?

?Is it necessary for the managers to have personal contacts with his employees? (Why?/Why not?)

?How important is it to develop the intranet of the company?


For each question(19-33),mark one letter(A,B,CorD)on your Answer Sheet.


Too much to read!It’S impossible to find time to read today’S top business books and thousands are published each year.Yet not keeping up with those books could be a serious and expensive mistake.Often the ideas and insights they contain are available nowhere else.

But how Can you even(19)_______ which titles are worthwhile,let alone find time to read them?Fortunately,there’S a(20)_______ :Sound view Executive Book Summaries.It really(21)_______ In fact,it's(22)_______ o work.It is ingenious and essential.Every month, you(23)_______ two or three quick readin9,time saving(24)_______ of the best new business books.Each contains all the key points in the(25)_______ book.The big difference,instead of 200 t0 500 pages,the summary is only several pages.Instead of(26)_______ five,ten or more hours to read,it takes just l5 minutes.

Of the thousands of business books(27)_______ annually,only a(28)_______ are really worth readin9.To save your time,our Editorial Board goes over them all(29)_______ 90%.Our standards are(30)_______ ,and the criteria rigorous.

When a book meets all our tests,we prepare a summary,instead of a review or a digest.

You get a skillful distillation that preserves the content and spirit of the(31)_______ books.

The titles cover every(32)_______ 0f concem to business people today.There’S(33)

else like Sound view Executive Book Summaries ……






55、 回答第20題。





56、 回答第21題。





57、 回答第22題。





58、 回答第23題。





59、 回答第24題。





60、 回答第25題。





61、 回答第26題。





62、 回答第27題。





63、 回答第28題。





64、 回答第29題。





65、 回答第30題。





66、 回答第31題。





67、 回答第32題。





68、 回答第33題。





Read the text below about how consumers decide what to buy.(34-45)





0 Maintaining accounts is one of the crucial aspects of the business.

00In order to survive longer it is important to bring out perfection in every work.A professional accountant in accounting business outsources。

34 _______0ne needs to have been professionals in this field to work for.

35 _______Everything is the sole responsibility out of the firm,right from dealing the financial tasks to the estimation of the profit.For every

36_______ business firm,whether operating on small scale or not large scale needs to maintain books of accounts.Accounting is constantly

37 _______changing field and one has to keep up on with the changes.It needs special care of for its maintenance.The business firm has to manage

38 _______the bookkeeping records till it finishes to paying up the taxes and again keep it safely for future reference.Accounting business

39 _______0utsource process is ready to take care of all sorts of account related projects.In order to survive longer it is important to bring perfecting in every work.A professional accountant in accounting business outsources

40 _______process company works towards the profits of the clients whom

41 _______they are serving.False entries in the accounts can lead up to wrong calculation in estimating the financial growth rate of the year.

42 _______Whether the company is bearing fruitful profits or going in

43 _______loss can be decided on only through the maintenance of proper records.Treasury. back~office services,bookkeeping,general ledger,tax computation and filing, data entry,spreadsheet and many

44_______ 0thers are important accounting tasks to be performed.ORe which should be careful and also update himself with every change in the tax structure.1t has been surveyed that accounting business outsource process is expected to have a yearly growth rate Of 8%by 2008.In house employees for the accounting task can prove costly to the firm.Accounting business outsource process saves a lot of precious time of the company and the company can mean while gain

45_______ expertise in from other areas and reap profits.The money saved can be utilized properly by investing in growth plans。When the company is outsourcing its accounting work then much time js left with the company to take care of marketing division,production,sales that one deals with.


70、 第35題答案為:

71、 第36題答案為:

72、 第37題答案為:

73、 第38題答案為:

74、 第39題答案為:

75、 第40題答案為:

76、 第41題答案為:

77、 第42題答案為:

78、 第43題答案為:

79、 第44題答案為:

80、 第45題答案為:


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