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摘要 各位準備參加2021年11月BEC商務英語考試的考生,請盡快抓緊時間進行備考。環(huán)球網校小編為了讓您更好地備考2021年BEC商務英語考試,為您整理了“2021年BEC商務英語中級模擬試題之六”的內容,請您參考,希望能對您有所幫助。


2021年BEC商務英語共有兩次考試, 免費預約短信提醒服務可以幫助各位考生更及時更準確的掌握2021年11月BEC商務英語考試報名、考試時間等信息,以防您錯過!


READING 1 hour

For each statement(1-7),mark one letter(A,B,CorD)on your Answer Sheet.



This classic cross-culture book provides reading passages, culture notes, and discussion topics which focus on values, behaviours, attitudes and communication styles. It features a chapter on cultural diversity in the U. S. , an explanation of mainstream U. S. values with examples which reveal some of the more hidden aspects of culture, examples of cross-cultural differences in a wide variety of cultures, and extensive readings and exercises.


As a multistand course--organized according to functions, discussion techniques and communication concepts--this text develops the speaking skills of business professionals or business students. It is easily adaptable to differing class sizes, student needs and interests. A special feature of the course is its carefully staged discussion activities which structure and facilitate group partici- pation.


This series is intended for students now ready to approach English literature. Each book deals with both the literary and the language aspects of their texts. Some exercises focus on a personal response, others on discussing literary qualities such as style, character, imagery and ideas. Other exercises concentrate on the development of language awareness in terms of grammar, vocabulary and different styles of writing.


Authentic texts covering a wide range of topics provide a stimulating basis for an approach of skills and strategies to academic reading. Techniques of skimming and scanning, identifying main ideas, understanding text organization and guessing unknown vocabulary provide the basis for each unit. These are followed by more advanced strategies, such as analyzing a writer's use of time, evaluating a writer's attitude and assessing the degree of certainty in arguments. Each unit ends with discussion topics which lead to a writing task based on the reading texts.

It aims to train the students to become sensitive to different styles of writing.

2、Students are expected to learn something about American society.

3、It mainly focuses on the development of your reading techniques.

4、Students are encouraged to participate in group activities.

5、Some useful information is offered on how to further your academic study.

6、One chapter deals with different aspects of culture in America.

7、 The material chosen for the book is from the real life.

You will hear three telephone conversations or messages.



Name: (1)_________Schulz

It's to do with 1he arrangements for 1he (2) _________in July. Monsieur Fevrier is out at (3) _________

Peter Schulz's number: (4) _________





12、~ Look at the notes below.

~ You will hear a man calling for an order.

Take (5) ___________ more sets of the (6) ___________cut their production time by nearly a (7) ___________if you can get the stuff outand delivered by the end of the month, it could well mean that the division will getan increase in the (8) ___________bonus.





16、~ Look at the note below.

~ You will hear a man calling for a meeting.

Call from (9) ___________

Cox has the (10) ___________and she may notbe back in the office till (11) ___________Mr. Wong won't be arriving in Melbourne until quite late this Saturday, at (12) ___________ local time.





Write 40-50 words.

20、~ You are a manager of human resoumes department and you want to train the new staff, but the time is limited, you can just arrange one training course. You want to consult your staff about the course.

~ Write a memo to your secretary:

~ telling her of training the new staff in limited time.

~ stating the importance of training.

~ requesting suggestions for the arrangements.

~ Write 40-50 words.

In this part,the interlocutor asks questions to each of the candidates in turn.

You have to give information about yourself and express personal opinions.

21、In this part, the interlocutor asks questions to each of the candidates in turn. You have to give information about yourself and express personal opinions.


(1) What will you do when your idea conflicts with your boss'/colleagues' ?

(2) What are you good at?

(3) Which is the most important element to managing time effectively?

In this part of the test,you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic.

22、In this part of the test, you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about one minute.

You have one minute to prepare your ideas.

A:What is important when...?

Introducing a reward system for staff

~ Purpose of the reward system

~ Types of reward offered



B:What is important when...?

Aiming to reach new markets

~ Market research

~ Advertising ~


C:What is important when...?

Selecting a hotel for travelling on business

~ Location

~ Facilities provided

Write 120-140 words.

23、~ Your department needs to recruit more staff, your line manager wants you to write a report explaining your requirements and commenting on recruitment methods.

~ Look at the information below, on which you have already made some handwritten notes.

~ Then, using all your handwritten notes, write your report.

~ Write 120-140 words.

WRITING 45 minutes

You will hea five short recordings.

24、~ You will hear five short pieces,

~ For each piece decide what the speaker is,

~ Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the piece.~ You will hear the five pieces twice,






A to deal with the systems administration

B an assistant

C a group accountant

D a host

E a worker

F an administrator

G a teacher

H a doctor






29、~ You will hear another five short pieces.

~ For each piece decide what the speaker is going to do.~ Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the piece.~ You will hear the five pieces twice.






A.to express doubt

B.to explain an action

C.to train that works

D.to recommend a new policy

E.to offer assistance

F.to organize a conference

G.to deny something

H.to write effective letters






For each blank(8-12),mark one letter(A-G)on your Answer Sheet.


Coffee is worth approximately $ 50-60bn per annum in terms of world sales. It is a truly international commodity, and today more than 50 countries in the world grow coffee beans. (0)________13 ICO consists of61 governments, 43 of which are exporters and 18 of which are importers. The organi- zation helps coffee producers and promotes coffee consumption worldwide. ICO esti- mates that world production next year will reach 97. 5 million bags, ll. 3 million bags higher than the current year. (8)________ As the largest producing country, Brazil is par- ticularly important in the coffee world. In1994 Brazil was responsible for 25% of world production, Colombia was next with13.4%, Indonesia had 7.5%, Mexico4. 7%, Guatemala 3.8% and Ethiopia and Vietnam were equal with 3.4%.

Coffee is a tough crop, and can be grown in areas where it is difficult or impossible to grow other crops. ( 9 )________ However, disease is always a problem for coffee production, as we can see in some parts of South America at the moment. ICO is active in educating farmers about avoiding disease and dealing with problems when they occur. The distribution chain varies from country to country, explains Pablo Dubois. In most countries the smaller farmers sell their crop to a local trader, who then sells it on to ex- porters. There are, however, other distribu- tion systems. ( 10 )________ Some countries, like Vietnam, have special government mar- keting organizations for coffee.

Coffee prices often vary greatly from one year to the next. In 1997, for example there was a large rise in the world price, which was immediately felt by the consumer. Rising prices always result in a drop in sales, which will have a bad effect on those developing countries which are highly dependent on foreign exchange from coffee exports. ( 11 )________

In the opinion of Pablo Dubois, the biggest problem for his organization is to create greater consumer awareness of the different varieties of coffee and different ways of preparing it. ( 12 ) ________ICO is therefore concentrating its promotional activities on Russia and China. It is also encouraging environmentally friendly coffee production, and last year's seminar on coffee and the environment created a lot of interest.

The future looks bright for the coffee industry. It is estimated that consumption over the next few years will continue to rise steadily. New markets like Eastern Europe and China are expected to develop fast.

A.As a result, the membership now represents 94% of all exporters and 60% of all importers.

B.In some of these countries, this can amount to as much as 50% of all export earnings.

C.In North America, most consumers already have above-average knowledge of the range available.

D.For example, frost and wind are particularly damaging to coffee crops. E Larger coffee growers, for example, frequently export directly.

F.The main reason for this is higher Brazilian output as production recovers from weather damage to crops.

G.It is cultivated in mountain regions which can only be reached by animal transport,and in other difficult areas where modern agricultural equipment cannot be used.


35、 __________

36、 __________

37、 __________

38、 __________

For each question(13-18),mark one letter(A,B,CorD)on your Answer Sheet.


Working an eight-hour day is a luxury for most professional people. Nowadays, the only way to guarantee an eight-hour working day is to have the kind of job where you clock on and off. Those professionals who have managed to limit their hours to what was, ~0 years ago, the average do not wish to identify themselves. "I can quite easily achieve my work within a normal day, but I don't like to draw attention to it," says one sales manager."People looked at me when I leave at 5 o'clock. Now, I put paperwork in my bag. People assume I'm doing extra hours at home. "

But more typical is Mark, who works as an account manager. He says, "My contract says I work from 9 until 5 with extra hours as necessary. It sounds as if the extra hours are exceptional. In fact, my job would be enough not only for me, but also for someone else part- time. The idea of an eight-hour day makes me laugh!" He says he has thought about going freelance but realizes that this doesn't guarantee better working hours.

Professors Cary Cooper, occupational psycholo- gist at the University of Manchester, is the author of the annual Quality of Working Life survey. The most recent survey found that 77% of managers in Britain work more than their contracted hours, and that this is having a damaging effect on their health, relationships and productivity. Professor Cooper is critical of the long-hours culture. He says that while bosses believe long hours lead to greater efficiency, there is no evidence to support this. "In fact, the evidence shows that long hours make you ill. "

There am, he says, steps that can be taken. One is to accept that the in-tray will never be empty."There are always things to do. You just have to make the rule that on certain days you go home early. " Prioritising work and doing essential tasks first helps, he says. He also thinks it's time to criticize bad employers and unreasonable terms of employment. " By all means, show commitment where necessary but when expectations are too high, people have to begin saying openly that they have a life outside of work. "

Personal development coach Mo Shapiro agrees that communication is important. Staff need to talk to managers about the working practices within a company. Both parties should feel that the expectations are realistic and allow them to have responsibilities and interests outside work. She recongnises, however, that in many organizations the response might well be, "If you want more interests outside work, then find another job. "

She believes that senior staff have a duty to set an example. "I recently worked for a finn of solicitors where the partners started at 7:30 a. m. What kind of message is that to send to the staff?" She believes there is no shame in working sensible hours in fact quite the reserve."Some people might be in at 7. 30 am but will be doing very little. You can work really hard from9 to 5 and achieve the same. If you find it difficult to achieve an eight-hour day, there is, as a last resort, the old trick of leaving your jacket on your chair and your computers switched on, even after you have left the building. "

What does the writer say in the first paragraph about people who work an eight-hour day?

A.They are reluctant to admit to this.

B.They are disliked by their colleagues.

C.They are limited to certain professions.

D.They often catch up on work in the evenings.

40、 What does Mark say about his work?

A.His main concern is job security.

B.Too much of his time at work is wasted.

C.The terms of his contract are misleading.

D.He objects to being given other people's work.

41、 What does Cary Cooper say about recent trends in the workplace?

A.He believes that a long working day is counter-productive.

B.He has doubts about the results of the Quality of Working Life survey.

C.He says that employers should accept the link between working hours and safety.

D.He argues that further research is needed into the relationship between work and health.

42、 How does Cary Cooper think people should deal with the requirements of the workplace?

A.Obtain help in negotiating terms of employment.

B.Let people know when demands are unreasonable.

C.Delegate the less important work to other staff.

D.Accept that the modern workplace is a competitive place.

43、 What does Mo Shapiro see as a problem for employees today?

A.They lack the communication skills that modern business requires.

B.Many employers would not regard requests for shorter hours favourably.

C.Most employers do not want to be responsible for the professional development of staff.

D.They have difficulties adapting to the rapid changes occurring in working practices.

44、 What does Mo Shapiro think about present working hours?

A.In many companies senior staff need to work a long day.

B.The best staff are efficient enough to finish their work within eight hours.

C.There are too many staff deceiving employers about their hours of work.

D.Top executives should use their influence to change the long-hours culture.

For each question(23-30),mark one letter(A,BorC)for the correct answer.

45、~ You will hear a short monologur talking about why cars are so popular in America.~ For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

__________are important parts of life in the United States.




46、__________Ford was the man who first started making cars in large numbers.




47、The car made the United States a nation on




48、There are__________main reasons the car became so popular in the United States.




49、The car provides the most comfortable and__________form of transportation.


B.most expensive


50、Air-service is too__________to be used frequently.




51、The American spirit of __________ is what really made cars popular.




52、The __________shortage has caused a big problem for Americans.




LISTENING 40 minutes(including 10 minutes' transfer time)

In this part of the test,you are given a discussion topic.

53、In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 minutes to look at the prompt card, an example of which is below, and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic.

For twocandidates

Qualified Service

Your company is deciding to monitor the quality of service provided. You have been asked to help with this.

Discuss the situation together, and decide:

~ what are the ways to monitor the quality of service

~ what measures the company can take to improve the quality of service.

For three candidates

Qualified Service

Your company is deciding to monitor the quality of service provided. You have been asked to help with this.

Discuss the situation together, and decide:

* what are the ways to monitor the quality of service

~ what measures the company can take to improve the quality of service

~ what benefits qualified service can give to the company.

Follow-on questions

~ How can a company provide value to its customers?

~ What do you think a company can do to solicit feedback from customers?

~ Do you think customers' complaints will benefit business? (Why/Why not?)

~ What do you think a company can do to provide valuable service to customers?


For each question(19-33),mark one letter(A,B,CorD)on your Answer Sheet.


There is no shortage of tipsters around offering "get-rich-quick" opportunities. But if you are a serious private investor, leave the Las Vegas mentality (19)________ those with money to fritter. The serious investor needs a "proper portfolio" -- a well -- planned selection of investments, (20)________ a definite structure and a clear aim. (21) exactly how does a newcomer to the stock market go about achieving that?

Well, if you go to five reputable stock brokers and ask them what you should (22)your money, you're likely to get five different answers even if you give all the relevant information about your age, family, finances and what you want from your investments. Moral? There is no one right way to structure a portfolio. (23) ________ there are undoubtedly some wrong ways, and you can be sure that (24) of our five advisers would have suggested ( 25 )________all ( or perhaps any) of your money into Periwigs.

So what should you do? We'll assume that you have (26)________out the basics -- like mortgages, pensions, insurance and {27)________ to sufficient cash reserves. You should then establish your own individual aims. These are partly a matter of personal circumstances, partly a matter of psychology.

For instance, if you are older you have less time to recover from any major losses, and you may well wish to (28) ________your pension income. So preserving your capital and generating extra income are your main 15 priorities. In this case, you'd probably construct a portfolio with some shares (but not high risk ones), along with gifts, cash deposits, and perhaps convertibles (29) ________the income shares of split capital investment trusts. If you are younger, and in a solid financial position, you may decide to take an (30) ________ approach but only if you're blessed with a sanguine disposition and won't (31) sleepless nights over share prices. If you recognize yourself in this description, you might include a couple of heady growth stocks in your 20 portfolio, alongside your more pedestrian investments. Once you have decided (32) your investment aims, you can then decide (33) ________ to put your money. The golden role here is to spread your risk -- if you put all of your money into Periwigs International, you're setting yourself up as a hostage of fortune.

"Periwigs" is the name of a fictitious company.
















A.change with

B.rely on

C.do with

D.deal with



B. Therefore



























D.go up


























Read the text below about how consumers decide what to buy.(34-45)


0 If consumers in Hillsborough County could limited their spending on one Saturday

00 to independent, locally owned businesses instead of chain stores, more than

34 $ 17 million would even remain in the local company instead of being shipped to

35 outside corporations as overnight deposits. So it say representatives of the

36 Tampa Independent Business Alliance, who base their calculation on studies that

37 made by the American Independent Business Alliance. The national study found

38 that since locally owned businesses began to use goods and services of other

39 business in the community, a consumer's spending circulates 3 up to 31/2

40 times longer locally than if it is spent on at a chain. On Saturday, the local group

41 will be working with the national organization and more than all 25 other

42 communities across the country to broadcast the benefits coming of the

43 shop-local movement. The educational event, "American Unchained", will be

44 promoted at independent business such as Inkwood Books in Tampa, "We

45 want people to think about where their dollars actually end up to," said Carla Jimenez, coowner of Inkwood and president of Tampa Independent Business Alliance.














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