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更新時間:2021-11-09 16:56:16 來源:環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 瀏覽96收藏48

BEC商務英語報名、考試、查分時間 免費短信提醒


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摘要 BEC商務英語考試正在備考中,環(huán)球網(wǎng)校小編為大家提供了“2021年下半年BEC中級考前沖刺練習題及答案(5)”,希望可以幫助到大家。更多有關BEC商務英語的考試資料,盡在環(huán)球網(wǎng)校!

為讓大家在安心備考的同時也能準確獲知考試時間相關信息,環(huán)球網(wǎng)校提供 免費預約短信提醒服務,以短信的方式提前告知各位考生2021年11月BEC商務英語考試準考證打印時間、考試時間等信息,以防您錯過!編輯推薦:2021年下半年BEC中級考前沖刺練習題及答案匯總。

I. Translation.

1. Translate the following into Chinese.

(1) quote favorable terms (2) commission of authority (3) cash against documents

(4) endorsement in full (5) preferential tariff (6) advice of drawing

(7) foul bill of loading (8) consignment merchandise (9) C. I. F & C

(10)negotiation of draft

2. Translate the following into English.

(1)貼現(xiàn)行情 (2)原產(chǎn)地證明書 (3)保兌銀行 (4)暫行條例

(5)總經(jīng)銷(商) (6)遠期匯票 (7)聯(lián)運提單 (8)裝船通知

(9)保險費 (10)保證書


1. (1)報優(yōu)惠價 (2)授權書 (3)憑單付款 (4)記名式背書

(5)特惠關稅 (6)匯票通知書 (7)不清潔提單 (8)寄售品

(9)保險費、運費、傭金在內(nèi)價 (10)匯票交割 / 匯票議付

2. (1) discount quotation (2) certificate of origin (3) confirming bank

(4) provisional rules (5) exclusive distribution (6) time bill / usance bill

(7) through bill of lading (8) shipping advice (9) premium

(10) Letter of Guarantee

II. Choose the best answer.

1. Thank you for your letter of March 3, in which you promised immediate shipment of the gloves we _____ on January 10.

a. purchased b. ordered c. have d. order

2. Could you please _____ this and see what you can do about effecting the delivery as soon as possible.

a. look into b. look after c. deal d. deal in

3. Your letter addressed to the ABC Company has been _____ us for attention.

a. transformed to b. transforming c. referred to d. referring to

4. It is our policy to develop trade with friendly countries on the _____ of equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods.

a. reason b. basis c. result d. cause

5. We are sending you, under _____, by airmail a copy of the latest catalog.

a. separate cover b. individual cover c. separate letter d. another letter

6. We shall be glad if you will send us samples with your lowest prices and best discount for _____.

a. money b. credit c. payment d. cash

7. Your firm has been _____ to us by… , with whom we have done business for many years.

a. recommended b. introducing c. commented d. ordered

8. Please offer quotations which can be supplied from _____.

a. stock b. currency c. stocking d. commodities

9. In _____ with your request, we have marked the price of each article which you wished to know.

a. circumstance b. compliance c. complex d. reply

10. As requested, we are _____ our quotation therefore in triplicate and shall appreciate your placing the order with us as early as possible.

a. submitting b. made c. accepting d. taking

11. We also wish to advise you that the prices we quoted are our _____ ones.

a. new b. cheapest c. rock bottom d. easiest

12. This offer _____ on September 30. Your immediate reply by cable will be appreciated.

a. extends b. expires c. includes d. stops

13. We trust that you will be able to accept our offer, _____ shall be kept open against reply by wire.

a. which b. in which c. that d. for that

14. As indicated in our previous letters, the quality must be _____ our standard.

a. up to b. against c. of d. by

15. This is a trial order and if it _____ satisfactory, we shall be able to place substantial orders with you.

a. turns to b. become c. turns out d. becoming

16. We are disappointed to note that up to the present we have not received your L/C which _____ us before June 1, 1996.

a. shall reach b. must have reached c. should have reached d. is reaching

17. _____ the case, this Contract has been considered void from this date.

a. Such being b. Because c. Since d. Due to

18. We are giving _____ consideration to the matter and will let you have a reply probably next week.

a. good b. delayed c. due d. easy

19. Our contract stipulates that payment should be made by irrevocable L/C payable by sight draft, so you must act _____.

a. according b. honestly c. in advance d. accordingly

20. They agreed to make some _____ to the agreement at the time of its renewal.

a. improvements b. supplements c. differences d. profits


1-5 bacba 6-10 daaba 11-15 cbaac 16-20 cacdb


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