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摘要 為了方便同學(xué)們的BEC商務(wù)英語學(xué)習,環(huán)球網(wǎng)校小編為大家整理了“2021年商務(wù)英語高級閱讀試題(15)”,供大家參考。更多有關(guān)BEC商務(wù)英語的模擬試題,盡在環(huán)球網(wǎng)校!

環(huán)球網(wǎng)校提供 免費預(yù)約短信提醒服務(wù),以短信的方式提前告知各位考生2021年11月BEC商務(wù)英語考試準考證打印時間、考試時間等信息,以防您錯過!編輯推薦:2021年商務(wù)英語高級閱讀試題20篇 

The Danish electronics manufacturer, Oticon, is a leader inthe move towards the paperless office, In their cafeteria a hugeglass pipe runs from ceiling to floor. When the mail comes in, it isimmediately scanned into the computer, shredded, and throwndown the tube to the general cheers of the employees. (0)Having all mail and memos available only as computer files to beread on the screen makes it easy to dispense with large physical storage spaces for people whowork at desks (9)

Changing over to the paperless office required a rapid increase in computer literacy, but ratherthan set up a corporate training programme they turned the problem over to employees. Eightmonths before the system was installed , they offered each employee a powerful personalcomputer for use at home in exchange for training themselves to use it. (10)

The big change was not the move from paper memos to computer messages. Oticon realisedthat the more radical transformation is from written to verbal communication.(11) that adds up toa large number of face-to-face exchanges, a big improvement over memos and the occasionalmulti-hour sit-down consultation typical of the old culture. People do not send each other memos,they talk. As the CEO puts it, “ We have jumped through the memo wall and gone right toaction.”

On the eighth of August 1991 , the company left their old wood-panelled offices .(12) Sincethen they have cut in half the “ time to market” on new products. The following year, sales andprofits grew more than ever before. (13) in fact, despite a downsizing of 15 per cent employeesatisfaction is hitting record highs.

Oticon has created an organizational pattern that supports great freedom iof action forindividuals and terms. They have tied it together with a minimum hierarchy. The first clear resultsto show up were in the greater efficiencies generated by the fact that less time needed to be spenton management activities . (14) they also have some investment in the success of the projectthey choose. Oticon has succeeded in breaking the mould mould and taking a lead in non-bureaucratic organizational design.

A This saving was possible because when people have real choice in the nature of their jobs,they commit themselves to being responsible for their areas of choice.

B They were headed for a new building and a new era in communication.

C Instead, they have large private areas on their hard disks for their correspondence.

D In spite of this, the physical office layout at Oticon is one of its most charming features.

E Over 90 per cent accepted , and they organized a club to help one another learn.

F To facilitate this, the on-site coffee bars have now become the venue for about twentymeetings a day, averaging ten minutes and 2.7 participants each.

G So, are people happy with the change?

H Only about ten documents a day, items like legal contracts, escape this treatment.


《Beyond paperwork》,一個公司為paperless office所做的努力。

第九題,在一段話的最后填寫一個句子。第一段就是介紹這個公司的基本情況,當有郵件進來時,立馬傳到電腦上,然后傳給每個員工。最后一空前面的句子說,讓所有的郵件、備忘錄等等只以電腦文件的形式在屏幕上被讀取有利于為辦公桌旁邊的人省出空間。后面要填入的是本段的最后一個句子,所以內(nèi)容是緊跟上面的內(nèi)容說的。前面說省出辦公桌旁邊的空間,是好處,那么后面應(yīng)該還是關(guān)于這種computer files的好處,C選項最符合這個條件:在硬盤上有足夠大的私人通信區(qū)域。


第十一題,這段是關(guān)于具體的轉(zhuǎn)變的實現(xiàn)。最大的變化不是由紙上向電腦轉(zhuǎn)變,而是由書面交流向口頭交流的轉(zhuǎn)變。要填對這一空,關(guān)鍵得看后面的一句:那大幅度增加了面對面交流的次數(shù)。從后面這個句子中的that可以看出,前面的空應(yīng)該填入的是要實現(xiàn)從書面交流向口頭交流轉(zhuǎn)變的措施,實行了什么措施,才會增加face-to-face communication。選F:一天20次會議,一次10分鐘,供人交流。

第十二題,這題答案是最明顯的。前面說辦公室搬遷。后面接著就該說搬到哪里去了,選B,headed for是非常明顯的暗示。搬到了一個新建筑,同時也搬進了一個溝通的新時代。


第十四題,最后一段全是夸這個公司的,在組織模式上給了個人和組織很大的自由。這一空的前面介紹的是這種自由給組織帶來的第一個好處(first clear results),說在管理活動上所花的時間少了,效率因此提高了??崭窈竺媸堑诙€好處(also),那么空格的內(nèi)容就應(yīng)該是對第一個好處的進一步說明。選A,this savings是很明顯的,指前面花的時間比較少。A介紹的是能這么節(jié)省的原因。


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