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更新時間:2015-12-10 11:50:58 來源:環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 瀏覽198收藏59
摘要   【摘要】環(huán)球網(wǎng)校:2016年職稱英語考試即將開始報名,目前備考2016年職稱英語考試的考生也在循序漸進的復習中。對此,環(huán)球小編整理了《2016年職稱英語考試《衛(wèi)生類》全真模擬試題匯總》,希望備考2016年職稱



  第一部分 詞匯選項(環(huán)球網(wǎng)校2016年職稱英語考試《衛(wèi)生類》全真模擬試題第一套)


  1、Have you talked to her lately?





  2、While we don't agree, we continue to be friends.





  3、Jack is a diligent student.





  4、Mary said mildly, that she was just curious.





  5、The policeman wrote down all the particulars of the accident.





  6、I'm content with the way the campaign has gone.





  7、This table is strong and durable.



  C.far reaching


  8、He endured agonies before he finally expired.





  9、The girl is gazing at herself in the mirror.





  10、For urban areas this approach was wholly inadequate.





  11、Mary has blended the ingredients.





  12、They agreed to modify their policy.





  13、The economy continued to exhibit signs of decline in September.





  14、It is difficult to comprehend, but everything you have ever seen, smelt, heard .or felt is merely your brain's interpretation of incoming stimuli.





  15、The dentist has decided to extract her bad tooth.

  A.take out


  C.push in









  第2部分 閱讀判斷


  Survey Finds Many Women Misinformed about Cancer

  Sixty-three percent of American women think that if there's no family history of cancer. You're not likely to develop the disease, a new survey found.

  1n fact,most people who develop cancer have no family history of cancer。according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists(ACOG)(美國婦產(chǎn)科醫(yī)師學會),which sponsored the survey.

  "Too many women are dying from cancer。"Dr. Douglas W. Laube, ACOG's immediate

  past president,Said during a Friday teleconference. "An estimated 200070 women will die in the U. S. this year,and over 600. 078 women will be diagnosed with cancer. The results of this survey found a worrisome(令人擔憂的)gap in women's knowledge about cancer."

  Based on the findings ACOG is increasing its efforts to educate women about cancer and the need for regular screening tests.

  Although the survey found many misconceptions(錯誤觀念)about cancer, 76 percent of women surveyed did say they feel knowledgeable about how they can reduce their risk of the disease.

  However, only 52 percent said they were doing enough to reduce that risk. And 10 percent said they hadn't done anything in the past year to lower their risk. Seventeen percent said they wouldn't change their lifestyles even if changes would lower their cancer risk..

  Many women said they were afraid to undergo screening out of fear of finding cancer. Twenty percent said they didn't want to know if they had cancer.

  In response to these findings ACOG will launch on Oct. 2g a new website-Protect& Detect What Women should know about cancer. The guide is designed to help women to take charge of their health and improve their understanding of their risk of cancer-and the lifestyle steps they can take to cut that risk.

  16 Many American women have a poor knowledge of cancer.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  17 People with no family history of cancer are unlikely to develop cancer.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  18 More women are dying from cancer than men in America.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  19 Most American women know too little about how to lower their cancer risk.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  20 Some American women are just unwilling to change their lifestyles.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  21 Some American women are too afraid of finding cancer to undergo screening.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  22 ACOG's efforts to educate women about cancer will be greatly appreciated.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  參考答案:16. A l7. B l8. C l9. B 20. A 21. A 22. C








  Stanford University

  Stanford University, famous as one of northern California’s several institutions of higher learning, is sometimes called "the Harvard of the West." The closeness of Stanford to San Francisco, a city thirty-two miles to the north, gives the university a decidedly cosmopolitan flavor.

  The students are enrolled mainly from the western United State. But most of the fifty states send students to Stanford, and many foreign students study here, as well. And standards for admission remain high. Young men and women are selected to enter the university from the upper fifteen percent of their high school classes.

  Not only because of the high caliber of its students but also because of the desirable location and climate, Stanford has attracted to its faculty some of the world’s most respected scholars. The university staff has included many Nobel Prize winners such as Dr. Felix Bloch, Dr. Robert Hofstadter, and Dr. William Shockley in physics, Dr. Author Kornberg and Dr. Joshua Lederberg in medicine, and Dr. Paul J. Flory and Dr. Linus Pauling in chemistry. The Russian novelist Aleksander Solzhenistsyn has been in residence. Stanford’s undergraduate school of engineering and its graduate schools of business, law, and medicine are especially well-regarded.

  What is student life like on "The Farm"? Culturally, the campus is a magnet for both students and citizens of nearby communities. Plays, concerts, and operas are performed in the university’s several auditoriums and in its outdoor theater, where graduations are also held. Several film series are presented during the school year. Guest lecturers from public and academic life frequently appear on campus. In the evenings, many students gather to socialize in the Student Union’s coffee house; here the beverages an the atmosphere both have a decidedly European flavor. For the sports-minded, the Stanford campus offer highly developed athletic facilities. Team sports, swimming, and track and field activity are all very much part of the Stanford picture. So are bicycling and jogging.

  In addition to financial support from alumni, Stanford receives grants from the government and from private philanthropic foundations. In recent years, government grants have made possible advanced studies in the fields of history, psychology, education, and atomic energy. At presents Stanford is carrying out an ambitions building program, financed in part by the Ford Foundation’s 25 million grant. Recently added to the campus are a new physics building, new school of business, new graduate school of law, new student union, and undergraduate library.


  1. Paragraph 2______

  2. Paragraph 3______

  3. Paragraph 4______

  4. Paragraph 5______

  A Colorful life on the campus

  B Intelligent student body

  C School administration

  D Distinguished faculty

  E Substantial financial support

  F The Harvard of the west

  1. Paragraph 1

  2. Paragraph 3

  3. Paragraph 4

  4. Paragraph 6

  5. Those high school graduates who can enter Stanford University ______.

  6. Many professors like to teach in this university partly because here _____.

  7. On the faculty of the university there are ______.

  8. Financial support from both private organizations and the government has made possible _____.

  A they can find the best students

  B the university’s academic advancement and physical extension

  C some of the most distinguished scholars of the world

  D where a sports meet is held every year

  E must have been the top students in their class

  F must be hardworking

  參考答案:B D A E E A C B








  Eta Carinae

  As possibly the galaxy's (銀河) most massive star, Eta Carinae is now engaging in some very unusual behaviour. Australian astronomers, being in the Southern Hemisphere (半球), are able to observe it clearly.

  In the 19th century, Eta Carinae was for a time the third brightest star in the sky. It has now become less bright so that binoculars (雙筒望遠鏡) are needed to see it. "It seems to be brightening and becoming less bright over a period of many years", said Dr Bob Duncan from the Australia Telescope National Facility.

  While it is not unusual for stars to vary in brightness, the period is usually much shorter. "Since 1992 it has become four times brighter, and then last year it began to drop dramatically," he said.

  The problem in observing Eta Carinae is that it has been surrounded by a cloud of gas and dust, making it hard to see the star directly. However, radio waves and infrared light (紅外線) can pass through this cloud, so telescopes that receive these wavelengths can observe what is occurring.

  Eta Carinae is of particular interest to astronomers because it seems to be in its death throes (劇痛). Being so large it will end up as a supernova (超新星). There has not been a supernova in our galaxy since the invention of the telescope. While a 1987 explosion in a nearby galaxy gave astronomers plenty of valuable data, they are hungry for an even closer look.

  Eta Carinae has other unique features, and is the only star known to produce an ultraviolet (紫外線) laser that is brighter than that produced by the Sun. Lasers have been observed in other frequencies from a few stars.

  31 Eta Carinae is now engaging in

  A some very common behaviour.

  B some very dull behaviour.

  C some very frightening behaviour

  D some very strange behaviour.

  32 The word "period" in Paragraph 3 means the length of time

  A over which stars vary in brightness.

  B for which Eta Charinae's brightening lasts.

  C Eta Carinae takes to become a supernova.

  D it takes the laser from Eta Carinae to travel to the earth.

  33 Eta Carinae is hard to observe because

  A it is too far away.

  B there is too much dust and gas around it

  C the binoculars are not powerful enough.

  D it does not send out infrared light.

  4 Astronomers are particularly interested in Eta Carinae because

  A it is in its final stage.

  B it is a supernova.

  C it exploded in 1987.

  D it is brighter than the Sun.

  5 Which of the following statements about Eta Carinae is NOT true?

  A It will end up as a supernova.

  B It can be seen only through binoculars.

  C It is the only star that sends out an ultraviolet laser.

  D Its ultraviolet laser is brighter than that of the Sun.








  The influence of television

  About six years ago I was eating lunch in a restaurant in New York city when a woman and a young boy sat down at the next table.__________(46) At one point the woman asked :”So, how have you been? ”And the boy? who could not have been more than seven or eight years old? replied. ” Frankly, I ‘ve been feeling a little depressed latterly. ”

  This incident stuck in my mind deeply.___________ (47) As far as I can remember. My friends and I didn’t find out we were “depressed ”until we were in high school.

  The evidence of a change in children has increased steadily in recent years._________(48) Children speak more like adults, dress more like adults and behave more like adults than they used to .

  Whether this is good or bad is difficult to say, but it certainly is different .Childhood as it once was no longer exists, why?

  Human development is based not only on innate biological states ,but also on patterns of access to social knowledge. Movement from on social tote (生搬硬套) to another usually involves learning the secrets of the new status.._____________(49) Traditionally ,we tell sixth grades things we keep hidden from fifth graders.

  In the last 30 years , however ,a secret??revelation machine has been installed in 98 percent of the American homes._____________ (50) Television passes information ,and indiscriminately , to all viewers alike, be they children or adults. Unable to resist the temptation, many children turn attention from printed texts to the less challenging ,more vivid moving pictures.

  Actually , communication through print allows for great deal of control over the social information to which children have access. Children must read simple books before thy can read complex materials.

  A. it conformed my growing belief that children are changing.

  B. Children nowadays are influenced by television.

  C. I couldn’t help overhearing parts of their conversation.

  D. Children have always bee taught adult secrets, but slowly and in stages.

  E. Children don’t seem childlike anymore.

  F. It is called television.

  參考答案:C A E D F









  Our society, we must communicate with other people .A great deal of communicating is performed on a person-to person basis by the simple means of speech. If we travel in buses, stand in football match ____________(51),we are likely to have conversations _____________(52) we give information or opinions ,and sometimes have our views ___________(53) by other members of society.

  Face to face contact is ____________(54) the only form of communication ,and during the last two hundreds years the art of mass communication has become one of the dominating factors of contemporary society. Two things ,____________(55) others, have caused the enormous growth of the communication industry, firstly ,inventiveness has_____________(56) advances in printing ,photography and so on . Secondly, speed has revolutionized the transmission and reception of communications so that local news often_____________(57) a back seat to national news .

  No longer is the possession of information ______________(58) to a privileged minority .forty years ago ,people used to flock to the cinema, but now far more people sit at home and turn on the TV to watch a program that is being ____________(59) into millions of houses, communication is no longer merely concerned ______________(60) the transmission of information . the modern communications industry influences the way people live society and broadens their horizons by allowing access to information ,education and entertainment ,the printing ,broadcasting and advertising industries are all__________(61) with informing ,educating and entertaining , ________(62) a great deal of the material communicated by the mass media is very valuable to the individual and to the society __________(63) which he is a part, the vast modern network of communications is __________(64) to abuse.however ,the mass media are with us for better, for worse, and there is no turning _____________(65).

  51 A line B queues C rows D files

  52 A whereas B which C that D where

  53 A expressed B voiced C agreed D challenged

  54 A by all means B by any means C by no means D by some mans

  55 A below B above C over D beyond

  56 A resulted from B translated into C led to D converted into

  57 A offers B chooses C takes D leaves

  58 A prohibited B provided C allowed D confined

  59 A channeled B turned C discharged D moved

  60 A about B with C to D for

  61 A engaged B involved C occupied D dealt

  62 A although B since C if D even if

  63 A with B for C by D of

  64 A possible B likely C close D open

  65 A away B over C down D back

  參考答案:B D D C B C C D A B B A D D D




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