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摘要 2014年職稱英語理工類A級詞匯選項題

  ?1. Even in a highly modernized country, manual work is still needed.

  A expressive B physical C exaggerated D dubious

  +2. Techniques to harness the energy of the sun are being developed.

  A convert B store C utilize D receive

  3. Many residents of apartment complexes object to noisy neighbors, A managers B occupants C landlords D caretakers

  *4. The steadily rising cost of labor on the waterfront has greatly increased the cost of shipping cargo by water.

  A continuously B quickly C excessively D exceptionally

  *5. Hundreds of years ago cloves were used to remedy headaches. A disrupt B diagnose C evaporate D cure

  ?6. John Hanson helped draft instructions for Maryland’s delegates to the Stamp Act Congress. A clarify B formulate C revise D contribute

  7. Practically all species of animals communicate either through sounds or through a large repertory of

  soundless codes. A Simultaneously B Almost C Absolutely D Basically

  8. Sulphur has occasionally been found in the earth in an almost pure state. A regularly B accidentally C sometimes D successfully

  9. When doves are about two weeks old, they are covered with grey feathers and are ready to try their wings. A grow B wrap C hide D test

  10. I rarely wear a raincoat because I spend most of my time in a car. A normally B seldom C continuously D usually

  *l l. When she was invited to the party, she readily accepted. A willingly B suddenly C firmly D quickly

  ?12. The dentist has decided to extract her bad tooth. A take out B repair C pull D dig

  13. You must shine your shoes. A lighten B clean C wash D polish

  *14. The majority of people around here are decent people. A honest B rich C good-looking D high-ranking

  ?15. A deadly disease has affected these animals. A contagious B serious C fatal D worrying


  1. B manual (手的;體力的 )與 physical (身體的,體力的 )意思相近。 Their physical strength was their pride.健壯的體魄是他們的驕傲。 expressive:富于表情的。 He had an expressive face.他有一張表情豐富的臉。 exaggerated:夸張的。 Everyone was listening to his vivid but exaggerated description or the event.每個人都在

  聽他對事件的生動但夸張的描述。 dubious:懷疑的。 These goods are of dubious origin.這些東西的來路令人懷疑。 manual gestures也可以說成 hand gestures (手勢)。

  2. C harness此處與 utilise意思相近:利用。 More efficient ways to utilise wind energy and tidal power are being studied.人們正在研究更有效地利用風(fēng)能和潮汐能量的方法。 convert:轉(zhuǎn)換。 A solar cell takes radiation from the sun and converts it into electricity.太陽能電池吸收太陽光線,并將其轉(zhuǎn)成電。 store:儲存。 We hope to be able to store solar energy in the summer months and use it in winter.我們希望能夠在夏天把太陽能儲存起,在冬天使用。 receive:接收,收到。 I received a letter from my brother.我收到我弟弟的一封信。

  3. B resident:居民,住戶。與 occupant (居住者;占用者 )意思相近。 A 12-ycar-old boy and a dog were the sole occupants of the big house.這所大房子里只住著一個十二歲的男孩和一條狗。 manager:經(jīng)理;管理人。 All the managers agreed that this was a good idea.所有經(jīng)理都認(rèn)為這是個好主意。 landlord:房東;地主。 The landlord doesn’t want to reduce the rent.房東不打算降低房租。 caretaker:夜間看管空房子的人。 You should inform the caretakers of the changes to the alarm system.你應(yīng)該讓守夜的人知道改變警報系統(tǒng)的事。

  4. A steadily:穩(wěn)定地。在此句中有“穩(wěn)步地,不斷地”的意思,與 continuously (不斷地)意思相近。 The volcano has been erupting continuously since March.這座火山自三月起一直不斷地噴發(fā)。 quickly:迅速地。 The boss wants us to finish the project more quickly than before.老板要我們比以前更快地完成這個項目。 Excessively:過度地;過量地。 He laughed excessively, making us question his sincerity.他笑得太過分了,使我們懷疑他的真誠。 exceptionally:例外地。 This October has been exceptionally wet.今年十月雨下得出奇地多。

  5. D remedy:治療;補(bǔ)救。與 cure (治療)是近義詞。 Herbal medicine can be used to cure sleeplessness.中藥可用來治療失眠。 disrupt:破壞;分裂。 They made several attempts to disrupt our meetings.他們屢次試圖破壞我們的集會。 diagnose:診斷。Routine tests will diagnose the condition accurately.常規(guī)檢查會準(zhǔn)確地診斷病情。 evaporate:蒸發(fā);使脫水。 Heat evaporate water熱使水蒸發(fā)。

  6. B draft:起草,設(shè)計。與 formulate (制定)意思相近。 We will formulate a policy that will promote rather than hinder peace.我們將制定一項促進(jìn)和平而不是阻礙和平的政策。 clarify:澄清。The committee asked him to clarify his points.委員會要他澄清他的觀點。 revise:修改,修訂。 Professor Jones twice asked Tom to revise his essay.瓊斯教授兩次要湯姆修改他的文章。 contribute:作貢獻(xiàn);起作用。 Exchange of ideas contributes greatly to mutual understanding.交換看法大大有助于相互了解。

  7. B practically:幾乎,與 almost (幾乎)是同義詞。 In Oxford Street you can buy almost anything.在牛津街你差不多什么都可以買到。 simultaneously:同時地。 She holds both views simultaneously.她同時持有這兩種觀點。 absolutely:絕對地。 Curing cancer to the current medical knowledge is absolutely impossible.就目前的醫(yī)學(xué)知識來說,治愈癌癥絕對不可能。 basically:基本地。 What he told the investigating committee was basically true.他對調(diào)查委員會所說的話基本屬實。

  8. C occasionally與 sometimes意思相近 :有時;偶爾。 I drink coffee only occasionally.我只是偶爾才喝咖啡。regularly:定期地,有規(guī)律地。 The doctor told him to check his blood pressure regularly.大夫要他定期地查血壓。 accidentally:意外地;偶然地。 I accidentally found the book I had been looking for.我偶然找到我

  一直在找的書。 successfully:成功地。 We have completed the experiment successfully.我們成功地做完了實驗。

  9. D try跟 test意思相近:試,嘗試。 We are not ready to test the new design yet.我們尚未做好對新設(shè)計進(jìn)行試驗的準(zhǔn)備。 grow:成長;生長。 It is a very peculiar experience to one’s child grow.看著孩子長大,有一種獨特的感受。 wrap:包;包裹。 He told the shop assistant not to wrap it yet; he wanted to examine it more closely.他告訴售貨員先不要包起來,他要仔細(xì)看看。 hide:藏;隱藏。 He told the boss that he had nothing to hide.他對老板說他沒有什么可隱瞞的。

  10. B rarely:很少,不常。 seldom:很少,不常。 She seldom showed her feelings.她很少流露她的感情。 rarely和 seldom是否定副詞。放在句首時引起倒裝。 Rarely (or Seldom) have I heard such beautiful singing.我很少聽到這么優(yōu)美的歌聲。 continuously:連續(xù)不斷地。 The river flows continuously along the frontier of the country.這條河沿著國家的邊境綿綿不斷地流著。 usually:通常。Influenza usually breaks out in winter.流感常見于冬天。

  11. A readily:樂意地;迅速地。 willingly:樂意地。 If you don’t come willingly, I shall have to use force.如果你不是心甘情愿地來的話,我將不得不訴諸武力。 suddenly:突然。Her expression suddenly altered.她的表情突然變了。 firmly:堅固地;堅定地。 The front door is locked and all the windows arc firmly shut.前門鎖著,并且所有的窗戶都關(guān)得死死的。 quickly迅速地。Her heart began to beat very quickly.她的心臟開始非常迅速地跳動。

  12. A extract:取出;拔出。 take out:取出;撥出。 The dentist took out five of Mary’s teeth. 牙醫(yī)拔掉了瑪麗的五顆牙。 repair:補(bǔ)。The garage charged me forty dollars to repair the car.修車廠要了我 40美元修車費。 pull:拉。The horse is pulling a cart.馬拉著車。 pull out:拔。The dentist pulled out all her bad teeth.牙醫(yī)撥掉了她所有的壞牙。 dig:挖掘。We shall have to dig through the mountains to lay this pipe.為了鋪設(shè)這條管道,我們得挖通這座大山。

  13. D shine:照亮,發(fā)光。 polish:擦亮。Each morning he shaves and polishes his shoes.每天早晨,他都刮臉,擦鞋。 lighten:發(fā)亮;照亮。 The sky lightened after the rain ended.雨過天晴。 clean:消除。 He cleaned the dirt off the coat.他擦掉了外套上的污垢。 wash:洗。He washed the dirt off the coat.他把外套上的污垢洗掉了。

  14. A decent:正派的。 honest:誠實的;正派的。 He is honest and never tells lies.他是個從不說謊的老實人。 rich:富的。One of their aims in life is to get rich.他們生活中的一個目標(biāo)是致富。 good-looking:漂亮的。Mary noticed John because he was good-looking.約翰相貌英俊,引起了瑪麗的注意。 high-ranking:地位高的。 He is a. high-ranking army officer.他是一位高級陸軍軍官。

  15. C deadly:致命的。 fatal:致命的。 His illness was fatal to our plans, i. e. cause them to fail. 他的病對我們的計劃是致命性的,也就是說,使我們的計劃落空了。 contagious:傳染性的。 Chicken pox is a contagious disease.水痘是一種傳染病。 serious:嚴(yán)重的。 Doctors said that his conditions were serious but stable.醫(yī)生說他的情況嚴(yán)重但還穩(wěn)定。 worrying:令人擔(dān)心的。 His conditions are worrying to us.他的情況令我們擔(dān)憂。



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