
Many pl‘s favorite hob is sports. Ty spend + - thr spr tm play(g) team game like footb/baseb, games for(4) 2/4 pl, like tennis, or golf. Sm pl like 2 prac . Indiv spt like run(g)/swim(g). Pl usually prac . Spt 4 at least 3 reason. 1st, ty enjoy it & 2st, ty feel . Nd 2 kp fit __ tt ty feel +2 after ty had sm exer.
Many people‘s favorite hobby is sports. They spend much of their spare time playing team games like football or baseball, games for two or four people, like tennis, or golf. Some people like to practice an individual sport like running or swimming. People usually practice a sport for at least three reasons. First, they enjoy it and second, they feel a need to keep fit in that they feel better after they had some exercise.
But spt is not just 4 participants. Its 4 spect(o) too. M ? pl all over the world spend hs every wk watch(g) spt event on tv, / at stadiums. Pl enjoy be(g) fans/supp(o) ? 1 team & many prof. are now as pop & fame as the +3 great Hollywd movie star.
But sport is not just for participants. Its for spectators too. Millions of people all over the world spend hours every week watching sports events on television, or at stadiums. People enjoy being “fans” or “supporters” of one team and many professionals are now as popular and famous as the greatest Hollywood movie stars.
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