來源: 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 2020-01-10 10:34:21 頻道: 新概念

Have you ever wondered or imagined what you would have looked like in the 1920s? Would you have been a flapper girl or stuck to a style a lot more conventional?


If you've ever considered you in another era, you've got to check out teenager Annalisa Hartlaub's photography project looking at culture and counterculture from the 1920s to the present day。


1、1920s: Mainstream vs. Flapper

20世紀20年代:主流裝扮 VS 摩登少女

2、1930s: Those less affected by the Great Depression vs those very affected。

20世紀30年代:受經(jīng)濟大蕭條影響不大 VS 深受大蕭條苦難

Through a series of 10 pictures, she documents how she believes she would have looked had she conformed to aesthetic norms vs been a bit more rebellious in the style of the time。


3、1940s: Mainstream vs. Hepcat

20世紀40年代:主流發(fā)型 VS 爵士發(fā)型

The 16-year-old photography student at Ohio State University told the Huffington Post: "I've always been fascinated, and a bit infatuated, with counterculture and how it shapes society and mainstream culture as well. So I decided to mix that interest with my love of fashion, makeup, and photography to create something."


4、1950s: Mainstream vs. Beatnik

20世紀50年代:主流著裝 VS 奇裝異服

The end result is pretty amazing. Hartlaub has used a filter on each picture to make it look more authentic, considered hair, beauty and fashion through the ages and compared the mainstream look to something that would have been considered a lot more radical。


5、1960s: Mainstream vs. Hippie

20世紀60年代,主流 VS 嬉皮風

It highlights that these days, you can pretty much get away with anything。


6、1970s: Mainstream vs. Yippie

20世紀70年代:主流 VS 雅皮士

Hartlaub told PolicyMic that for her the '60s and '70s embodied the strongest gap between the culture and countercultural trends。


7、1980s: Mainstream vs. Punk

20世紀80年代:主流 VS 朋克風

8、1990s: Mainstream vs. Grunge

20世紀90年代:主流 VS 油漬搖滾風

9、2000s: Mainstream vs. Boho

21世紀:主流 VS 波西米亞風

10、2010s: Mainstream vs. Hipster

2010年以后:主流 VS 時尚達人
