來源: 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 2019-12-30 09:40:54 頻道: 新概念

The modern versions of “I’m afraid of commitment” and “It’s not you, it’s me。”

分手時爛大街的話 “我害怕承諾”以及“不是你的問題,是我的”,現(xiàn)在有了與時俱進的新版本:

1. “I feel like we’re moving too fast。”


If a person says this and then suggests slowing down a little bit (maybe seeing/texting each other less during the week or whatever) then they are probably reacting accordingly to things getting serious more quickly than they’d like。


Fine! Understandable! If a person says this and then suggests no longer seeing each other at all (or [ugh] “taking a break”) then they’ve realized that they are no longer interested in this budding relationship but would rather end on infuriatingly open-ended terms than risk confrontation。


2. “I don’t want to hurt you。”


This one is baffling because there exists a vast middle ground between “being in a relationship and hurting someone” and “not being in a relationship and not hurting someone。” Part of it is “being in a relationship and not hurting someone”!

這個比較麻煩,因為在“談戀愛傷害對方” 和“不在一起不傷害對方” 之間有一個巨大的灰色地帶。因為也可以“在一起但不傷害對方” 啊!

So it’s strange that the person using this line thinks that the person being dumped doesn’t understand this? No one who hears this feels grateful for their feelings being spared. They might feel grateful for avoiding dating a turd。


3. “I’m not looking for a relationship。”


On its own, this is a completely valid statement. Not everyone is looking for a relationship, and sometimes people who are both looking for relationships are actually looking for different ones! Different strokes, you know?


But it is without a doubt the worst kind of person who says they aren’t looking for a relationship, allows the other person to walk away feeling like they experienced an honest and amicable parting of ways with a decent human whom they will think of fondly, and then announces their new relationship on Facebook three days later。


4. “I’m just so fucked up right now。”


Hahaha OK, one second, because our eyes will literally never stop rolling. Sure, maybe it’s true. Maybe this person is “so fucked up。” But first of all, WHO ISN’T? And second of all, maybe stop? “So fucked up” isn’t a fixed trait. It’s like the person who says, “I know I’m late all the time, but that’s just me!” An acknowledgment isn’t the end of the conversation. Being late all the time is rude. This statement means nothing. Stop doing it。

哈哈,好,一秒鐘休息,我們的眼睛從來不會停止轉(zhuǎn)動。當然,也許這是真的。也許這個人真的“心力交瘁”,但首先,誰不是這樣呢?其次,能停下來么?“心力交瘁”不是一個可以修復(fù)的特征。就好像一個人說“我知道我每次都遲到,但這就是我!' 自我承認不能作為對話的結(jié)束,每次都遲到就是不禮貌的表現(xiàn)。這種說辭無濟于事。所以省省吧。

5. “I don’t deserve you。”


This one is so sneakily manipulative, because it seems like it’s about how you, as the person being dropped, are an untouchable god among men (which, maybe you are!) but in reality it’s about how the other person is working through a martyr complex. It might even lead to the most absurd of scenarios, in which the dumpee actually comforts the dumper!


We would never condemn insecurity, but if a person is truly interested in pursuing a relationship with someone who intimidates them, they’ll just do what everyone else does (i.e., lie about how smart/funny/interesting they are until they reach a level of comfort at which they can drop it)


6. “I’m just really busy right now。”


Nobody who was ever genuinely interested in someone, and in carrying out a relationship with that person, lost interest because he or she had too many meetings that week. “I’m too busy” is an often aggravating, self-important way of expressing something that isn’t wrong or illegitimate to feel — if you’d rather not spend any of your free time with someone, that’s OK and good to know. But that’s about the person, not about the other obligations. Also: Literally everyone thinks they’re really busy right now。


7. “I’m just bad at this stuff。”


This is one of many self-pitying breakup cliches that sound like admissions of personal failure, but aren’t — a close cousin of “I’m so fucked up right now,” “I’m just bad at this stuff” romanticizes flaws like inability to communicate, manage one’s time, and treat other people with respect。

分手的時候這算是最常聽見的陳詞濫調(diào)之一,好像是對自己人生失敗的一種總結(jié),實際不是——這句話的姊妹篇就是“我現(xiàn)在真的心力交瘁”,“我不擅長處理感情問題” 把那些不善交際、無法合理安排時間、不懂尊重別人等等缺點給美化了。

It’s one thing to realize you’ve got some things you want to work on, alone, but it’s another to use that recognition as a free pass to flail around helplessly. Being “bad at stuff” isn’t just about the person who says it — it also affects the person who has to deal with it。

意識到自己有想做的事情是一回事,同時,把這句話當成是可以不負責任的說辭是另外一回事。“不擅長處理感情” 已經(jīng)跟說這話的人無關(guān)了——也會影響那個跟你在一起的人啊。

8. “I still care about you。”


This one very much DEPENDS, of course, but saying TOO many nice or seemingly romantic things during a breakup can be confusing. Compliments don’t soften the blow, they twist the knife. If you extoll the other person’s virtues for too long, in too much depth, they’re bound to wonder why, then, you don’t want to be together。


It’s obviously OK to hope you can make peace with an ex, but don’t throw out the “I still care about you” line just because you think it’ll make a breakup easier to swallow。

當然你跟前任做朋友也完全沒問題,但不要丟下諸如 “我還是關(guān)心你的” 這樣的話,哪怕你覺得這話說出來能減輕分手的痛苦。

9. “I just wish we’d met a few years from now。”


And we wish teleportation were real, and that it was eating brownies and not celery that burned more calories than those ingested, and that Lance Bass had been allowed to go to space. But what would the world be like if any of those things were true? We will never know!!! Just like we don’t know what it means to wish “we’d met a few years from now。” Why are you so convinced you’ll have your shit together by then? That seems overly optimistic。

我們也希望能瞬間移動,吃布朗寧的時候會消耗而非吸收更多的卡路里,蘭斯·貝斯被允許進入太空。如果我們希望的都能實現(xiàn),這個世界會變成什么模樣?我們永遠也不會知道!就好像我們永遠不會知道“多希望我們早幾年遇見” 意味著什么一樣。你憑什么這么相信那時候我們也能在一起?這也太過于樂觀了吧。

10. “[Nothing]” / Ghosting


Ghosting, or completely disappearing on someone you’ve been dating for any length of time over a week, is completely gross and totally indefensible. It’s thoughtless, lazy, and cruel, and don’t let your self-excusing lizard brain tell you otherwise。


You know what is the easiest thing to do in the entire world? Texting someone. It has literally never been easier to break up with someone in five seconds. If you can’t bring your sad self to do ANYTHING else, say SOMETHING. ANYTHING. Anything on this list is better than nothing。

