新概念雙語:辦公室午睡好處多 三招讓你睡得更香
來源: 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 2019-10-17 09:09:08 頻道: 新概念

Research has shown that a power nap—a sleep episode lasting 10–30 minutes—can boost alertness and mood. Even a doze lasting just six minutes can mean a profound increase in declarative memory performance, according to a 2008 Journal of Sleep Research study. But if you want to brave the desk snooze, first get your boss on board. “Tell him or her, ‘If I’m giving 110% and I’m taking 15 minutes just to close my eyes, shouldn’t that be more accepted than solitaire?’” says veteran office napper Ronit Rogoszinski, C.F.P., a wealth advisor at Arch Financial Group, in Garden City, N.Y. Here’s her technique for a proper snooze:

研究表明,小睡一會(10-30分鐘)可以提高注意力和士氣。2008年的《睡眠研究雜志》指出,即使是持續(xù)僅僅6分鐘的打盹也能夠顯著地增加敘述性記憶表現(xiàn)。但是如果你想勇敢的在桌上小睡,首先要把老板也拉下水。紐約州花園城Arch金融集團的財富顧問,辦公室打盹資深人士Ronit Rogoszinski說,“告訴你的老板,‘如果我完成的工作量為110%,并且我花15分鐘只是閉上眼睛,這不是比紙牌游戲更容易接受嗎?’”下面是她合理小睡的一些技巧。

1. “Never lean forward and bury your face in your arms. And avoid arching your back. It’s better to recline a little. It’s all about getting comfortable and taking pressure off your lower back。”

1 “不要趴在桌上把頭埋進手臂里。并且避免弓背。最好是后仰一點。這樣都是為了更舒適,減少背部壓力。”

2. “If you can raise your feet just a few inches off the ground, it’s ideal. I never put my feet on the desk—I just put them up on a shoebox. For whatever reason, that little bit of elevation in the feet makes all the difference in the world。”

2 “如果你可以把腳抬離地面幾英尺,這樣最好了。我從來不把腳擱桌上-我只是把他們擱在一個鞋盒子上面。無論何種原因,腳距離地面的這一點點高度讓世界變得大不不同。

3. “When you close your eyes, take long, deep breaths and concentrate on breathing very slowly. The best way I can describe it is to just imagine yourself powering down. If your office is loud, use ear plugs.And cross your arms. You’ll find it’s more comfortable than letting them dangle or sit on the armrests. And it provides a small blanket-like warmth that helps you doze。”

3 ”當你閉上眼睛時,長長地緩慢地深呼吸,并且把意識集中在呼吸上。我能夠描述的最好的方式是想象你自己在休眠。如果你的辦公室太吵鬧了,那么使用耳塞。交叉雙臂。你會發(fā)現(xiàn)這比讓他們隨意下垂或是放在扶手上更加舒服。這就像自備了一條小毯子,暖和能幫助你打盹。
