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  Teaching and learning

  Many teachers believe that the responsibilities for learning lie with the student. If a long reading assignment is given, instructors expect students to be familiar with the (1)________in the reading even if they do not discuss it in class or take an examination. The (2) _______ student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn for the sake of(3) _______, not the one interested only in getting high grades. Sometimes homework is returned(4) _______ brief written comments but without a grade. Even if a grade is not given, the student is(5) _______ for learning the material assigned. When research is(6) _______ , the professor expects the student to take it actively and to complete it with(7) _______ guidance. It is the student's responsibility to find books, magazines, and articles in the library. Professors do not have the time to explain(8) _______ a university library works; they expect students(9) _______ graduate students to exhaust the reference(10) _______ in the library. Professors will help students who need it, but(11) _______ that their students should not be (12) _______ dependent on them. In the United Stats professors have many other duties (13) _______ teaching, such as administrative or research work. Therefore, the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is (14) _______ . If a student has problems with classroom work , the student should either (15) _______ a professor during office hours or make an appointment.


  assignment n. 任務(wù),作業(yè)

  administrative adj. 管理的, 行政的

  motivate V. 剌激,激發(fā)……的積極性

  appointment n. 約定,約會

  exhaust V. 耗盡,使筋疲力盡;徹底 討論


  1. ...lie with ... :……是……的責(zé)任

  2. ... for the sake of learning ... :……為了學(xué)習(xí)……

  3. ... approach a professor during office hours ... :……在辦公時間見老師……


  1. A) suggestion B) context C) abstract D) information

  2. A) poor B) ideal C) average D) disappointed

  3. A) fun B) work C) learning D) prize

  4. A) by B) in C) for D) with

  5. A) criticized B) innocent C) responsible D) dismissed

  6. A) collected B) distributed C) assigned D) finished

  7. A) maximum B) minimum C)possible D) practical

  8 A) when B) what C)why D) how

  9. A) particularly B) essentially C) obviously D) rarely

  10. A) selections B) collections C) sources D) origins

  11. A) hate B) dislike C) like D) prefer

  12. A) too B) such C)much D) more

  13. A) but B) except C) with D) besides

  14. A) plentiful B) limited C) irregu1ar D) flexible

  15. A) greet B) annoy C) approach D) attach


  1. D 綜合第一句的大意,只有 D 選項"信息"填在這里恰當(dāng),A 選項的意思是"提議,暗示" ,B"語境,上下文" ,C"摘要"。

  2. B 此句大意為"理想的學(xué)生是為了學(xué)習(xí)而學(xué)習(xí)",只有 ideal最符合要求,故選 B。

  3. C 本文講的是與學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)相關(guān)的內(nèi)容,A,B,D 均不合文意及句意,故排除。

  4. D 此處要區(qū)分幾個介詞的含義,be returned with 一般有"帶著……回來"之意,此句意為 "有時,被發(fā)回來的作業(yè)上只有簡短的評價,并無分數(shù)"。be returned by 意為"被……帶回來",而 for ,in 于此搭配不當(dāng),答案選 D。

  5. C be responsible for 是固定搭配,表示"對……負責(zé)任"。其他選項放在此處都不合上下文含意。

  6. C 此句意思是"當(dāng)一項研究課題被選定時,教授們期望學(xué)生積極去做"。A 和 D 不合題意,

  最大的干擾項 B 意思為"分配,分布",一般指一個整體被分散給許多個體,與之相比,C 選項更為合適。

  7. B 老師肯定希望學(xué)生能夠在盡可能少的指導(dǎo)下完成研究。只有 B 選項意為"最小的",為正確答案。

  8. D 首先排除 B 選項,因為此處需要一個關(guān)系副詞充當(dāng)賓語從句的狀語,而 what 是關(guān)系代


  和 C 雖然符合語法要求,但放此處意思不通,故選 D。

  9. A A 選項意為"尤其" ,B"本質(zhì)上" ,C"明顯地",D"很少地,難得"。此處強調(diào)畢業(yè)生,A 選項較為合適。

  10. C 此句意為"教授們期望學(xué)生,尤其是研究生閱盡圖書館中的文獻資源 "。 A 意為"選集",B 為"集合",兩者一般都指文學(xué)作品的"集合",而此處是學(xué)術(shù)界的文獻。C 與 D 選項都有"來源,源頭"的意思,但 D 選項側(cè)重于"起源,開端",C 更側(cè)重于"原始資料",為正確答案。

  11. D 根據(jù)下文意思,A和B 選項可直接排除,教授們肯定是喜歡學(xué)生不依賴他們,不是不喜歡。D 選項的含義比 C 選項更遞進了一步,符合題意,故選D。

  12. A dependent 是形容詞,前面不能與 such ,much 搭配,D 選項 more 放在此處構(gòu)成比較級,但前文并無原級與之相比較,因此只剩下 A 為答案,此句意為"教授們愿意幫助那些需要幫助的學(xué)生,但更希望學(xué)生不要太過依賴他們"。

  13. D 此題重點在于區(qū)分三個有"除……之外"含義的介詞。A 選項一般翻譯成"而不是,并不是" ,B 選項意為"除去……之外",D 選項意為"除去……之外還……",此句意思為"美國的教授除了教書之外還有許多其他的職責(zé)",故 D 為答案。

  14. B 根據(jù)上文含義,一個教授能花在學(xué)生身上的時間一定是有限的,A,C,D 不合題意,直接排除,B 選項為正確答案。

  15. C 此題還是承接上文含義,正因為教授時間有限,因此學(xué)生若想與之溝通,定要等教授在學(xué)校的時候,或是提前約好。C 選項意為"接近,靠近",為正確答案,其他選項意思與文意不符,A 為"問候" ,B 為"使……厭惡",D 為"依附,伴隨,添加"。









  Before 1933, and particularly during the period 1929-33, bank failures were not uncommon. _1_ a bank overextended itself in creating credit or if several of its important loans could not be _2_, depositors in the bank would frequently become panicky and begin to make large withdrawals. __3__ the bank had only a small number of its deposits backed by currency, the band would soon be unable to meet withdrawals, and most depositors __4__ their money. Most frequently a bank merely needed time to improve its cash position by __5__ some of its loans and not making additional ones. In 1933, the number of bank failures __6__ a peak, forcing the federal government to intervene and __7__ the banks temporarily. To help restore the public's confidence __8__ banks and strengthen the banking community, Congress passed legislation setting up the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. __9__ corporation, an agency of the federal government, now insures over 90 percent of all mutual savings and commercial bank deposits for __10__ $100,000 per deposit. The FDIC has __11__ its insurance fund by charging member institutions one-twelfth of 1 percent of their total deposits.

  As a result of the protection provided by the FDIC and through other kinds of supervision, bank failures have been __12__ to a few isolated instances. When deposits are federally insured, people __13__ rush to withdraw their money if they __14__ the financial condition of their bank. The delay gives the banks the necessary time to adjust their cash credit balance, and this action helps to reduce the __15__ of bankruptcy. For an example of the value of the FDIC, note that the failure in 1974 of the huge Franklin National Bank did not touch off a panic, and that depositors lost no money as Franklin was taken over by another bank.


  1. A) Although B) Even if C) If D) Because

  2. A) repaid B) deposited C) found D) saved

  3. A) Because B) Because of C) As a result D) considering

  4. A) lost B) had lost C) will lose D) would lose

  5. A) calling on B) calling for C) calling off D) calling in

  6. A) fell from B) reached C) climbed up D) arrived

  7. A) closed B) closing C) close D) has closed

  8. A) to B) in C) of D) into

  9. A) For the B) This C) As a D) A

  10. A) up to B) as much C) as many as D) equal

  11. A) built up B) build up C) been built D) build

  12. A) growing B) increased C) reduced D) disappeared

  13. A) no B) any more C) no longer D) not

  14. A) become concerned about B) become concerned with

  C) become concerned in D) concern

  15. A) likely B) possibility C) possibly D) opportunity










  Let's Have a Little Cooperation Please

  Cia Andina do Triconos (CATSA), a Bolivian joint venture of the U.S. Dresser Industries and local investors, which and based its investment _____(1)_____ an allocation under the metalworking program, closed its doors after _____(2)____ to penetrate the Andean market after more than two years in operation.

  The prospect of _____(3)_____ access to the Andean market, plus protection provided by a 55 percent "ad valorem" common outer tariff on bits sourced from outside the bloc, made the sales outlook seem _____(4)_____.

  However, CATSA's "monopoly" position in Ancom proved specious. _____(5)_____ the plant went on stream in 1974, the company was never able to export a single drill bit to the Andean market; and its local sales were _____(6)_____ a state-owned petroleum company. This market was clearly _____(7)_____, since the operation had been based on exporting the bulk of the plant's 200-unit-per-month capacity to the Andean area.

  CATSA could not penetrate the Ancom market for several reasons:

  Although Ancom _____(8)_____ a 55-percent common outer tariff on third-country imports, some Ancom countries had previously _____(9)_____ LAFTA (Latin American Free Trade Association) tariff concessions, which take precedence over the Ancom tariffs.

  Ancom members simply did not _____(10)_____ the spirit of the metalworking agreement. After the installation of the CATSA facility, plants producing tricone bits _____(11)_____ in Peru and Venezuela. Under the metalworking program, participating _____(12)_____ were committed to prohibiting new foreign investment in allocations of other Ancom countries. But on the question of new investment by local industry, the obligation was only not to encourage it, with no requirement to prevent it. _____(13)_____ Venezuela, it has no commitment to limit local production or to honor the outer tariff, because it was not yet a member of Ancom when the metalworking agreement was signed and was thus not a _____(14)_____ to the pact.

  Also, according to Bolivia, Colombia and Ecuador employed _____(15)_____ obstacles to avoid applying the common outer tariff.

  The withdrawal of Chile from Ancom cost Bolivia a lucrative potential market too.

  1. A) in

  B) to

  C) under

  D) on

  2. A) fail B) to fail C) failing D) succeeding

  3. A) no duty B) no-duty C) duty-bound D) duty-free

  4. A) good B) well C) bad D) badly

  5. A) So B) Although C) But D) Therefore

  6. A) confined to B) confined in C) expanded to D) exported to

  7. A) big enough B) sufficient C) too big D) insufficient

  8. A) has got B) got C) has imposed D) has imposed on

  9. A) admitted B) admitting C) granting D) granted

  10. A) learn B) honor C) take D) give

  11. A) are put B) are established C) were set up D) had set up

  12. A) member government B) members government C) member governments D) members governments

  13. A) In case of B) In the case of C) In case D) On case

  14. A) party B) member C) person D) partner

  15. A) a series of B) a great deal of C) a large amount of D) a great number










  An Absent-minded Professor

  Professor Smith lived alone. He was very absent-minded. He used to __1__ the university to give a lecture and find that he had forgotten to bring his notes. Or he __2__ lose his spectacles and be unable to see the __3__. He could never find any chalk to __4__ with, and he often forgot the time and would ramble __5__ for hours because he had __6__ his watch at home. But the most __7__ thing of all about him was his __8__. His overcoat was rarely __9__, as most of the buttons were __10__. His shoes were usually untied because he had lost the laces. He __11__ his comb as well because his hair was always standing __12__, that is unless he was __13__ his battered old hat with the brim missing. His trousers were __14__ by an old tie instead of a belt. He was a chain smoker. He would smoke __15__ in class. Cigarette ash was liberally scattered over his waistcoat.

  1. A) arrive in B) arrive at C) arrive D) arriving

  2. A) was used to B) was accustomed to C) could D) would

  3. A) blackboard B) floor C) door D) window

  4. A) teach B) deliver C) write D) address

  5. A) of B) at C) in D) on

  6. A) put B) placed C) left D) forgotten

  7. A) exciting B) amazing C) attractive D) delightful

  8. A) appearance B) act C) behavior D) conduct

  9. A) tied B) fastened C) ironed D) patched

  10. A) losing B) falling C) missing D) hanging

  11. A) has lost B) loses C) must have lost D) must lose

  12. A) on end B) up C) aside D) back

  13. A) putting on B) wearing on C) wearing D) having

  14. A) rounded up B) stuck together C) put together D) held up

  15. A) even B) frequently C) constantly D) continuously







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