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摘要 環(huán)球整理的關(guān)于2006年中石油職稱英語(yǔ)考試閱讀真題,希望對(duì)大家備考有所幫助


  Reading Comprehension

  (書(shū)外文章) Television was not invented by any one person. Nor did it spring into being overnight. It developed gradually, over a long period, from the ideas of many people - each one building on the work of their predecessors’. The process began in 1873, when it was accidentally discovered that the electrical resistance of the element selenium (硒) varied in proportion to the intensity of the light shining on it. Scientists quickly recognized that this provided a way of transforming light variations into electrical signals. Almost immediately a number of schemes were proposed for sending pictures by wire (it was, of course, before radio).

  One of the earliest of these schemes was patterned on the human eye. Suggested by G. R. Carey in 1875. It envisioned (想像,展望) a mosaic (感光嵌鑲幕) of selenium cells on which the picture to be transmitted would be focused by a lens system. At the receiving end there would be a similarly arranged mosaic made up of electric lights. Each selenium cell would be connected by an individual wire to the similarly placed light in the receiving mosaic. Light falling on the selenium cell would cause the associated electric light to shine in proportion. Thus the mosaic of lights would reproduce the original pictures, Had the necessary amplifiers(放大器)and the right kind of lights been available this system would have worked. But it also would have required an impractical number of connecting wires. Carey recognized this and in a second scheme proposed to “scan” the cells - transmitting the signal from each cell to its associated light, in turn, over a single wire. If this were done fast enough the retaining power of the eye would cause the resultant image to be seen as a complete picture.

  41. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

  A. Television in the Electronic Era

  B. Harmful Effects of Television Viewing

  C. First Steps in the Invention of Television

  D. The Art of Television

  42. As it is used in the passage, the word “predecessors” (paragraph 1) means

  A. a teacher of the highest rank in a university department

  B. a person who plans and understands the making of machines, roads, bridges, etc.

  C. a person who teaches, esp. as a profession

  D. a person who held a position before someone else

  43. An important discovery in early television was the electrical resistance of___

  A. mosaics B. the human eye C. lenses D. the element selenium

  44. According to the information of the passage, the original picture would be reproduced by the

  A. signal of lights B. mosaic of lights C. element selenium D. selenium cells

  Questions 45 to 48 are based on the following passage:

  (2004版第六課The Art of Public Speaking) There are many similarities between public speaking and daily conversation. The three major goals of public speaking - to inform, to persuade, to entertain - are also the three major goals of everyday conversation. In conversation, almost without thinking about it, you employ a wide range of skills. You organize your ideas logically. You tailor your message to your audience. You tell a story for maximum impact. You adapt to feedback from your listener. These are among the most important skills you will need for public speaking.

  Of course, public speaking is also different from conversation. First, public speaking is more highly structured than conversation. It usually imposes strict time limitations on the speaker, and it requires more detailed preparation than ordinary conversation. Second, speechmaking requires more formal language. Listeners react negatively to speeches loaded with slang, jargon, and bad grammar. Third public speaking demands a different method of delivery. Effective speakers adjust their voices to the larger audience and work at avoiding distracting physical mannerism and verbal habits.

  One of the major concerns of students in any speech class is stage flight. Actually, most successful speakers are nervous before making a speech. Your speech class will give you an opportunity to gain confidence and make your nervousness work for you rather than against you. You will take a big step toward overcoming stage fright if you think positively, choose speech topics you really care about, prepare thoroughly, and concentrate on communicating with your audience. Like many students over the years, you too can develop confidence in your speechmaking abilities.

  Because speechmaking is a form of power, it carries with it heavy ethical responsibilities. Ethical speakers use sound means to achieve sound goals. They do this by being well informed about their subjects, by being honest in what they say, by using sound evidence, and by employing valid reasoning

  45. The major goals that public speaking and daily conversation have in common are:

  A. The main goals of public speaking and daily conversation are to convey the message using formal language and requiring detailed preparation.

  B. The main goal of public speaking and daily conversation is to convey the message to a listener using their feedback

  C. The main goals of public speaking and daily conversation are to inform, persuade, entertain the audience.

  D. The main goals of public speaking and daily conversation are to communicate a clear message through a channel without interference.

  46. Public speaking and daily conversation are different because:

  A. Daily conversation uses formal language and requires detailed preparation to convey the message.

  B. Daily conversation is more structured than public speaking.

  C. Public speaking uses slang and physical gestures to convey their message to a larger audience.

  D. Public speaking uses formal language and is more structured than daily conversation.

  47. According to the article, you can gain confidence and make your nervousness work for you rather than against you by:

  A. more preparation and choosing topics you really care about.

  B. less preparation and more concentration on communicating with the audience.

  C. rehearsing your speech for hours on stage.

  D. memorizing every word of your speech before giving it.

  48. The main message of this article is:

  A. Public speaking is much harder than daily conversation.

  B. Public speaking requires years of training.

  C. Skilled public speakers have an ethical responsibility in the message they convey to their audience by being honest and using sound evidence.

  D. Skilled public speakers are never nervous and have no stage fright.

  Questions 49 to 52 are based on the following passage:

  (2004版第45課Oil ) What was the origin of the oil which now drives our motor-cars and aircraft? Scientists are confident about the formation of coal, but they do not seem so sure when asked about oil. They think that the oil under the surface of the earth was formed from living things in the sea. Countless billions of minute sea creatures and plants lived and sank to the sea bed. They were covered with huge deposits of mud; and by processes of chemistry, pressure and temperature were changed through long ages into what we know as oil. For these creatures to become oil, it was necessary that they should be imprisoned between layers of rock for an enormous length of time. The statement that oil originated in the sea is confirmed by a glance at a map showing the chief oilfield of the world; very few of them are far distain from the oceans of today. In some places gas and oil come up to the surface of the sea from its bed. The rocks in which oil is found are of marine origin too. They are sedimentary rocks which were laid down by the action of water on the bed of the ocean. Almost always the remains of shells, and other proofs of sea life, are found close to the oil. A very common sedimentary rock is called shale, which is a soft rock and was obviously formed by being deposited on the sea bed. And where there is shale there is likely to be oil.

  Geologists, scientists who study rocks, indicate the likely places to the oil drillers. In some cases oil comes out of the ground without any drilling at all and has been used for hundreds of years. In the island of Trinidad the oil is in the form of asphalt, a substance used for making roads. Sir Walter Raleigh visited the famous pitch lake of Trinidad in 1595; it is said to contain nine thousand million tons of asphalt. There are probably huge quantities of crude oil beneath the surface.

  The king of the oilfield is the driller. He is a very skilled man. Sometimes he sends his drill more than a mile into the earth. During the process of drilling, gas and oil at great pressure may suddenly be met, and if this rushes out and catches fire, the oil well may never be brought into operation at all. This danger is well known and steps are always taken to prevent it.

  There is a lot of luck in drilling for oil. The drill may just miss the oil although it is near; on the other hand, it may strike oil at a fairly high level. When the drill goes down, it brings up soil. The samples of soil from various depths are examined for traces of oil. If they are disappointed at one place, the drillers go to another. Great sums of money have been spent, for example in the deserts of Egypt, in ‘prospecting’ for oil. Sometimes little is found. When we buy a few gallons of petrol for our cars, we pay not only the cost of the petrol, but also pm of the cost of the search that is always going on.

  49. Scientists think that

  A. oil was formed from large deposits of mud on the sea bed.

  B. coal was formed from shale under the surface of the earth.

  C. oil was formed from sea creatures caught between layers of rock.

  D. oil was formed from sea water by processes of chemistry, pressure and temperature.

  50. “Where there is shale, there is likely to be oil.” The author says this in order to show that

  A. shale is a sedimentary rock.

  B. oil was made from shale.

  C. oil was first formed under the sea.

  D. shale is another form of oil.

  51. The author mentions Trinidad because

  A. it has a famous lake which was visited by Sir Walter Raleigh.

  B. it probably has large quantities of crude oil under the surface.

  C. it is an example of a place where drilling is not necessary to obtain oil.

  D. its asphalt is very good for making roads.

  52. The driller is unlucky when

  A. the drill does not bring up any soil.

  B. the drill brings up soil.

  C. the drill strikes oil at a high level.

  D. the drill goes very near the oil without striking it.

  Questions 53 to 56 are based on the following passage:

  (書(shū)外文章)Thomas Jefferson was inaugurated on March 4, 1801. He was the first President to take the oath of office in the nation’s permanent capital-Washington, D.C. Although Washington was a new city, it was already familiar to President Jefferson. In fact, Jefferson had helped plan the capital’s streets and public buildings. Besides being a city planner and architect the new President was a writer, a scientist, and the inventor of several gadgets and tools.

  After his inauguration, Jefferson moved into the Presidential Palace. The Palace was more than a home; it contained offices for the President and some of his staff and advisors. It also included dining and reception rooms, where the President could entertain congressmen. However, President Jefferson did not give many formal parties. This was partly because there was no First Lady. Jefferson’s wife had died in 1782. But it was also because Jefferson liked to live in a simple fashion. Once, he showed up for an important meeting wearing old clothes and down-at-the-heels slippers! Neither Washington nor Adams would ever have dressed so casually.

  Jefferson was different from the first two Presidents in other ways, too. He disagreed with them about how the country should be run, and about what part a President should play in running it.

  53. Which of the following statements about Washington, D. C. can be correctly inferred from the passage’?

  A. It contained many old buildings in 1801.

  B. It was not the first capital of the United States.

  C. The Presidential Palace was not located there.

  D. Thomas Jefferson was a newcomer there in 1801.

  54. According to the passage, the Presidential Palace was built to be .

  A. a meeting place for newspaper

  B. a hotel for visiting kings

  C. an office building and home

  D. a museum for colonial American tools and gadgets

  55. It can be inferred that one reason Thomas Jefferson did not entertain very often in Washington was because

  A. he and his wife did not have appropriate clothes

  B. he did not enjoy elaborate parties

  C. the food in the area was not good

  D. he could not understand foreign languages

  56. It can be interred from the passage that George Washington and John Adams both

  A. lived for a long time in Washington, D. C

  B. traveled to many foreign countries

  C. were rather formal gentlemen

  D. encouraged Jefferson to run for the presidency

  Questions 57 to 60 are based on the following passage:

  (書(shū)外文章)The United State court system, as part of the federal system of government, is characterized by dual hierarchies: there are both state and federal courts. Each state has its own system of courts, composed of civil and criminal trial courts, sometimes intermediate courts of appeal, and a state supreme court. The federal court system consists of a series of trial courts (called district courts) serving relatively small geographic regions (there is at least one for every state), a tier of circuit courts of appeal that hear appeals from many district courts in a particular geographic region, and the Supreme court of the United States. The two court systems are to some extent overlapping, in that certain kinds of disputes (such as a claim that a state law is in violation of the Constitution) may be initiated in either system. They are also to some extent hierarchical, for the federal system stands above the state system in that litigants (person engaged in lawsuits) who lose their cases in the state supreme court may appeal their cases to the Supreme Court of the United States.

  Thus, the typical court case begins in a trial court - court of general jurisdiction - in the state or federal system. Most cases go no further than the trial court: for example, the criminal defendant convicted (by a trial or a guilty plea) and sentenced by the court and the case ends; the personal injury suit results in a judgment by a trial court (or an out-of-court settlement by the parties while the courts suit is pending) and the parties leave the court system. But sometimes the losing party at the trial court cares enough about the cause that the matter does not end there. In these cases, the “l(fā)oser” at the trial court may appeal to the next higher court.

  57. According to the passage district courts are also know as ____.

  A. circuit courts B. supreme courts

  C. trial courts D. intermediate courts

  58. In the last sentence of the first paragraph, the phrase “engaged in” could best be replaced by

  which of the following?

  A. committed to B. attentive to C. involved in D. engrossed in

  59. The passage indicates that litigants who lose their cases in the state trial court may take them

  to a

  A. different trial court in the same state

  B. court in a different geographic region

  C. state supreme court

  D. federal trial court

  60. It can be inferred from the passage that typical court cases are __

  A. always appealed.

  B. usually resolved in the district courts

  C. always overlapping

  D. usually settled by the Supreme Court






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