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摘要 為了方便廣大考生備考,環(huán)球網(wǎng)校特地整理了教材上的素材,供大家練習(xí)/選讀,希望對大家復(fù)習(xí)有所幫助。

  Lower Body Fat Means Better Performance

  These days,fashion models and pop stars are not the only people who have to watch their waistline. Football players who miss a few kicks and let their belly hanging out a little too much are likely to be attacked by rabid fans or even the president of a country1.

  The latest football star to draw the attention of the "fat police" is Barcelona's Ronaldinho, 26. Last Friday,a Spanish sports daily published two photos of the Brazilian star without his shirt. One was taken in November 2003 ; the other was taken this month. In the most recent one, the star's waistline seems to have a little extra padding2.

  Another Spanish sports daily published similar before-and-after photos and argued that the star has “l(fā)ost his explosiveness and velocity" and is “worn out". The cause, according to the news paper, is his poor physical fitness.

  However, the player's coach, Frank Rijkaard, insists that he's satisfied with Ronaldinho's form and fitness. And after Barcelona's victory over Athletic Bibao on Sunday, Ronaldinho challenged photographers to take pictures of him when he took off his shirt.

  "I don't have anything to hide, "he said.

  Fellow Brazilian Ronaldo, 30, of Real Madrid,faced similar criticism before the 2006 World Cup. But the criticism didn't come from a bunch of sports reporters : It came from the president of Brazil.

  “So, what is it?” Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva asked the national soccer team's coach in his office last June, according to the Associated Press. "Is he (Ronaldo) fat or not?"

  "He is very strong, president” ,Carlos Alberto Parreira reportedly said at the time. "He is not that boy anymore. His body type has changed. ”

  The game of footfall demands that players put as much emphasis on fitness as they can do on dribbling,passing or shooting.

  During a proper training regimen, football players normally follow a load -fatigue -recovery pattern3. They push their body toward a higher mark of fitness and experience a slight and brief drop in performance. Then they begin the recovery process, which will ideally carry their performance to an even higher plane.

  However, sometimes non-physical factors can influence a player's poor fitness. In Ronaldinho,s case, for instance, people ― often unnamed ― have blamed everything from the pressure of contract negotiations to personal problems and too many advertising commitments.


  rabid 偏激的 padding 贅肉

  velocity 速度 dribble 運球 regimen 常規(guī)訓(xùn)練


  1.Football players who miss a few kicks and let their belly hanging out a little too much are likely to be attacked by rabid fans or even the president of a country.:足球運動員沒有踢中幾個球或 是他們的肚子耷拉得稍多了些,都會受到瘋狂的球迷甚至是國家總統(tǒng)的譴責(zé)。

  2.In the most recent one, the star's waistline seems to have a little extra padding.:在最近的一張 照片里,這個球星的腰上似乎多了一小塊贅肉。

  3.During a proper training regimen, football players normally follow a load - fatigue - recovery pattern.:在正式的常規(guī)訓(xùn)練期間,足球運動員在一般情況下需要按照大運動量一疲勞一恢復(fù) 這一方式訓(xùn)練。


  1. Fans can be very critical of a fashion model's figure.

  A. Right B. Wrong G. Not mentioned

  2.People like football stars more than they like pop stars.

  A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

  3.Ronaldinho is a well-known Spanish star.

  A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

  4.The president of Brazil showed no concern about Ronaldo's figure.

  A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

  5.According to Carlos Alberto Parreira, Ronaldo's body shape has changed,

  A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

  6.The football game demands a lot from players.

  A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

  7.Ronaldinho often goes to pubs.

  A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned


  1.A句子說的是:追星族們對時裝模特兒的身材的要求很苛刻。這個命題是對的。文章的第 一個句子是這么說的:These days 鄉(xiāng) fashion models and pop stars are not the only people who have to watch their waistline.現(xiàn)在,不只是時裝模特兒和流行歌曲歌星需要注意他們的腰圍 了。這個句子蘊涵著其他人也要注意自己身材的意思。


  3.B句子說的是:Ronaldinho是一個知名度很高的西班牙球星。這個命題是錯的。第二段有 這樣一個句子:Last Friday, a Spanish sports daily published two photos of the Brazilian star without his shirt. 一家西班牙體育日報于上周五刊登了兩張這位巴西球星沒有穿襯衫的照 片。這就說明Ronaldinho是巴西球星,而不是西班牙球星。

  4.B句子說的是:巴西總統(tǒng)并不關(guān)心Ronaldo的身材。這個命題是錯的。差不多在文章的中 間有這么一個問題:“Ishe(R0nald0) fat or not?"[他(羅納爾多)胖還是不胖?]這是巴西總統(tǒng)提的。

  5.A句子說的是:根據(jù)Carlos Alberto Parreira的說法,Ronaldo的體型變了。這個命題是對的。他是這么說的:“他已經(jīng)不再是個孩子了,他的體型發(fā)生了變化。”

  6.A句子說的是:足球運動對球員有很高的要求。這個命題是對的。文章的倒數(shù)第二、第三 段有詳細(xì)的說明。



  現(xiàn)在,不只是時裝模特兒和唱流行歌曲的歌星需要注意他們的腰圍了。足球運動員沒有踢中 幾個球或是他們的肚子耷拉得稍多了些,都會受到瘋狂的球迷甚至是國家總統(tǒng)的譴責(zé)。 今年26歲的巴塞羅那的羅納爾迪尼奧是最近被“脂肪警察”盯上的足球明星。 一家西班牙體育日報于上周五刊登了兩張這位巴西足球明星沒有穿襯衫的照片。一張攝于 2003年11月,另一張攝于本月,在最近的一張照片里,這個球星的腰上似乎多了一小塊贅肉。

  另一家西班牙體育日報也出版了類似的前后對比照片,并認(rèn)為這位明星已經(jīng)“失去了爆發(fā)力 和速度”,并且“已經(jīng)頹廢”。據(jù)報紙報道,其原因來自于明星的亞健康況。

  然而,運動員的教練Frank Rijkaard堅持認(rèn)為他對羅納爾迪尼?的外形和健康狀況很滿意。當(dāng) 周日在巴塞羅那戰(zhàn)勝了 Athletic Bibao后,羅納爾迪尼?脫下了襯衫挑戰(zhàn)攝影師為他拍照。 “我沒有什么隱藏的。”他說。

  來自于皇家馬德里隊的巴西同伴,30歲的羅納爾多在2006年世界杯之前也遭遇了類似的批 評。但不是來自于一群體育記者,而是巴西總統(tǒng)。

  據(jù)聯(lián)合報社報道,去年6月,巴西總統(tǒng)路易斯?伊納西奧?盧拉?達(dá)席瓦爾在辦公室質(zhì)問國 家足球隊教練“這是怎么回事?” “他是不是胖了?”

  “他很強壯,總統(tǒng)先生”,卡洛斯?阿爾伯托?佩雷拉當(dāng)時這樣說道,“他已經(jīng)不再是個孩子 了,他的體型發(fā)生了變化”。

  足球比賽要求運動員們注重自身健康,就像比賽中的運球、帶球和射門一樣重要。 在正式的常規(guī)訓(xùn)練期伺,足球運動員在一般情況下需要按照大運動量一疲勞一恢復(fù)這一方式 訓(xùn)練。他們讓身體發(fā)揮到最佳狀態(tài),在比賽中極少失誤。之后他們的身體就會進(jìn)入恢復(fù)過程,從 而使其表現(xiàn)達(dá)到更加理想的高度。

  然而,有時非身體因素會影響運動員的健康。例如在羅納爾迪尼?的例子中,不知名的人們 對所有的事情加以指責(zé),從合同協(xié)議的壓力,到個人問題和太多的廣告應(yīng)酬。

  2014年職稱英語考前復(fù)習(xí)必讀攻略      2014年2月15日職稱英語直播視頻下載



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