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  Studies show that in dreams things are seen and heard rather than thought.1 In terms of the senses, visual experience is present in almost all dreams; auditory experience in 40 to 50 percent; and touch, taste, smell, and pain in a relatively small percentage.2 A considerable amount of emotion is commonly present, usually a pure and single emotion such as fear, anger, or joy.3

  Two clearly distinguishable states of sleep exist. The first state,called NREM-sleep (non- rapid-eye-movement sleep),occupies most of the sleep period and is associated with a relatively low pulse and blood pressure, and few or no reports of dreaming.4 The second type of sleep, known as REM-sleep (rapid-eye-movement sleep) occurs cyclically during the sleep period with rapid eye movements and frequent dream reports. Typically, a person has four or five periods of REM-sleep during the night, whether the dreams are remembered often, rarely, or not at all; they occur at intervals of about 90 minutes and altogether make up about 25 percent of the night's sleep (as much as 50 percent in a newborn child). Evidence indicates that a dream period usually lasts from 5 to 20 minutes.5 Sounds and touches working on a dreamer can go into a dream if they occur during a REM-period. Although mental activity may be reported during NREM-sleep,these are usually short pieces of thoughtlike experiences.6

  Modern dream research has focused on two general interpretations of dream content.7 In one view, dreams have no meaning of their own but are simply a process by which the brain integrates new information into memories. In the other view, dreams contain real meaning symbolized in a picture language distinct from conscious logical thought.8 If dreams express important wishes, fears, concerns, and worries of the dreamer, the study and analysis of dreams can help reveal previously unknown aspects of a person's mental functioning9.


  visual 視力的,視覺的 integrate 使成一體,使結合,使合并

  auditory 聽的,聽覺的 percentage 百分比,百分率

  distinguishable 區(qū)別得出的,可以辨明的

  symbolize 作為……的象征,象征

  cyclically 循環(huán)地,周期性地 conscious 意識到的,自覺的,感到的

  interval 間隔,間距,間隙

  logical 符合邏輯的,有邏輯頭腦的;邏輯上的,邏輯學的

  interpretation 解釋,說明,闡明

  previously 以前的,先前的,前的,先的


  1.Studies show that in dreams things are seen and heard rather than thought.研究表明,在夢里人 們是在看、在聽而不是在想。 、

  2.In terms of the senses, visual experience is present in almost all dreams; auditory experience in 40 to 50 percent; and touch, taste, smell, and pain in a relatively small percentage.就感官而 言,在幾乎所有的夢中都有視覺體驗;聽覺體驗占40%?50% ;觸覺、味覺、嗅覺和痛覺所占 比例相對較小。短語in terms of意為“從……方面(說來),,。

  3. A considerable amount of emotion is commonly present, usually a pure and single emotion such as fear, anger, or joy.(夢中)一般有相當程度的情緒表現,通常是一種諸如恐懼、憤怒或歡 喜等純粹和單一的情緒。

  4.The first state, called NREM-sleep (non-rapid-eye-movement sleep), occupies most of the sleep period and is associated with a relatively low pulse and blood pressure, and few or no reports of dreaming.第一種狀態(tài)稱作NREM睡眠(非急速目移睡眠),它占睡眠時間的大部 分。這時,人的脈搏相對較慢,血壓相對較低,醒來后也很少或者不說自己做了夢。be associated with意思是“與 有聯系”。

  5.Evidence indicates that a dream period usually lasts from 5 to 20 minutes.有證據表明一段夢境 通常延續(xù)5?20分鐘。

  6.Although mental activity may be reported during NREM-sleep, these are usually short pieces of thoughtlike experiences.雖然有一些人或許說在他們NREM睡?中有思維活動,但是這種活 動通常是類似思維的斷斷續(xù)續(xù)的小片段而巳。

  7.Modern dream research has focused on two general interpretations of dream content.現代對夢的研究在如何對夢的內容做一般解釋方面有兩種集中的看法。

  8.In the other view, dreams contain real meaning symbolized in a picture language distinct from conscious logical thought.另一種觀點認為,夢是用圖像語言象征真實意義,這種圖像語言和有意識的邏輯思維有所區(qū)別。

  9. the study and analysis of dreams can help reveal previously unknown aspects of a person's mental functioning :對夢的研究分析有助于揭示以往所未知的人的思維功能的方面


  1.There are in general two opinions about what we experience in a dream:

  A one, we “see" our dreams, and two, we "think" our dreams.

  B one, we are happy, and two, we are angry.

  C one, dreams put new information into our memories, and two, dreams have real meanings in pictures different from our logical thinking.

  D we have pictures in dreams because one, we have slow eye movements, and two, we have rapid eye movements.

  2.According to this article, we

  A often think seriously when we are dreaming.

  B hardly ever hear music when we are dreaming.

  C very often feel something tastes good when we are dreaming.

  D almost always see different "pictures" when we are dreaming.

  3.In your dreams, you

  A very often feel happy and unhappy at the same time.

  B always feel that you are afraid of somebody.

  C seldom feel fear now and joy later.

  D only feel anger.

  4.This essay tells us that

  A people usually dream in a NREM sleep.

  B people usually dream in an REM sleep.

  C people always remember what they have dreamed in an REM sleep.

  D people may have an REM sleep all night through.

  5. Based on what is discussed in this writing,an adult may have at most about of the time of his or her sleep dreaming.

  A 90%

  B 50%

  C 25%

  D 20%




  3.C第一段的最后一句說我們在做夢時所體驗到的情緒往往是純粹和單一的,故C項是正確 選項。A項不可能,B和D項太極端化。見注釋3。


  5.C第二段中說一般人睡眠時有四到五個REM階段,這幾個階段約占整個睡眠時間的 25%。由于夢通常在REM階段發(fā)生,所以睡眠中可能最多只有25%的時間在做夢。





  2014年職稱英語考前復習必讀攻略      2014年職稱英語老師輔導輕松通關



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