來源: 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 2020-05-05 09:54:37 頻道: 新概念

A recent report says we spend an average of two hours and 40 minutes each day looking at a smartphone. That doesn’t mean making calls, but using apps and browsing the Web. Spend that amount of time staring at anything。一個(gè)最近的報(bào)道稱我們平均每天花2小時(shí)40分鐘看手機(jī)。那并不代表著打電話,而是使用一些應(yīng)用程序和瀏覽網(wǎng)頁。花那一段時(shí)間盯著任何東西看。

Checked our email in a restaurant, Instagrammed a picture of the food when it arrived, or checked a fact during a conversation only to be drawn into reading more instead of contributing verbally. It’s no secret our lives are being affected by our obsession with smartphones。在餐館查郵件,當(dāng)食物到了時(shí)拍照上傳,在與別人對話時(shí)查訊息,更多的注意力在閱讀而不是對話。對智能手機(jī)的癡迷已經(jīng)影響了我們的生活,這早就不是一個(gè)秘密了。

However, never before has this phenomenon been portrayed so poignantly as in the short YouTube film I Forgot My Phone. Despite only being online for a few days, it’s already been viewed more than 10.5 million times. 然而,沒有什么能比上傳到Y(jié)outube的短片《我忘帶手機(jī)了》更切中要害地表達(dá)這個(gè)現(xiàn)象了。盡管才上傳了幾天,這個(gè)視頻已經(jīng)被觀看超過1050萬次了。

Ironically, YouTube’s statistics show that the site gets a billion views per day from mobile devices, so a lot of those people watched it on their phone。諷刺的是,Youtube的數(shù)據(jù)顯示了每天Youtube手機(jī)終端的瀏覽量達(dá)到10億次,所以很多人都是用手機(jī)觀看這個(gè)視頻的。

The short film, written by and starring actress Charl

A woman has documented her incredible 88lb weight loss with a series of photos showing just how dramatically her body - and self-confidence - has changed。一名女子用一系列照片記錄下了自己不可思議的減肥經(jīng)歷:一年內(nèi)她瘦了88磅(約為79.8斤)!這些照片表現(xiàn)出了她是如何戲劇般地改變了她的身材,并重建自信。

26-year-old Amanda, who did not reveal her last name, embarked on a high-fat, moderate protein and low-carbohydrate diet in 2011 in a bid to shrink her then-222lb frame.26歲的阿曼達(dá)(未透露姓氏)在2011年開始了高脂、適量蛋白以及低碳水化合物的飲食,希望能減掉一些體重,當(dāng)時(shí)她重達(dá)222磅(約為201斤)。

In just a year, the five-foot-four brunette lost 88lbs, taking monthly pictures throughout the process, which one of her impressed viewers compiled into a five-second GIF。僅僅一年后,這個(gè)身高5.4英尺(約為1.64米)留著深褐色頭發(fā)的姑娘減掉了88磅,并在整個(gè)減肥過程中每個(gè)月都拍下了照片。一位被她感染的網(wǎng)友將這些照片制作成了一張5秒的GIF動圖。

Amanda told ABC News that the transformation took place in her mind as well as her body. The GIF clearly shows how the weight loss affected every inch of her body, from her shrunken waist to her thinned-out neck and flattened tummy。阿曼達(dá)告訴ABC新聞,這個(gè)改變不僅發(fā)生在她的身形上,還在她的心里。GIF動圖也清晰地表現(xiàn)出減肥是如何影響她的每一寸身體的,從更纖細(xì)的腰身到細(xì)長的脖子和更平坦的腹部。

'In the early stages of taking progress pictures, I literally only took one photo of myself. I hated the way I looked,I had so little self-confidence .' she wrote。她在網(wǎng)上寫道,“早些時(shí)候我拍攝照片,只會為自己拍一張。我討厭自己那時(shí)的樣子。我當(dāng)時(shí)幾乎沒有自信。”

But as the images - which garnered a staggering 3million views - progress in time, Amanda is seen looking happier, healthier and much more self-assured。但是當(dāng)照片上呈現(xiàn)的效果慢慢進(jìn)步后,阿曼達(dá)看起來更高興、健康也更自信了。這些照片的瀏覽量達(dá)到了驚人的300萬。

ene deGuzman, shows groups of people in various social situations, the majority of which are utterly engrossed by their phones instead of the world around them. It’s depressing because we’ve all seen it, and sad because to a certain extent, we all do it。這個(gè)短片是由女演員查勒妮·德古茲曼創(chuàng)作并主演的,表達(dá)了當(dāng)人們聚集在不同的社交場合中,大部分人的注意力都集中在手機(jī)上而不是周圍的環(huán)境。我們看到這些十分沮喪,因?yàn)樵谝欢ǔ潭壬,我們都是這樣。
