來源: 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 2020-04-26 10:17:24 頻道: 新概念

Every day for the last two weeks, Huang Huang the dog has repeated the same tragic routine。最近兩周以來,小狗黃黃一直重復(fù)著這樣令人心碎的舉動(dòng)。

Scratching and sniffing from seat to seat, the lonely pooch scours a bus in the desperate yet futile hope of picking up his missing master's scent. But his master never comes。這只孤單的小狗搜遍每一輛公交車,挨個(gè)聞公車上的座椅,在絕望徒勞中還懷著一絲微弱的希望,想要找到失蹤主人的氣息。但它的主人從沒出現(xiàn)過。

In a heart-breaking refusal to face the inevitable truth that he has almost certainly been abandoned, the loyal mongrel has returned to the same bus stop, in Chengdu, southwest China, every day for the past 15 days。在位于中國西南部的成都市內(nèi),黃黃在過去15天里,每天都要回到同一公交站下尋找主人,不愿意面對自己已被拋棄的事實(shí),這樣的場景令人心碎。

Every day he has waited patiently in line for the bus to arrive, boarded with other passengers and then scoured the seats, whimpering as he goes。每天,小狗都耐心地排隊(duì)等候公交車,和其他乘客一起上車,把車廂仔細(xì)搜尋一遍后嗚咽著下車。

Drivers say he spends ten hours every day searching any bus that passes. But finally, as night falls, he gives up and disappears into the darkness, only to return the next day to start again。公交車司機(jī)說小狗每天要花十小時(shí)搜尋路過汽車。每當(dāng)夜色降臨,它就會(huì)放棄搜查消失在黑暗之中,等到第二天天亮?xí)r接著開始。

According to bus staff interviewed by local paper Huaxi Metropolis Daily, Huang Huang has appeared at the stop, at the carpark outside the Guangyan temple, consistently for the past 15 days。公交車上的工作人員在接受當(dāng)?shù)貓?bào)紙《華西都市報(bào)》采訪時(shí)說,小狗黃黃在過去的15天中連續(xù)出現(xiàn)在光嚴(yán)禪寺外的停車場上。

'Every day I go to Guangyan temple five times, and every day that dog will hop on board my bus to give it an inspection,' a ticket seller named only as Yang told the Huaxi Metropolis Daily. 'At first I thought it was looking for food, but I later realised that it was looking for its owner.'一位姓楊的售票員告訴《華西都市報(bào)》:“我每天要到光嚴(yán)禪院五趟,每趟小狗都會(huì)上車檢查。起初我以為它是找吃的,后來才知道它是在找主人。”

And he's has now become something of a local celebrity in Chengdu after one commuter filmed his painstaking searches on a mobile phone and posted it online. Though his newfound fame will be of scant consolation to the lonely hound as his owner is yet to be found。一位乘客將它辛苦搜尋的景象錄到手機(jī)里并發(fā)到網(wǎng)上,現(xiàn)在小狗都差不多成了成都市的知名人士。但新名聲卻不能給這條孤單的小狗多少安慰,因?yàn)樗闹魅艘廊粵]有出現(xiàn)。

A conductor named Fung said he thought he had seen Huang Huang standing with his owner in the car park around a month ago. But he said he has not seen him since. He said he has considered taking Huang Huang home with him but so far feels that may be premature。司機(jī)馮先生說他好像在一個(gè)月之前曾看到黃黃和主人一起站在停車場上。但此后就再也沒見過主人。馮先生說他考慮過要把黃黃帶回家,但現(xiàn)在看起來這種想法不夠成熟。

'We’re worried that its owner might be looking for it and might come back to it,' Fung said. 'Such a loyal dog … Who would be willing to part with it?'馮先生說:“我們擔(dān)心它的主人可能會(huì)來找它。這么忠誠的小狗,誰會(huì)舍得拋棄呢?”

'I can only hope that it’ll quickly be reunited with its owner and won’t have to wait here at the bus stop every day.'“我現(xiàn)在只希望它能盡快和主人團(tuán)聚,不用每天來公交車站等主人。”
