來源: 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 2020-04-09 10:10:30 頻道: 新概念

A decorated military veteran opened fire at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday in a burst of violence that killed 13 people, including the gunman, and set off waves of panic at the military installation just miles from the White House and U.S. Capitol。本周一,一名授勛老兵持槍襲擊了美國華盛頓海軍基地,包括持槍者在內(nèi)的13人在這起暴力沖突中喪生。海軍基地距美國首都、白宮所在地僅有幾英里,該事件引起基地人員巨大恐慌。

The FBI identified the suspect as Aaron Alexis, 34, of Fort Worth, Texas, a onetime Navy contractor who attended a Buddhist temple and had two gun-related brushes with the law。美國聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局證實,嫌疑人為艾倫-阿萊克西斯,現(xiàn)年34歲,得克薩斯州沃思堡人,曾為美國海軍基地的非軍人身份合同工,信仰佛教,并合法持有兩把槍支。

He received a general discharge from the Navy Reserve in 2011 after a series of misconduct issues, a Navy official said. 根據(jù)一名海軍官員透露,嫌疑人曾犯有大量不端行為,在2011年被海軍預備役部隊解雇。

He was killed in one of several gun battles with police。嫌疑人在與警方的交火中喪生。

The motive - and how he breached

security - remained unknown. About 12 people were injured, Washington Mayor Vincent Gray said, though it was unclear how many of them were shot。目前仍不確定他的作案動機和避開安全監(jiān)控的方法。華盛頓市長文森特·格雷稱,大約有12人在本次事件中受傷,但還不清楚其中有多少人受到槍擊。

Hours after the incident, police were searching for a possible second suspect in an incident that raised questions about security at the Washington Navy Yard, about a mile south of the U.S. Capitol and 3 miles from the White House。槍擊案發(fā)生幾小時后,警方開始搜尋本事件可能存在的第二嫌疑人。這一行為令人們對華盛頓海軍基地的安全性產(chǎn)生質(zhì)疑,該基地位于美國首都南部1英里處,距白宮只有3英里。

Somehow the gunman managed to enter the Naval Sea Systems Command Headquarters building about 8:20 a.m. (1220 GMT) and started picking off victims from a fourth-floor atrium, witnesses said。目擊者稱,早上8點20分,持槍歹徒成功進入海軍海上系統(tǒng)指揮總部大樓,在四樓中庭里挑選受害者并一一開槍射殺。

It was the worst attack at a U.S. military installation since U.S. Army Major Nidal Hasan opened fire on unarmed soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas, in 2009, killing 13 people and wounding 31 others. 這是2009年得州胡德堡案件之后發(fā)生過最惡劣的美國軍事大樓暴力事件。在那起事件中,美國陸軍少校奈達·哈桑向沒有配備武器的士兵開火,導致13人死亡31人受傷。

Hasan, who said he acted in retaliation for U.S. wars in Muslim countries, was convicted and sentenced to death by a military jury in August. 哈桑聲稱他的目的是報復美國在穆斯林國家發(fā)起的大量戰(zhàn)爭,他被判有罪,并于八月被軍事法庭執(zhí)以死刑。
