來源: 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 2019-09-25 10:32:56 頻道: 新概念

Dating and job hunting both have their ups and downs, and sometimes both of them can feel like emotional rollercoasters. It's really hard to find a job that's just right for you, and the journey to find it can be as hard as looking for love. Here are a few ways you can improve your chances of finding your potential partner in both areas:約會和求職都是有起有落的,有時候兩者都會讓你感覺像是坐過山車一樣,心情時好時壞。要找到一份理想的工作很難,找工作的過程就跟找意中人一樣艱辛。下面的這些建議既可以幫助你找到夢中情人,也有助于找到一份好工作:

1.Get to know your date or prospective employer.People have checklists in their heads for a potential partner and have certain criteria such as religion

or family values. Keep in mind that your employer is also looking at you to see if you meet the requirements they're looking for. To get a better sense of the kind of person they want, carefully look at the job description, read more about the company and its culture if you can find information on it online, and look up LinkedIn profiles of people who hold similar positions in the same company.1.了解你的約會對象或未來雇主。對于未來的伴侶,人們手上總會有一份對照單來核對是不是符合條件,比如宗教信仰、家庭觀等。記住,雇主也是這么招人的。雇主會把求職者和崗位要求相對照,看看是不是符合要求。所以,你首先要知道雇主想要招什么樣的人,仔細閱讀崗位描述,多了解一下應聘公司的企業(yè)文化,在網(wǎng)上多找點相關資料。也可以通過Linkedin這樣的社交網(wǎng)絡來看看在應聘公司里從事相似崗位的人都是什么樣子的。

2.Don't wait by the phone. After the interview, you're left hanging and waiting for your potential employer to get back to you. Don't pine away by your phone or computer and jump every time you get a new email or phone call. Focus your energy on searching for more jobs; you might even find one that suits you better. To skip the anticipation

nerves, ask your interviewer when you can expect to hear back from them at the end of the interview. That way you won't keep wondering when they are going to get back to you. Write a thank-you note right on the day of or day after the interview, and follow up a week later if you haven't heard back from them.2.不要守在電話旁干等。面試結束后,一般會要求你等消息。這時,你千萬不要守在電話旁等電話鈴響或者坐在電腦前等著新郵件。你應該集中注意力繼續(xù)尋找更多的工作機會,也許你還能找到更好的工作呢。為了自己可以不用焦慮地等通知,你可以在面試結束的時候,問一下大概什么時候可以知道結果,這樣你就不用老是惦記著用人單位來聯(lián)系你了。你也可以在面試結束當天或者隔一天,給面試官發(fā)去一封感謝信。如果遲遲得不到回應的話,在面試一周后,再發(fā)一封郵件也是可以的。

3.Don't let rejection crush you. Getting rejected can feel awful especially if you really wanted the job. The best thing to do in this situation is not to linger

over the "what ifs" and to move on with a positive mindset. Don't let a couple of rejections get you down because there are plenty of fish in the sea.3.別讓拒絕把你打垮。被拒絕心里總是不好受的,尤其是你特別想要某份工作的時候,就會感到更難過了。這時最好的做法不是惦念著“如果當時能.。。”,而是積極地向前看。不要因為被拒絕了幾次就意志消沉,要知道前面還有一大片樹林等著你呢,千萬別在一棵樹上吊死。

4.Make a strong first impression. Your interview may be your one chance at making a lasting impression, so be sure to make a good one. Prep for it by reading up about the company, coming up with a list of good questions, and doing mock interviews with friends. Put your best foot forward by being genuine and coming up with responses that are true for you and not just something you think they want to hear.4.第一印象一定要好。面試可能是你唯一的一次機會可以給面試官留下長期印象,所以一定要留下好印象才行。事先要做好準備,多讀一些有關應聘公司的資料,準備一些好的問題來提問,在朋友面前預演幾次面試情況。最好的做法是態(tài)度真誠,認真誠實地回答問題,而不是回答那些你認為是別人想聽的答案。
