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摘要 【摘要】環(huán)球小編整理收集了 2017年10月自考外貿英語寫作真題完整版 (課程代碼:000097 ),供考生復習參考!想要抓住復習重點,依靠歷年真題試卷就可以做到哦。特別推薦:2017年10月自考考試真題匯總一、單項

【摘要】環(huán)球小編整理收集了“ 2017年10月自考外貿英語寫作真題完整版 (課程代碼:000097 )”,供考生復習參考!想要抓住復習重點,依靠歷年真題試卷就可以做到哦。




1.____you become a member, you can borrow at the lowest rate available anywhere today — 13% annually.

A. Unless    B. Once    C. Although    D. While

2.We were warmly welcomed____we entered the room.

A. where    B. before    C. until    D. as soon as

3.We expect a signed contract in the____.

A. not-too-distance future    B. not too-distant future

C. not-too-distant future    D. not too distance future

4.The contract will be awarded to____submits the lowest bid.

A. whom    B. whoever    C. whomever    D. who

5.____people involved,____the new procedures could be implemented.

A. The less / the earlier    B. Fewer / earlier

C. The fewer / the earlier    D. Less / earlier

6.Mary is senior____me because she joined the firm before me.

A. to    B. for    C. with    D. than

7.I am sure that the quality of our products is not____that of those manufactured in some developed countries.

A. more inferior than    B. inferior with

C. less inferior than    D. inferior to

8.I was compelled to pay ____price for it.

A. the double    B. double the    C. double    D.double of him

9.No one made more profit in that transaction than ____.

A. he    B. them    C. his    D.him

10. A total of 243 ____( Chief Executive Officers) of major corporations were surveyed

A. C.E.0's    B. CEO’s    C. CEOs    D. CEO

11.“What do you want me to do?” “I want everything____by two oclock.”

A. readily    B. be ready    C. to be read    D. to ready

12.Small business can afford few administrative____.

A. luxury    B. luxuries    C. luxurious    D. luxurys

13.The United Nations, in addition to other organizations,____expanding ____ campaign to fight hunger.

A. is/their    B. are/its    C.are/ their    D.is/ its

14. No solution is ____than yours.

A. more correct    B.correct    C. more nearly correct    D.nearly correct

15.____,the visitors were confused by the talk about hardware and software.

A.Knowing little about computers

B.Known little about computers

C.Computers being little known

D.Had known little about computers

16.____traveling first class was questioned by the manager.

A. He    B. His    C. Him    D. He's

17.Apparently, Mr. Smith was angry____us when we changed our plan.

A. at    B. with    C. about    D. on

18.Some of the recent decisions made by supervisors will be reviewed by the management council when ____in January.

A. we meet    B. it met    C. they met    D. it meets

19.Alex works harder____in the office.

A. than any one    B. else than anyone    

C. than anyone else    D. than else anyone

20.Our Account Receivable Department has written to you three times;____,you have given no response to our letter.

A. but    B. however    C. therefore    D.moreover


Example: Who's taking care the dog while you're away? 

taking care→taking care of

21.All lunchs are included in the total price for the five-day conference.

22.Ms. Li, one of our best customers,seemed angrily at the credit manager.

23.Each of your payments are to be made to the company.

24.Do you remember the name of the person who Mr. Johnson recommended as a consultant?

25.That depends on that you will accept the plan or not.

26.After leave the party, we stopped for hamburgers.

27.The well known consultant received a large fee for his work.

28.We conclude a large transaction with Glasgow Controls company last week.

29.It moves to quickly for most people to see.

30.Although turnover increased,profitability fall last month.


31.we / to the / are sorry / that / your order / we dispatched / wrong address

32.we intend / the whole week / to spend / in Beijing / in order to / all the customers / visit

33.performing / the board / to know / wanted / if the company / was / well

34.we think / import license / for you / it is necessary / to obtain / from China / for importing shirts

35.Bill / whether I / asked / was taking / in / my vacation / July

36.the general manager / the / has been / proposed budget / submitted to / for / approval

37.we / for leather goods / have / in obtaining / great difficulty / import licenses

38.important / it / is / to communicate / in business / effectively / nowadays

39.on your next order / would like / I / to offer you / of 20% / a special discount / with us

40.two weeks / you / for / need /to collect data / may / the report


Example: A. What a nice present you gave me. me! B. You think you are right don’t you? right,

41.Mr. Gao is one of the corporate officers,isn’t he.

42.“I'm concerned,”said Eric,“that you didn’t receive the ordered goods.

43.Jerry said that he’ll meet with us on Monday, not on Wednesday to finish this.

44.We certainly agree that this is a difficult tiresome job.

45.Expenses have increased drastically, consequently, next year’s budget has been prepared carefully.

46.Ouch. I think I’ve broken my toe.

47.There is only one way out left for the minister resign.

48.After listening to Mrs Sheets’report, the manager made a few changes.

49.I could not complete the tax return by the due date, that is April 15.

50.Malinda repeated her rule;Each credit applicant must be checked carefully.


51.You’re the Managing Director. Your company had several complaints from customers saying that some of them received the books they ordered with the wrong invoices,and some were sent the correct invoices with the wrong books.

Write a memo to all workers in the Dispatch Department :

•Expressing your concern about the complaints

•Asking them to give their full attention to their work

•Ask new workers to go to the Dispatch Department Manager if they have any question

六、信函寫作:本大題25分。 按要求寫一封字數為130-150的信函。

52.你在公司工作一段時間后,打算換工作。從報紙的招聘欄中,你得知一家著名公司有一適 合你的職位。請寫一封信給該公司人事部,包括以下內容:






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