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摘要 根據(jù)官方考試通知內(nèi)容,2020年BEC商務(wù)英語中級考試為11月28日??忌鷤淇?020年BEC商務(wù)英語中級考試備考可以多想些真題,從而把握考試方向,環(huán)球網(wǎng)校小編為您分享了“BEC商務(wù)英語中極考試歷年考試真題(23)”的內(nèi)容,請您根據(jù)自身情況利用好這些資料。




Last year over £ 13bn was spent on advertising in the UK and research indicates that most people will have seen 2m sales messages by the time they are 30. Advertising is big business and often acts as the interface between commerce and culture. While there are many adverts that just irritate, there are some that are miniature works of art. (0)... .The advertisers themselves believe they are delivering an important message because they are protecting and promoting a client's brand and extending greater choice to the consumer. (8).........Instead of being free, many TV channels would only be available on subscription packages of about £500 per month and newspapers might cost six times more than their present cover price.

There are many different models of advertising practice, but no one is precisely sure what makes a good advert. (9).........While some try to get you to buy a product, others, such as anti-smoking campaigns, aim to get you not to do something. Some adverts are not aimed at consumers at all, but at retailers, shareholders or employees. For example, manufacturers often advertise their products in trade magazines to reassure retailers that a new brand will be widely promoted. Petrol companies often choose to emphasise how environmentally friendly they are; this is to offset any negative public perceptions of the industry rather than to persuade consumers to buy an individual brand of petrol. (10).........This is because petrol is regarded, in advertising terms, as a distress purchase. We get it because we can't do without it, not because we really want it. In general, however, the main aim of advertising is to attribute emotional qualities to a product in order to create an individual brand that the consumer can associate with.

Working out whether an advert has been successful is extremely difficult.(11).........For example, what persuaded them to buy a car? You cannot be sure whether it was the advertising, the price, the opposition's distribution, changes in the law or changes in consumer attitudes that was the determining factor. What advertising can't do is make consumers buy something they don't want. It can perhaps persuade you to try something once, but if you don't like what you get, you won't try it again.(12).........In other words, where there is no emotional engagement, such as a consumer's feelings about a bag of peas, beliefs are much harder to shift.

A Moreover, it is almost impossible to get people to change the way they view things they are indifferent to.

B Over the last ten years, other forms of advertising, such as direct marketing, have become increasingly popular as well as scientific.

C They don't, as the industry well knows, care enough to be brand loyal to such a product.

D Whether you accept this argument or not, you have to recognise that without advertising our world would be very different.

E The problem lies in isolating precisely what motivates people to behave in a particular way.

FThis is partly because not all advertisements are designed to do the same thing.

G The production costs involved in these can reach higher figures than those for the average movie.


第八題,這一空的前后都是在講廣告的作用。前面說做廣告的人認(rèn)為他們是在傳遞一種重要的信息,因為他們保護(hù)并且提升了客戶的品牌同時又給消費者提供了更多的選擇。后面說要是沒有廣告的話,很多電視節(jié)目就不會免費,而且報紙會比現(xiàn)在貴六倍。從前后的信息可以看出這里是在講廣告的重要性,廣告是必不可少的。D選項可以和這里的前后內(nèi)容相吻合:不管你接不接受這個論斷,你都得承認(rèn)沒了廣告世界將大不一樣。this argument是指前面廣告商的那段話,而very different就是引出后面的電視不免費、報紙漲價等等。

第九題,這一段是講廣告的不同模式。第一句話就說廣告有很多模式,但是沒有人能夠精確的確定什么才是好的廣告。緊接著后面說了不同的廣告有不同的目的和側(cè)重點。從while some…的句式可以看出這里是擴(kuò)展說明的,那么F空應(yīng)該接一個過渡的句子,表示不同的公司對廣告有不同的需求。選項F符合這一特點:這部分是因為不是所有的廣告都被設(shè)計成干相同的事情。也就是說不同的廣告會滿足不同的需求。This是指代前面的no one is precisely sure??崭窈竺娴臄U(kuò)展說明可以對應(yīng)于do the same thing。

第十題,這一空前面是以汽油公司為例,說明這些公司的廣告并不怎么強調(diào)個人品牌,他們更加看重的是整個大環(huán)境的友好。后面也是具體解釋這一現(xiàn)象的原因。所以相應(yīng)的第十空也是填入一個過渡句,前面的rather than to persuade consumers to buy an individual brand of petrol是一個暗示,這一空應(yīng)該填入C:他們并沒有像這個行業(yè)所熟知的那樣看重對這種產(chǎn)品的品牌忠誠度。Brand loyal也就是buy an individual brand of petrol

第十一題,最后一段講什么樣的廣告才能算是成功的。第一句就說評判很困難。11題空格后面是舉例說明。what persuaded them to buy a car是一個關(guān)鍵的句子。因為沒有辦法判斷到底是什么最終說服消費者購買,所以很難評判一個廣告是否成功。11題選E,motivate是關(guān)鍵詞,可以對應(yīng)最后一段反復(fù)出現(xiàn)的persuade。

E選項的句子值得分析理解:The problem lies in isolating precisely what motivates people to behave in a particular way.

Isolating在這里不是形容詞,孤立的,而是動詞的分詞形式,isolate此處的用法是:if you isolate an idea, problem etc, you consider it separately from other things that are connected with it。(isolate something from something)將…剔出(以便看清和單獨處理)。


第十二題,這一空的前后都是在說客戶對產(chǎn)品喜好的重要性。前面說if you don't like what you get, you won't try it again,后面說where there is no emotional engagement, beliefs are much harder to shift.。沒有感情依賴的話,觀念很難被轉(zhuǎn)變。從前后內(nèi)容來看,A選項最適合填入:另外,讓人轉(zhuǎn)變對他們不感興趣的事情的看法幾乎是一件不可能的事情。Change the way對應(yīng)于shift,indifferent to對應(yīng) there is no emotional engagement.

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