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BEC商務(wù)英語報名、考試、查分時間 免費短信提醒


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摘要 根據(jù)官方考試通知內(nèi)容,2020年BEC商務(wù)英語中級考試為11月28日。考生備考2020年BEC商務(wù)英語中級考試備考可以多想些真題,從而把握考試方向,環(huán)球網(wǎng)校小編為您分享了“BEC商務(wù)英語中極考試歷年考試真題(19)”的內(nèi)容,請您根據(jù)自身情況利用好這些資料。



1 In order to complete a task well, it may not be necessary to deal with every detail.

2 If you have too much to do, you may need toturn down work in the future.

3 Any planning activity needs to take place on a regular basis.

4 You should avoid giving additional time to a particular task.

5 It is possible that some routine tasks do not need to be carried out.

6 If you are overloaded with work, it is important to identify the cause.

7 People at all levels perform time-wasting activities.

Successful Time Management


The secret of avoiding work pressure is thinking ahead. Every day you need to review your progress towards objectives and decide how you can best use the time available to make further progress. You may find this is best done at the start of your working day but some people prefer to have a planning session just before they finish. Whichever you select - and you may need to experiment to find what suits you best-find some way of fitting the activity into your schedule. Never say, 'I don't have time to plan today'.


Managers at all levels occasionally find they have taken on more than they can cope with. This is not a crime, but you must examine the reasons for such a situation and then plan a course of action. Until the problem is resolved, most of your time and energy will go into worrying about the situation and you will feel unmotivated. Think too about how to prevent it happening again. This may require you to be firm and avoid agreeing to more than is realistic.


If a review of your working practices shows that you are too much of a perfectionist, do something about this. Modern definitions of quality refer to Witness for purpose'. If you bear this in mind, you may find it easier to persuade yourself to settle for an acceptable level of quality rather than perfection. When thinking about objectives and planning how to achieve them, consider how thoroughly you need to do something in order to meet your requirements. Unless you have spare time, do not spend extra hours on an activity in an effort to cover absolutely everything.


If your review of a period of time shows that you are spending time on things that are not really necessary or important, then think hard about whether you can afford this time. Many people file unnecessary papers and attend endless, unproductive meetings. Even top managers can be guilty of misdirecting their efforts by supervising subordinates too closely or failing to delegate. If you question the necessity of certain work, you may find it easier to avoid these misdirected efforts and this will better inform your planning in the future.

《Successful Time Management》,成功的時間管理。文章針對怎么利用時間、提高工作效率提出了一些建議。

第一題,為了完成好一個任務(wù),沒有必要處理每一個細節(jié)。答案是C段的最后一句話,而且這句話同時是第一題和第四題的答案所在:Unless you have spare time, do not spend extra hours on an activity in an effort to cover absolutely everything.除非你有空閑的時間,否則不要在一件事情上花費額外的時間去努力涉及到所有事情。cover absolutely everything可以對應(yīng)于deal with every detail。

第二題,如果你有很多要做的,也許需要拒絕以后的工作。答案是B段的最后一句,有點繞:This may require you to be firm and avoid agreeing to more than is realistic.這需要你變得堅定,避免答應(yīng)超出現(xiàn)實的工作。more than is realistic,也就是眼前無法完成的工作,即work in the future。

第三題,任何計劃行為都需要建立在一個有規(guī)律的基礎(chǔ)上。答案在A段。A段整個就是講的計劃的重要性,有計劃,才能合理安排時間。中間說有人喜歡在每天開始的時候計劃,有人喜歡在結(jié)束前。答案是這么一句:you may need to experiment to find what suits you best-find some way of fitting the activity into your schedule.你必須去試驗尋找到最適合你的——尋找將這個活動融入到你的時間表的某種方法。要讓計劃融入進你的時間表,也就是說計劃要成為你的日程的固定部分,即題目說的take place on a regular basis。

第四題,在第一題已經(jīng)說了,C段的最后一句,extra hours可以對應(yīng)于additional time。

第五題,可能有些例行的任務(wù)不需要被執(zhí)行。答案是D段的第一句:If your review of a period of time shows that you are spending time on things that are not really necessary or important, then think hard about whether you can afford this time如果回顧某段時間發(fā)現(xiàn)你在一些并不是真正必要或者重要的事情上花費了時間,那么你需要仔細考慮這次你是否花的起。言下之意,有些things that are not really necessary or important(some routine tasks)可以不必花時間做(do not need to be carried out)。

第六題,如果你覺得自己工作負擔過重,那么查明原因很重要。答案是B段的這么一句:This is not a crime, but you must examine the reasons for such a situation and then plan a course of action。examine the reasons可以對應(yīng)于identify the cause。

第七題,各個等級的人都會進行浪費時間的活動。答案在D段,需要提煉。D段整個講的都是不要把時間浪費在不必要的事情上。前面說不要干一些routine task,后面說頂端的經(jīng)理們也會誤用他們的努力。最后一段盤點了很多人,前面的many people,后面的even top manager,和在一起就是題目說的people at all levels。不管是routine task,還是misdirecting their efforts,都是time-wasting activities。

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