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Setting up an appraisal scheme

Appraisals can be a wonderful opportunity for your staff to focus on their jobs and make plans to develop their unused potential. (0) ..........So, if you have decided that an appraisal scheme should be set up in your company, you need to establish some formal procedures and make some decisions before you begin. Even if your company already has a scheme, you need to consider what you want to achieve and how you are going to do this.

First of all, you need to decide on your key objectives and the real purpose of your scheme.(8).............A scheme should never be introduced at a time of redundancies, or simply for profit or competitive edge, because this will create fear and alienate staff. The next step is to decide how the scheme can most successfully be managed. It is essential that all senior staff are committed to the process and willing to make a positive contribution.

The person given responsibility for designing the scheme and the appraisal forms needs to have knowledge of all roles within the organisation. He or she must also be aware of employees' potential needs. (9).............It should be someone who is trusted and whom staff will turn to if they are concerned about their appointed appraiser or the appraisal interview. The design of the scheme should indicate who will be appraising whom. This needs great tact and sensitivity. First, remember that no manager can effectively appraise more than seven or eight people. It is equally important to remember that, if significant numbers of staff are appraised by someone they dislike, or by a person whose values they do not share, the success of your scheme may be threatened.(10) ............. So bear this in mind from the beginning and, if necessary, establish an appeals procedure.

Having decided on your policy and who will appraise which members of staff, you need to communicate this in the simplest possible way. Avoid lengthy documents - few people will read them. (11).............Most organisations choose a person's line manager to be the appraiser. This can be seen as an opportunity or a threat, so be ready to consider alternatives if necessary.

Once you have established the appraisal process, make sure that appraisal interviews take place at a convenient time, and ideally on neutral ground. It should be borne in mind that some appraisals may involve the disclosure of confidential information. (12) .............These will show the decisions that were taken during the interview and will also indicate any new performance targets that have been agreed.

A It is important to select a manager who can deal effectively with any suspicions staff may have about appraisals.

B Such a measure can also reduce insecurity and unite staff in recognising the positive elements of appraisal.

C Having even one staff member in such a position may affect how others respond to the process.

D Ideally, this should be to provide a supportive framework that aids staff development.

E Simply make sure that staff know who will appraise them and why, and what form the interview will take.

F It is therefore important to decide who will have access to written records of the appraisal.

G They can also be a means of getting the best out of staff, both as individuals, and as team members.

《Setting up an appraisal scheme》,制定評估計劃。


第九題,這一段是講選人的重要??崭袂懊嬲f要挑選一個了解各個員工潛在需求的人,后面說這個人要能被大家信任,這樣當員工有什么疑問時才會轉向他。從上下文看,第九空仍然是和選人有關。A最符合這個特點,有兩個關鍵地方。select a manager和deal with any suspicions,分別可以和上下文對應。Select a manager可以對應于前面的 the person given responsibility,deal with any suspicions可以對應于后文的staff will turn to if they are concerned.

第十題,前面說讓員工被自己不喜歡的或者是價值觀不認同的人來評估的話,評估計劃的成功會打折扣。所以這個第十空的講的還是關于選人的。C可以填在這里,C選項的in such a position是個暗示:讓即使只有一個員工處在這樣的位置上都會影響他人的反應。意思是不能讓一個被大家不喜歡的人處在評估人的位置上。


第十二題,前面說評估可能會涉及到一些機密信息的披露。后面說這些會展現一些訪談的決定。關鍵要理解空格后面的these代表什么。能夠show the decisions that were taken during the interview,一般是文字材料??崭?2應該填入F,written records是個關鍵暗示:因此決定誰來接觸這些文字材料是很重要的。

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