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摘要 2014年自考英語一課堂筆記之unit8(2),由環(huán)球網(wǎng)校自考頻道為您提供!

  推薦輔導(dǎo)班型:2014年自考保過班全新上線 不過免費(fèi)重修|2014年自考英語簽約保過套餐熱招

  11.access n. 通道,入口;接近(進(jìn)入)的機(jī)會

  The door gives access to a living room. (從這個(gè)門可以進(jìn)入起居室。)

  I cannot find the access to this building. (我找不到進(jìn)入這座大樓的通道。)

  I demanded access to a telephone. (我要求有權(quán)使用電話。)

  You can easily get access to him. (你很容易接近他。)

  People in that mountain area had no access to education. (那個(gè)山區(qū)的人們過去沒有受教育的機(jī)會。)

  access 也可以做動(dòng)詞用,意思是“取,利用”,如:

  The main problem was that they spent too much time accessing the information from the computer. (主要的問題是他們從計(jì)算機(jī)上存取信息花了太多的時(shí)間。)

  12. unlimited adj. 無界限的;無限制的;無數(shù)的

  limited adj. 有限的

  limit n. 界限;限度 v. 限制

  He longed for unlimited power. (他渴望有無限的權(quán)利。)

  They stored unlimited amount of food when they heard there might be an earthquake. (他們聽說有可能地震貯備了大量的食品。)

  Time is too limited, we have to finish this work in a hurry. (時(shí)間太緊,我們得匆匆完成這項(xiàng)工作了。)

  You have to realize we have limited sources of information. (你得意識到我們的消息來源很有限。)

  The driver was fined for exceeding the speed limit. (司機(jī)由于超速被罰款。)

  There is a limit to one's life, but no limit to serving the people. (人的生命是有限的,但為人民服務(wù)是無限的。)

  We have to limit the expenses as much as possible. (我們必須盡量節(jié)省開支。)

  The author will limit himself to a discussion of the first two chapters. (作者只準(zhǔn)備討論前兩章的內(nèi)容。)

  13.demonstrate v. 說明,演示;論證,證實(shí);示威游行

  demonstration n. 論證;表演;示范;示威

  The chemistry teacher demonstrated a very interesting experiment to the students. (化學(xué)老師給學(xué)生們演示了一個(gè)有趣的實(shí)驗(yàn)。)

  How would you demonstrate that the earth goes around the sun? (你如何證明地球圍繞太陽轉(zhuǎn)?)

  The workers demonstrated for pay increases. (工人們示威要求加薪。)

  Would you please give us a demonstration? (你能給我們演示一下嗎?)

  His speech was a demonstration of his patriotism.(他的演講是他一片愛國心的證明。)

  Tomorrow they will go to the street to stage a demonstration. (明天,他們將上街示威。)

  14.educational adj. 教育的

  education n. 教育

  educate v. 教育

  There are many educational programs on TV. (電視播放很多教育節(jié)目。)

  He received a good education when he was young. (他年輕時(shí)受過良好的教育。)

  The education of young people is important to the future of a country. (年輕人的教育對于一個(gè)國家的未來來說十分重要。)

  He was educated in the United States. (他是在美國受的教育。)

  15. remote adj. 遙遠(yuǎn)的,偏僻的;(可能性)很小的

  People came to Beijing from the remotest parts of our country. (人們從祖國最偏遠(yuǎn)的地方來到北京。)

  He decided to go to a remote mountain area after graduation from the university. (他決定大學(xué)畢業(yè)后到偏僻的山區(qū)去。)

  Can you imagine what will become the world in the remote future? (你能想像在遙遠(yuǎn)的將來世界會變成什么樣嗎?)

  There is only a remote possibility to finish it in two days. (在兩天內(nèi)完成的可能性極小。)

  Please give me the remote control. (請把遙控器給我。)

  16. isolate v. 使隔離

  isolation n. 隔離,孤立

  He isolated himself from the outside world. (他把自己與外部世界隔絕了。)

  The bridge sank and the village was isolated. (橋沉了,那個(gè)村子被隔絕了。)

  He doesn't trust anyone and he lives in isolation. (他不信任任何人,過著孤獨(dú)的生活。)

  17. transportation n. 運(yùn)輸

  Bike is a convenient means of transportation. (自行車是很方便的運(yùn)輸物品。)

  They used both water and land transportation to send their goods. (他們用水陸兩路運(yùn)輸工具。)

  18. instruction n. 教學(xué),指導(dǎo);指示,說明

  instruct v. 命令、指示

  Read the doctor's instruction before taking the medicine. (服藥前請看一看醫(yī)囑。)

  We will carry out your instructions very soon. (我們將很快執(zhí)行你的指示。)

  He is giving instruction in English. (他在講授英語。)

  The teacher instructed her to do more oral practice. (老師指導(dǎo)她多做口頭訓(xùn)練。)

  I was instructed to take you to Beijing. (我受命帶你去北京。)

  19. risk v. 冒…的危險(xiǎn) n. 風(fēng)險(xiǎn)、冒險(xiǎn)

  He risked his life in saving the drowning child. (他冒著生命危險(xiǎn)救那個(gè)溺水兒童。)

  I don't want to risk my life to find out whether he told the truth. (我不想冒喪命的危險(xiǎn)去查證他是否說了真話。)

  It must be done at any risk. (不管冒什么危險(xiǎn),這事必須完成。)

  He is unwilling to run the risk of losing his money. (他不愿意冒喪失金錢的危險(xiǎn)。)

  20. privacy n. 私事;隱私;獨(dú)處

  private adj. 私人的

  A person should have some privacy. (一個(gè)人應(yīng)有自己的隱私。)

  She likes to live in privacy. (她喜歡清靜地獨(dú)居。)

  They are having a private conversation. (他們在密談。)

  This is only my private opinion. (這只是我的個(gè)人意見。)

  21. contact n. 接觸,聯(lián)系 v. 與…接觸

  They have lost contact for many years. (他們失去聯(lián)系已有多年了。)

  We have to get into contact with him as soon as possible. (我們得盡快跟他取得聯(lián)系。)

  Contact me by telephone. (跟我電話聯(lián)系。)

  He contacted the control tower by radio. (他用無線電與指揮塔取得了聯(lián)系。)

  22. application n. 申請;應(yīng)用

  apply v. 申請;實(shí)施

  Please fill in the application form. (請?zhí)钌暾埍怼?

  The company rejected his application. (公司拒絕了他的申請。)

  It is important to put the theory into application. (把理論應(yīng)用起來很重要。)

  He applied for party membership. (他申請入黨了。)

  We are trying to apply book knowledge to real work. (我們正努力把書本知識運(yùn)用于實(shí)際工作中。)


  conversion (轉(zhuǎn)類法)

  orbit (n.)――(v.)

  telegraph (n.)――(v.) broadcast (n.)――(v.)

  channel (n.)――(v.) risk (n.)――(v.)

  contact (n.)――(v.) harm (n.)――(v.)

  affixation (詞綴法)

  1. 名詞后綴-ation





  2. 形容詞后綴-al





  1. a group of         2. by blood / marriage

  3. descend from        4. think of…as

  5. mean doing sth.       6. know little about

  7. sense of          8. come from

  9. consist of         10. the center of

  11. from…to         12. move away from

  13. in order to        14. care for

  15. take care of        16. split up

  17. the result of        18. talk of

  19. be able to         20. in…age




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