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摘要 2014年自考英語一課堂筆記之unit7(1),由環(huán)球網(wǎng)校自考頻道為您提供!

  推薦輔導(dǎo)班型:2014年自考保過班全新上線 不過免費重修|2014年自考英語簽約保過套餐熱招


  Text A Families


  1. definition n. 定義,釋義

  define v. 解釋;給…定義;明確表示

  He simply said it was very difficult for him to give a definition for that word.(他只是說要他給那個詞下個定義是很困難的。)

  The dictionary gives us several definitions, which makes me more confused about the meaning of this word. (辭典給了我們好幾個釋義,這使我對該詞的意思更加困惑。)

  People define him as a genius. (人們說他是天才。)

  I have already defined my position on that issue. (我已經(jīng)明確表示了我在這個問題上的立場。)

  2. marriage n. 婚姻,結(jié)婚

  marry v. 結(jié)婚

  married adj. 結(jié)了婚的

  No one expected that their marriage could break up because of a misunderstanding.(誰也沒想到他們的婚姻竟會因為誤解而破裂。)

  Her second marriage lasted only 6 weeks. (她的第二次婚姻只維持了六個星期。)

  They are in love with each other and wish to marry. (他們彼此相愛,希望結(jié)婚。)

  Her parents said they wouldn't allow her to marry that poor young man.(她的父母說他們不會允許她與那個窮苦的年輕人結(jié)婚。)

  He was 35, married with two children. (他35歲,已婚,有兩個孩子。)

  She was married to the young artist last month. (她上個月與那位年輕的藝術(shù)家結(jié)了婚。)

  (請注意:要表述某人同某人結(jié)婚,不能用sb. marries / married with sb. else,而應(yīng)該用sb. marries/married sb. else 或者sb. is/was married to sb. else 來表述。)

  3. descend v. 下降;傳下,遺傳;墮落

  descendant n. 子孫,后裔

  ascend v. 上升;登高;追溯到某個時期

  ascendant n. 優(yōu)勢;祖先(與descendant相對而言) adj. 優(yōu)勢的

  The sun descended behind the hills. (太陽下了山。)

  The customs have descended to our generation. (這些習(xí)俗一直傳到我們這一代。)

  He was so poor that he descended to begging. (他窮得只好乞討度日。)

  As descendants of the early settlers, they were tolerant and hardworking.(作為早期移民的后裔,他們?nèi)棠投趧凇?

  They are descendants of an Indian tribe. (他們是一支印第安部落的后裔。)

  The airplane ascended into the cloud. (飛機高高飛入云端。)

  Queen Victoria ascended ascended the throne in 1837. (維多利亞女王于1837年登上王位。)

  His party is no longer in the ascendant. (他那一派已經(jīng)優(yōu)勢不再。)

  We still have the ascendant position in world politics. (我們在國際政治中仍占優(yōu)勢地位。)

  4.ancestor n. 祖先,祖宗

  His ancestors came to America on the Mayflower. (他的祖先乘“五月花”號來到美洲。)

  Their grandfathers were the ancestors of some of the well-known families in Boston.(他們的祖父輩是波士頓幾家望族的祖先。)

  ancestry n. [總稱] 列祖列宗;血統(tǒng)

  He was born of good ancestry. (他出身名門。)

  She is an American of German ancestry. (她是德國血統(tǒng)的美國人。)

  5. household n. 家庭,戶;一家人

  adj. 家庭的,家常的

  How many people are there in your household? (你們家有幾口人?)

  Early in the morning the household got into a car and headed for the beach.(一大早,全家人坐上汽車往海邊駛?cè)ァ?

  Household chores are not just women's work. (家務(wù)雜事不只是婦女的活。)

  Einstein is a household name in the civilized world. (愛因斯坦是文明世界里家喻戶曉的名字。)

  6. relative n. 親屬,親戚 adj. 相對的

  His wife had to visit some of her relatives for a few days. (他妻子需要幾天時間去看娘家的親戚。)

  The apes are man's closest relatives. (猿是與人類親緣關(guān)系最為接近的動物。)

  He told me that his aunt was his only immediate relative. (他告訴我說姑母是他唯一的至親。)

  All human values are relative. (人類的一切價值標準都是相對的。)

  The Jackson's are living in relative comfort now. (現(xiàn)在,杰克遜一家生活過得比較舒適。)

  7. traditional adj. 傳統(tǒng)的

  tradition n. 傳統(tǒng)

  Alice said she would be happy to have a traditional Chinese wedding.(愛麗絲說能有一個傳統(tǒng)的中國婚禮她會很開心。)

  More and more Westerners believe in traditional Chinese medicine now.(現(xiàn)在,越來越多的西方人相信傳統(tǒng)中醫(yī)了。)

  He reassured his grandfather that he would keep up the family tradition by all means.(他向祖父保證,他會盡一切可能保持家庭傳統(tǒng)。)

  In his lecture he talked briefly about the history and traditions of the movement.(在他的講座中,他簡述了那次運動的歷史和傳統(tǒng)。)

  8. security n. 完全;保障;把握

  secure v. 保衛(wèi),保證,獲得 adj. 完全的

  We are all concerned for the security of the passengers. (我們都很擔心旅客的安全。)

  Children rely on their parents for love and security. (孩子們靠父母給他們愛和完全感。)

  The girl delivered her speech with great security. (那個女孩滿懷信心地講演著。)

  She felt secure only when she made sure that both doors were locked.(只有確信兩道門都鎖上了時,她才感到放心。)

  We all dream of living a quiet and secure life. (我們都夢想過上平靜、安定的生活。)

  His carefulness secured him from making more mistakes. (他的細心保證了他不犯更多的錯誤。)

  His father couldn't believe that he secured such a good job. (他父親不相信他找到了這么好的一份工作。)

  (注意:securities 指證券)




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