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1. They will tell you all you want to know. They’ll give you plenty of____________.
A. information
B. messages
C. suggestion
D. news
2. No one can well understand this book ____________ he knows the cultural background.
A. if B. when
C. unless
D. although
3. They were playing basketball while I ____________my homework.
A. did
B. had been doing
C. had done
D. was doing
4. He enjoys____________ to various parties, but he seldom goes to one.
A. to be invited
B. being invited
C. inviting
D. to be inviting
5. ____________the station earlier, you would not have missed the train.
A. If you reach
B. If you reached
C. If you have reached
D. If you had reached
6. It’s no use____________ about bad weather at this time of the year.
A. to complain
B. complaining
C. to be complaining
D. complain
7. There____________ a TV set, a portrait and a few books on the shelf.
A. were
B. have
C. was
D. has
8. I believe _____________ he told me because he is a man who never tells a lie.
A. what
B. that
C. all what
D. which
9. This is my brother,_____________, living in New Jersey, works as a software engineer.
A. that B. who
C. whom D. which
10. I dare not go out to play _____________I might not do well in the exam.
A. for the fear B. afraid that
C. afraid of D. for fear that
11. I was shocked to learn that the ____________ professor was actually a cheat.
A. respectful
B. respective
C. respected
D. respecting
12. It is simply ____________to complete the task within two days.
A. out of question
B. out of the question
C. out of a question
D. out of questions
13. The matter is not important enough to be dealt with____________.
A. at length
B. briefly
C. at last
D. carelessly
14. Only when they met twenty years after graduation ____________ how greatly they had changed.
A. did she realize
B. that she realized
C. has she realized
D. then she realized
15. Many students ____________ most of their textbooks when they left college.
A. gave up
B. gave in
C. gave out
D. gave away
16. Tom is good at ____________ stories to amuse his little sister when their mother is away.
A. making out
B. making of
C. making from
D. making up
17. She ____________ a scarf from the closet to match her new dress.
A. picked up
B. picked on
C. picked out
D. picked at
18. After a few days’hard thinking, an idea was beginning to_____________ in his mind.
A. take out
B. take shape
C. take on
D. take part
19. It was very kind _____________ to say such nice things to get her out of the embarrassing situation.
A. of him
B. for him
C. with him
D. to him
20. I think she’s French. I’m not sure,_____________.
A. indeed
B. still
C. though
D. yet

  II.認(rèn)真閱讀下面兩篇短文,每篇短文后有五個(gè)問題。根據(jù)短文的內(nèi)容從四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選擇一個(gè)最佳答案,并將答案的相應(yīng)字母填在答題紙上。(本大題共1 0小題,每小題2分,共 20分)

  Passage 1

  The elevator door slid open. The crowd inside let out a collective gasp of excitement. But no one was more excited than my mom. This 110-pound woman is not normally rude, but suddenly she rushed through the door, nearly knocking over an elderly German tourist.

  My mom wasn’t interested in the sights; she just wanted air. If there’s one thing that frightens my mom more than packed spaces, it’s heights. We were now 889 feet above the Paris cityscape. Maybe we should have taken the Eiffel Tower off our “to do”list.

  By the time I caught up with her, she had pressed her entire body against a huge steel girder(大梁). I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “What?” she said defensively, her arms wrapped around the support and her face flushed. “I’m having a great time. ”

  “Yeah, I can tell. Let’s go, ”I said.

  My mom replied,“I can’t. ” Amidst the twinkling reflection of the City of Lights, I saw terror in her eyes. She was so scared of heights, she couldn’t move.

  I was going to have to think of something―and fast. “I know, Mom!”I shouted, making her jump. “We don’t have to get back in the elevator. We can walk all the way down. ” Before she could think about it, I took her arm and led her over to the stairs.

  Finally, after 20 minutes, we headed down the last flight. “See? That wasn’t so bad. ”

  I pushed on the steel exit gate. The gate didn’t move. I felt a fit of panic. I pushed again, still no movement. I shoved again and again against the gate. Out of breath, I felt on the verge of tears.

  “Qu’est-ce que c’est la probleme?”

  A young French security guard stood on the other side of the gate. He repeated his question. The fact that I didn’t understand French only made me panic more. I banged violently on the door, and rocked against it―still nothing.

  The guard smiled now. He pointed up and said in English, “The sign. Read it. ”I followed his pointing finger to a sign that hung above the gate. It said:“Tirez.” I looked at the guard blankly. What did that mean?

  “The sign,” the guard told me. “It says, Pull. ”

  Stepping back, I stopped pushing the gate. I pulled instead. It swung open easily. Now my face burned with embarrassment, not panic.

  “Karen, you really need to learn to relax,” my mom said, laughing as she breezed past me.

  21. Karen laughed at her mom because _____________ .

  A. she was too nervous

  B. she was too excited

  C. she was having a great time

  D. she was standing against a huge girder

  22. Which of the following did Karen’s mom suffer from?

  A. Fear of stairs and strangers.

  B. Fear of elevators and crowds.

  C. Fear of heights and crowded places.

  D. Fear of twinkling lights and steel girders.

  23. When she saw her mom rushing out of the elevator, Karen _____________ .

  A. thought it funny

  B. regretted visiting the Tower

  C. decided to go down the stairs immediately

  D. felt embarrassed about her mother’s rudeness

  24. What triggered Karen’s fear?

  A. She couldn’t understand the guard’s directions.

  B. She thought she and her mom were locked in.

  C. She couldn’t read the sign in French.

  D. She saw terror in her mom’s eyes.

  25. Choose the title that would NOT be appropriate for the article.

  A. Tower of Terror

  B. Panic in Paris

  C. An Embarrassing Experience

  D. Landmark of Laughter

  Passage 2

  Sixth-grader Ivory Kelly finished up an English assignment at the blackboard. Then . . . Ping! Ping! He felt his head being hit. The 12-year-old knew just who was attacking him. He spun around and shouted at DeAngela Byrd. DeAngela claimed she was innocent. Then she called Ivory a“guinea pig(豚鼠). ”“Liar!” he yelled back. Their teacher, Linda Mann didn’t send them to the principal. She didn’t even make them stand in the hall. Instead, she sent them to work things out in a small storage room in the school. The room is Glengarry Elementary’s mediation(調(diào)解) center.

  Mediation in school is a way to solve disputes without having teachers punish students. Kid mediators are trained to listen to classmates accused of misbehaving or fighting. Without taking sides, the mediators help troubled kids come up with their own solutions. It usually takes no more than 15 minutes.

  At Glengarry, 30 students from third through sixth grades are trained to settle fights. After calmly discussing the attack and name calling with sixth-grade mediators, Michael Reese and Tracie Thacker, Ivory and DeAngela signed a pledge “not to mess with each other. ”

  Many U. S. elementary schools are starting to give kids more responsibility for discipline. In the past 10 years’ one-tenth of the nation’s 86,000 public schools have staffed programs to resolve conflicts, mostly in middle or high schools. But educators want to begin more mediation programs sooner. They say elementary-age kids are even better at talking about their feelings and deciding on a fair solution than older kids are! When a teacher or principal is not involved, “kids talk more freely,” says Glengarry Principal Loraine Johnson.

  So far, mediation seems to work well. In one survey of 115 Ohio elementary schools with mediation programs’ two out of three noted a decrease in fights, and more than half said fewer kids were being sent to the principal’s office. In New Mexico, reports of bad behavior in elementary schools have dropped 85% since mediation programs began.

  Glengarry mediator David Townlye , 11, says the method really works and not just in school. He used his new skills to help end a long-running battle between his grandmother and mother. “My grandmother thought my mother kept spending too much on flowers she planted outside our house,” said David. “I let both of them talk. Finally, my mother agreed not to spend so much. ”

  26. What do the kid mediators do in the center?

  A. They provide a solution for the kids who fight.

  B. They each defend a kid involved in the conflict.

  C. They listen to the kids talking about their disputes.

  D. They pick the punishment for the kids who misbehave.

  27. Which is NOT mentioned as a possible way for teachers to solve disputes according to the passage?

  A. Talking to the kids themselves.

  B. Sending the kids to the principal.

  C. Making the kids stand in the hall.

  D. Sending the kids to the mediation center.

  28. What is one of the reasons that many schools have set up mediation programs according to the passage?

  A. There is not enough staff to settle kid disputes.

  B. Schools want kids to be more responsible for discipline.

  C. Mediation skills are vital to kids in their later development.

  D. Kids enjoy listening to classmates who are accused of misbehaving.

  29. The survey of schools in Ohio that participated in mediation programs ______________ .

  A. indicates that teachers need to be mediators

  B. proves that mediation can stop all school violence

  C. reports that the programs are also effective at homes

  D. shows some schools have a decrease in bad behavior

  30. What can you infer from the passage?

  A. Kids love working as mediators.

  B. Kids are better mediators than teachers.

  C. Not all kids become mediators at schools.

  D. School principals don’t have to deal with students’ disputes.

  III.用國際音標(biāo)標(biāo)出下列單詞中劃線字母或字母組合的讀音。(本大題共20小題,每小題0. 5 分,共1 0分)(注意:使用新式或老式音標(biāo)均可)

  31. awkward 32. church

  33. solid 34. comfort

  35. attic 36. princess

  37. genius 38. break

  39. achieve 40. figure

  41. royal 42. highest

  43. schedule 44. gallop

  45. alive 46. management

  47. assignment 48. tricky

  49. fields 50. march



but ever foot from
hand might must nor
progress that travel while

  Tourism is an important industry in many countries. Humans have traveled 51 since they first appeared on earth. Tourism, however, did not go 52 in hand with travel in the beginning.

  In primitive times, people did not 53 for pleasure but to find new places for their herds to feed, to escape 54 hostile neighbors, or to find a more favorable climate. They traveled on 55. Their journeys were long, tiring, and often dangerous. With the 56 of society, they did not travel merely out of necessity, 57 Often for the joy and excitement of seeing and experiencing new things. In every country in the world, there are beautiful sights to visit. It 58 be a beautiful mountain, a national park, a historical monument, or a cathedral. Everyone is interested in talking about them. It is because of this 59 tourism began to develop into an industry that provides things for people to do, places for them to see 60 they are on holiday. In fact, tourism has become an important source of income for many countries.

  B. 根據(jù)所學(xué)課文內(nèi)容在每個(gè)空白處填入一個(gè)恰當(dāng)?shù)脑~。

  In ten minutes I had seen all that could be seen in the fish, and started to look for the professor―who had, however, left. Half an hour 61―an hour―another hour; the fish began to look disgusting. I 62 it over and around; looked it in the face―ghastly; 63 behind, beneath, above, sideways―just 64 ghastly. I must not use a magnifying glass, 65 instruments of any kind. Just my two hands, my two eyes, and the fish: it seemed a most limited field of 66. With a feeling of desperation again I looked at that fish. I pushed my finger down its throat to feel how 67 the teeth were. I began to count the scales in 68 rows, until I was convinced that was nonsense. At last a happy thought 69 me―I would draw the fish; and now with surprise I began to discover new 70 in the creature. Just then the professor returned.

  V. 根據(jù)所學(xué)課文內(nèi)容完成下列句子。(本大題共 10 小題,每小題 2分,共 20分)

  71. Time is dangerous because if ______________, it will work against you.

  72. Andersen’s tales are a poet’s way of telling us ______________For example, we remember

  The Emperor’s New Clothes every time people pretend to be something that they are not.

  73. According to“How Dictionaries Are Made“, the writing of a dictionary is not a task of ______________, but a task of recording what various words have meant.

  74. In the story “A Fiddle and the Law”, Cal Richards’s father told Agent X that he liked the way he talked and the way ______________ . He guessed that the agent was a decent person.

  75. In the story “Hobbyist”, the druggist claimed that his hobby was______________ .

  76 . In the story “Detective on the Trail”, Bob Sugg knew the man in police uniform must be a criminal because he knew all the police officers were ______________ that night.

  77. In the story“The Great Idea of Mr. Budd”, Mr. Budd was a better hairdresser than his rival, especially in the art of______________.

  78. In the story “The Letter ‘A’”, when the narrator was very young his relatives suggested his parent put him in______________.

  79. In“The Day I Was Fat”, the author thought that ______________had helped her regain her self-esteem, not just her figure.

  80. In the text “Unreality of TV”, Dr. Applebaum says that the greatest danger of television is that it presents ______________ .














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