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  I.Multiple choice: (1×15=15)

  Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.

  1.The World Tourism Organization is located in ________.

  A.Pairs, France

  B.Geneva, Switzerland

  C.Madrid, Spain

  D.Venice, Italy

  2.Since the 1990s, ________ is the first to use computer management in China's tourism industry.

  A.China International Travel Service

  B.China National Travel Service

  C.China Youth Travel Service

  D.China Comfort Travel Service

  3.“Souvenir-collecting” is now seen as a ________ to the ecological balance of a region.





  4.In the early ________, the first commercial jet (the Comet) came into service as a result of the enormous growth of aviation technology.





  5.The World Tourism Organization also provides technical help to developing countries, primarily through ________.

  A.the United States

  B.the United Nations

  C.the World Health Organization

  D.the World Trade Organization

  6.Therefore China faces both ________ and ________ in developing its tourism to a higher level.

  A.opportunities, challenges

  B.opportunities, chances

  C.difficulties, challenges

  D.difficulties, problems

  7.One of the key characteristics of the new tourism is ________.

  A.easy to organize

  B.rigid packaging


  D.cheap price

  8.A general manager must not only assemble a team, but mold them into a coordinated, cooperating group of people capable of working together for the common goal:________.

  A.showing a big profit

  B.creating a satisfied guest

  C.performing a direct service

  D.providing a comfortable atmosphere

  9.More tourism facilities need ________ for domestic travelers.



  C.to be developed

  D.being developing

  10.In the early 1900s, the first ________ in the United States was started by Ellsworth Startler,

  father of the modern hotel industry.

  A.commercial hotel

  B.moderate-priced hotel

  C.motor hotel

  D.chain operation

  11.________ and ________ activities have played significant roles in making people more aware

  of what is available and the wide choice existing today.

  A.Promotional, marketing

  B.Promotional, publicity

  C.Sales, publicity

  D.Sales, marketing

  12.Business travel is also influenced by business related attractions such as ________ and ________.

  A.exhibitions, trade fairs

  B.exhibitions, conferences

  C.lectures, trade fairs

  D.lectures, conferences

  13.Travelers usually ________ those whose travels require the use of overnight accommodation and those whose trips last less than one day.

  A.classify into

  B.classifies into

  C.are classifying into

  D.are classified into

  14.Tourists may spend their leisure time ________ in various sports, sunbathing, taking rides or

  simply ________ the environment.

  A.engage, enjoy

  B.to engage, to enjoy

  C.engaging, enjoying

  D.engaged, enjoyed

  15.At its ________ and ________ this flow of comparatively wealthy tourists to a region has the

  effect of attracting petty criminals, as is evidenced by increases in thefts or muggings.

  A.simple, direct

  B.simpler, directer

  C.simplest, more direct

  D.simplest, most direct

  II.Reading comprehension: (2×10=20)

  Directions: Read the following passages and make your proper choices.


  Manners nowadays in metropolitan cities like London are practically nonexistent.It is nothing for a big, strong schoolboy to elbow an elderly woman aside in the dash for the last remaining seat on the tube or bus, much less stand up and offer his seat to her, as he ought.In fact,

  it is saddening to note that if a man does offer his seat to an older woman, it is nearly always a continental man or one from the older generation.

  This question of giving up seats in public transport is much argued about by young men who

  say that, since women have claimed equality, they no longer deserve to be treated with courtesy, and that those who go out to work should take their turn in the rat race like anyone else.Women have never claimed to be physically as strong as men.Even if it is not agreed, however, that young men should stand up for younger women, the fact remains that courtesy should be shown to the old, the sick and the burdened.Are we really so lost to all ideals of unselfishness that we can sit there indifferently reading the paper or a book, saying to ourselves “First come, first served,” while a gray haired woman, a mother with a young child or a cripple stands? Yet this is all too often seen.

  Conditions in travel are really very hard on everyone, we know, but hardship is surely no excuse.Sometimes one wonders what would have been the behavior of these stout young men in packed refugee train or a train on its way to a prisoner camp during the war.Would they have considered it only right and their proper due to keep the best places for themselves then?

  Older people, tired and irritable from a day's work, are not angels at all.Many a brisk argument or an insulting quarrel breaks out as the weary queues push and shove each other to get on buses and tubes.One cannot commend this, of course, but one does feel there is just a little more excuse.

  If cities are to remain pleasant places to live in at all, however, it seems urgent, not only that communications in transport should he improved, but also that communication between human beings should be kept smooth and polite.All over cities, it seems that people are too tired and too

  rushed to be polite.Shop assistants won't bother to assist, taxi drivers shout at each other as they

  dash dangerously round corners, bus conductors pull the bell before their desperate passengers have had time to get on or off the bus, and so on and so forth.It seems to us that it is up to the

  young and strong to do their small part to stop such deterioration.

  16.According to the passage, we could expect good manners from ________.

  A.Englishmen in London

  B.a man from France

  C.men in big modern cities in England

  D.men only in metropolitan cities

  17.What is the writer's opinion concerning courteous manners toward women?

  A.Women have claimed equality and no longer need to be treated differently from men.

  B.It is considered old fashioned for young men to give up their seats for young women.

  C.Lady First should be universally practiced.

  D.Special consideration should be shown to women.

  18.According to the writer, communication between human beings would be smoother if ________.

  A.people were more considerate to each other

  B.life were easier and more comfortable

  C.women were treated with more courtesy

  D.public transport could be improved

  19.The italicized word "deterioration" in the last paragraph probably means "________".

  A.worsening of the general situation

  B.lowering of the moral standards

  C.declining of the courtesy to women

  D.spreading of evil conduct

  20.It could be inferred that the best remedy for the hard travel conditions in city would be ________.

  A.to attach significance to the moral education of young people

  B.to treat people, be they young or old, with courtesy and sympathy

  C.to demand everyone do his part not to be impolite to each other

  D.to improve the means of transportation and the public morality


  From the health point of view we are living in a marvelous age.We are immunized from birth against many of the most dangerous diseases.A large number of once fatal illnesses can now be cured by modern drugs and surgery.It is almost certain that one day remedies will be found for the most stubborn remaining diseases.The expectation of life has increased enormously.But though the possibility of living a long and happy life is greater than ever before, every day we witness the incredible slaughter of men, women and children on the roads.Man versus the motor-car! It is a never-ending battle which man is losing.Thousands of people the world over are killed or horribly killed each year and we are quietly sitting back and letting it happen.

  It has been rightly said that when a man is sitting behind a steering wheel, his car becomes the extension of his personality.There is no doubt that the motor-car often brings out a man's very

  worst qualities.People who are normally quiet and pleasant may become unrecognizable when they are behind a steering-wheel.They swear.They are ill-mannered and aggressive, willful as two-year-olds and utterly selfish.All their hidden frustrations, disappointments and jealousies seem to be brought to the surface by the act of driving.

  The surprising thing is that society smiles so benignly on the motorist and seems to condone

  his behavior.Everything is done for his convenience.Cities are allowed to become almost uninhabitable because of heavy traffic; towns are made ugly by huge car parks; the countryside is desecrated by road networks; and the mass annual slaughter becomes nothing more than a statistic, to be conveniently forgotten.

  It is high time that a world code were created to reduce this senseless waste of human life.With regard to driving, the laws of some countries are notoriously lax and even the strictest are not strict enough.A code which was universally accepted could only have a dramatically beneficial effect on the accident rate.Here are a few examples of some of the things that might be done.The driving test should be standardized and made far more difficult than it is; all the drivers should be made to take a test every three years or so; the age at which young people are allowed to drive any vehicle should be raised to at least 21; all vehicles should be put through stringent annual tests for safety.Even the smallest amount of alcohol in the blood can impair a person's driving ability.Present drinking and driving laws (where they exist) should be made much stricter.Maximum and minimum speed limits should be imposed on all roads.Governments should lay down safety specification for manufactures.All advertising stressing power and performance should be banned.These measures may sound inordinately harsh.But surely nothing should be considered as too severe if it results in reducing the annual toll of human life.After all, the world is for human beings, not motor-cars.

  21.What is the main idea of this passage?

  A.Traffic accidents are mainly caused by motorists.

  B.Thousands of people the world over are killed each year.

  C.The laws of some countries about driving are too lax.

  D.Only stricter traffic laws can prevent accidents.

  22.The italicized word “condone” (Para.3) probably means “________”.





  23.The sentence “his car becomes the extension of his personality” (Para.2) probably means “________”.

  A.driving can show his real self

  B.driving can show the other part of his personality

  C.driving can bring out his character

  D.his car embodies his temper

  24.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way against traffic accidents?

  A.To test drivers at more regular intervals.

  B.To make driving tests more difficult to pass.

  C.To modify maximum and minimum speed limits.

  D.To draw up safety specifications for manufactures.

  25.The author's attitude towards the present traffic laws is ________.





III.Cloze: (1×15=15)
Directions: Choose the one from the given A, B, C and D to complete the passage properly.
The nation's dreams for the 2010 World Expo have come true as Shanghai won the bid in the fourth round of voting at the Bureau of International Exhibition's 132nd general assembly.
Shanghai beat four 26 cities and won 54 votes 27 of 88 member countries in the 28 round.At 3:15 p.m.local time, the Grimaldi Forum 29 a sea of red five-star flags as people shouted “Shanghai, China.”
The other four 30 countries lost out in the order of Poland, Mexico, Russia, and South Korea--- 31 lost by 20 votes to China.
In the presentation by the Chinese delegation yesterday morning, Vice-Premier Li Lanqing said: “ 32 behalf of the Chinese Government, I solemnly 33 that we will honor each and every 34 we have made to deliver an exciting and unforgettable event.”
Li said Shanghai 35 China's desire to integrate with the international community, its 36 economy, sound infrastructure, clean environment and social 37 .
“The BIE 38 for understanding, exchange, co-operation and friendship.These qualities can be fully realized by 39 the World Expo in China, a nation 40 believes in harmony and mutual benefit,” Li said.
26.A.other  B.each  C.another  D.every
27.A.above  B.over  C.out  D.on
28.A.last  B.ultimate  C.first  D.final
29.A.recovered  B.represented  C.ornamented  D.resembled
30.A.competed  B.competing  C.having competed  D.being competed
31.A.which  B.who  C.what  D.when
32.A.In  B.On  C.At  D.With
33.A.remain  B.reclaim  C.reaffirm  D.rejoin
34.A.comment  B.commitment  C.commission  D.committee
35.A.embraces  B.embodies  C.embeds  D.embarks
36.A.strong  B.active  C.healthy  D.robust
37.A.stability  B.activity  C.ecomony  D.development
38.A.speaks  B.takes  C.makes  D.stands
39.A.having  B.making  C.holding  D.opening
40.A.that  B.what  C.whose  D.it
IV.Phrasal verbs: (1×10=10)
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the proper phrasal verbs given below.Make some

be adjacent to
be vital to
cater for
derive from
give way to

go for
indulge in
rest on
take advantage of
take on

41.The education of young people __________ the future of our country.
42.Fishing, bathing, and dancing can __________ there.
43.We should not __________ people's good nature.
44.I'll __________ an MBA if I were you.
45.His achievement __________ his hard work.
46.The garden __________ a swimming pool.
47.Her hope of scholarship __________ her mark of intensive reading.
48.As winter __________ spring, the days begin to lengthen.
49.Dying local art and crafts __________ tourist demand.
50.Now her hair __________ a healthy shine.

V.Phrase translation: (1×20=20)
Part One
Directions: Translate the following into English.
51.硬通貨 52.特許經(jīng)營權(quán)
53.遠(yuǎn)洋定期客輪 54.保險(xiǎn)范圍
55.半食宿 56.旅游淡季
57.重新安置 58.過境手續(xù)
59.購買力 60.空架滑車

Part Two
Directions: Translate the following into Chinese.
61.load factor 62.transportation mode
63.caravan routes 64.managing director
65.destination economy 66.instant culture
67.an area of scenic beauty 68.terra cotta warriors and horses
69.make end meet 70.diversity of landscapes

VI.Passage translation: (10×2=20)
Directions: Translate the following passages into Chinese.
71.However, in theory, bringing together people of different countries and backgrounds does have political and educational significance as well as the economic and social aspects.The degree achieved depends on the host countries and the ability to converse in the relevant languages.
Through travel, people are finding friends in every corner of the earth: finding common bonds with the rest of humanity and spreading messages of hope for a peaceful world.
Tourism, properly designed and developed, has the potential to help bridge the psychological and cultural distances that separate people of diverse races, colors, religions and stages of social and economic development.
72. In the past decades, international hotel companies concentrated on building luxury and upscale hotels and resorts around the world to serve tourists from the developed Western countries.Since the early 1990s, international hotel companies have noticed that growth at the high end of the hotel segment slowed down worldwide, but demand for two-star and three-star midscale hotels has been on the rise in many countries with emerging economies.For instance, the rush to build luxury hotels in Bangkok, Thailand, in the 1980s and early 1990s has pushed the hotel market to a glut.The average room rate of a five-star hotel in Bangkok in 1993 was only $79 per night.However, there has been a shortage of two-star and three-star hotels in Bangkok to accommodate the increased number of tourists from South Korea, and China


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