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  I.Vocabulary and Structure (10 points,1 point for each)

  1. Death and taxes are two things in life that every American can be sure______.
  [A] of [B]for [C]at [D]with

  2. The Atlantic Ocean is over 6,000km ______where Christopher Columbus crossed it .
  [A] deep [B]wide [C]long [D]across

  3. Two men were sitting in a doctor‘s waiting room.“What are you in here ______?” asked one .
  [A]for [B]to [C]on [D]about

  4. It is a good idea for parents to monitor the ______as well as the kind of television that their preschool child watches.
  [A]number [B]size [C]amount [D]program

  5. In the garage sale, eager buyers bought all but 50 of the unwanted items in one weekend,leaving the Ericksons $442______.
  [A]rich [B]better [C]richer [D]good

  6. Many people have made a ______to a physical fitness program so as to maintain good health.
  [A]decision [B]commitment [C]contribution [D]difference

  7. Many species of animals are under the threat of ______because of the rapid change of natural environment.
  [A]guns [B]existence [C]hunters [D]extinction

  8. The knowledge and power of the Information Age will be within reach not just of the few,______of every classroom, every library in the near future.
  [A]but [B]instead [C]because [D]then

  9. Generally, the children stay in the nuclear family ______they grow up and marry.
  [A]although [B]as [C]until [D]where

  10. The difference between the baby twins is so small ______it is even hard for their Mum to tell.
  [A]as [B]that [C]since [D]if

  II. Cloze Test (10 points, 1 point for each)
  Children are curious about the world around them. For example, they want to know 11 their hearts beat. They want to know why the ocean water 12 salty.

  13 children grow up, they become curious about different kinds of things. When they are babies,they are interested in the parts of their bodies and in the smiles of their mothers. 14 they become interested in the physical world around them: the plants, the animals,the sky. Later, they become interested in the things 15 people have made: wheels, bicycles, cars. And when they are adults,their curiosity 16. Sometimes this curiosity leads to a 17 in science.

  Scientists spend their lives 18 to find out about the world. 19 who work with the earth sciences study the earth, the oceans, and the skies. 20 scientists who study living things work with the biological sciences. A third group of scientists study the physical sciences, e.g. physics, chemistry.

  11.[A]what [B]how [C]which [D]when
  12.[A]feels [B]smells [C]tastes [D]looks
  13.[A]As [B]Since [C]As soon as [D]As long as
  14.[A]So [B]Even [C]Thus [D]Then
  15.[A]that [B]whom [C]why [D]in which
  16.[A]exists [B]stops [C]continues [D]decreases
  17.[A]work [B]research [C]field [D]career
  18.[A]try [B]to try [C]trying [D]tried
  19.[A]That [B]This [C]Those [D]these
  20.[A]Other [B]Another [C]Others [D]the other

  III. Reading Comprehension (30 points, 2 points for each)

  Passage One

  Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

  For a clearer picture of what the student knows, most teachers use another kind of examination in addition to objective tests. They use “essay” tests, which require students to write long answers to broad, general questions such as the following: “Mention several ways in which Benjamin Franklin has influenced the thinking of people in his own country and in other parts of the world.”

  One advantage of the essay test is that it reduces the element of luck. The student cannot get a high score just by making a lucky guess. Another advantage is that it shows the examiner more about the student‘s ability to put facts together into a meaningful whole. It should show how deeply he has thought about the subject. Sometimes, though, essay tests have disadvantages,too. Some students ate able to write rather good answers without really knowing much about the subject, while other students who actually know the material have trouble e3xpressing their ideas in the essay form.

  Besides, in an essay test the student‘s score may depend upon the examiner’s feelings at the time of reading the answer. If he is feeling tired or bored, the student may receive a lower score than he should. Another examiner reading the same answer might give it a much higher mark. Because of this, the objective test gives each student a fairer chance, and of course it is easier and quicker to score.

  Whether an objective test or an essay test is used, problems arise. When some objective questions are used along with some essay questions, however,a fairly clear picture of the student‘s knowledge can usually be obtained.

  21.What many have been discussed in the previous paragraphs?
  [A]The essay test. [B]How teachers test their students.
  [C]How students write their essays. [D]The objective test.

  22.The essay test is preferred because______.
  [A]it shows more about the student‘s understanding of the subject
  [B]it tests the student‘s knowledge of the material as well as his expression of ideas.
  [C]it gives each student a fairer chance
  [D]its scoring may be influenced by the examiner‘s feelings

  23.The word ‘this’ (Line 4, Para.3) refers to the fact that ______.
  [A]students may receive a lower score in an essay test
  [B]another examiner usually gives the answer a higher mark
  [C]different examiners may give the same essay different scores
  [D]the objective test gives each student a fairer chance

  24.According to the passage, which of the following statements about the objective test is NOT true?
  [A]It is more objective than the essay test in terms of scoring.
  [B]It allows the student to guess the correct answer without really knowing the material.
  [C]It shows the student‘s ability to think about difficult problems.
  [D]It is easy and quick to score.

  25.According to the author, an ideal test should be ______
  [A]an objective test
  [B]an essay test
  [C]a combination of the two
  [D]something new

  Passage Two

  Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

  Around the world two thirds of the people are farmers. Most of them engage in subsistence farming. This means that they raise plants and animals to furnish their families with food and other supplies. They consume their varied output and have little to sell or to trade for other goods. Subsistence farms were common in the United States at one time, but there are few such farms today.

  Two thirds of American farmers practice commercial farming. Commercial farms produce about 97 per cent of the country‘s agricultural goods. These farms are operated much like other industries. The members of the farm family produce the commodities(商品) that will be sent to the market. They sell their products and buy the things they need.

  Some commercial farms are big factories in the field. They may be owned by a company or by an individual as an investment. Most American farms, however, are still operated by families.A farmer may own or rent his land.

  In a country as large as the United States, farms vary widely in climate, land surface, soil,water supply, convenience to market, and other characteristics. Different regions may have different kinds of specialized farms. Specialized farmers concentrate on the kind of farming best suited to the land and climate, to their technical skills, and to the money they invest in the farm.

  However, no region is limited to a single type of farm. Indeed few farms are limited to one crop or commodity. Where output is varied and no one kind of crop or commodity produces more than half of a farm‘s income, it is classified as a general farm. The general farmer grows varied crops to use the different kinds of soils or surfaces on his land and to employ his time and machinery most efficiently.

  26.Subsistence farmers______
  [A]grow crops for their families‘ own use
  [B]sell a lot of their products for money
  [C]trade their varied output for other goods
  [D]use their agricultural products as commodities

  27.Subsistence farms______.
  [A]are very popular in the United States now
  [B]are still common in many parts of the world
  [C]consist of two thirds of the total number of the farms in the world today
  [D]used to be the major form of farming in the world

  28.American commercial farms______.
  [A]furnish the country with two thirds of the food its people need
  [B]are run in much the same way as other industries
  [C]are all owned by different companies
  [D]never rent their land for farming

  29.A specialized farm is characterized by ______.
  [A]its especially large size
  [B]its independence of the market
  [C]its concentration on a single type of farming
  [D]its special way of operation

  30.A farm is classified as general if ______.
  [A]more than half of its income comes from varied crops
  [B]it is limited to a single type of farm
  [C]it employs different kinds of machines
  [D]the soils or surfaces of its land are used most efficiently

  Passage Three

  Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

  No one knows for sure why birds migrate(定期遷徙)。 One theory of migration says that ancient birds of the northern part of the earth were forced southward during the Ice Age, when ice covered large parts of Europe, Asia and North America. As the ice melted, the birds came back to their homelands, spent the summer, and then went south again in winter. Gradually, these comings and goings became habits, and birds now migrate though much of the ice has gone.

  Another theory proposes that the ancient home of all modern birds was the tropic areas. There they lived so well that the region became overcrowded. Many species had to move northward.During the summer, these birds found plenty of room and food. In winter, however, food became scarce and they had to return to the south.

  A newer theory is that increasing daylight stimulates certain glands(腺) in the bird‘s body and prepares it for migration. One scientist is able to make birds migrate in midwinter by exposing them for two months to artificial daylight. Recoveries of marked birds indicate that they fly north as soon as they are set free. The conclusion is that the urge to migrate is determined by changes in the bird’s body which take place under seasonal changes in the length of daylight.

  This theory would account for the fact that not all birds migrate at the same time. Each species seems to have its own schedule. The theory would also account for the regular time and routes of migration. Birds arrive at a given place year after year. Unfavorable weather delays them only a few days. Total hours of daylight, rather than weather, start them on the way.

  How birds find their way to the same place year after year and why they follow their own particular route are still mysteries. They evidently do not follow known landmarks(地面標志),for many young birds migrate alone without the help of experienced adults.

  31.We can conclude from the first paragraph that ______.

  [A]during the Ice Age, the whole Europe was covered with ice
  [B]the south used to be the homelands of all birds
  [C]scientists can confidently explain why birds migrate now
  [D]migration of birds can be explained by the change of ice on earth.

  32.The birds mentioned in the third paragraph fly north in midwinter because ______.
  [A]they are specially trained by a scientist
  [B]they are affected by seasonal changes
  [C]there is a change in their body temperature
  [D]they are exposed to extra daylight

  33.The phrase“account for”(Line 2, Para. 4) most probably means ______.
  [A]indicate [B]explain [C]prove [D]provide

  34.Which of the following can NOT be inferred from the passage?
  [A]Birds do not migrate at the same time.
  [B]Birds usually follow regular routes of migration.
  [C]Each species has a special reason for migration.
  [D]Birds migrate to their own particular places every year.

  35.The best title for the passage is ______.
  [A]Different Accounts of Migration
  [B]Migration and Weather
  [C]New Discovery of Bird Migration
  [D]Routes of Bird Migration


  IV.Word Spelling (10 points, 1 point for two words)

  36、微小的 37、職業(yè)員 38、機密 39、尊敬
  40、邀請 41、絕望 42、勇氣 43、罪犯
  44、昂貴的 45、爭吵 46、匆忙 47、足夠的
  48、殘忍的 49、奇跡 50、平坦的 51、失敗
  52、消除 53、暫停 54、允許 55、博物館

  V.Word Form (10 points, 1 point for each)

  56.Sometimes ocean currents ______(call)“rivers in the sea”。
  57.The most common use of telecommunication satellites has been for ______(transmit) telephone calls.
  58. Do you know why people ate unwilling ______(discuss) insurance?
  59. This is another way of saying that man‘s understanding is always ______(little) than perfect.
  60.You needn‘t have left the door ______(unlock) since John has got the key.
  61. Last summer I was told by a colleague that I would cool more quickly if I ______(drink) steaming hot tea rather than a cold drink.
  62.What can he ______(do) at this time of the day?
  63.If I ______(leave) a little bit earlier, I would have caught the plane.
  64.Traditionally, all the members of an ______(extend)family lived in the same area.
  65.You ______(not change) much since we met last year.

  VI. Translation from Chinese into English (15 points, 3 points for each)

  VII.Translation from English into Chinese (15 points)
  When we work―and also when we play ―we use up energy. The energy may be physical or mental or a combination of the two. When our work or play is prolonged, we become tired and want to stop and rest or change to some other activity. If we do not stop, we become gradually less efficient.
  If we set someone at a job and keep him at it continuously without rest, ultimately he will break down and be unable to go on. If rest intervals or changes of activity are introduced, the person will be able to work for a much longer period of time. Efficiency, then,seems to be mainly a matter of the distribution of work and rest periods. In ordinary life, we work during the day, and sleep at night, year in and year out.

  I. Vocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1 point for each)
  1、A 2、B 3、A 4、C 5、C
  6、B 7、D 8、A 9、C 10、B
  II. CLOZE test (10 points, 1 point for each)
  11、B 12、C 13、A 14、D 15、A
  16、C 17、D 18、C 19、C 20、A
  III. Reading Comprehension (30 points, 2 points for each)
  21、D 22、A 23、C 24、C 25、C
  26、A 27、B 28、B 29、C 30、A
  31、D 32、D 33、B 34、C 35、A
  IV. Word Spelling (10 points, 1 point for two words)
  36、tiny 37、profession 38 、secret 39 、respect 40、 invite
  41、 despair 42、 courage 43、 criminal 44、 expensive 45、quarrel
  46、 hurry 47、 sufficient 48、 cruel 49、 wonder 50、 flat
  51、failure 52 、remove 53、 pause 54、 permit 55、 museum
  第IV 部分每2題1分,共10分。錯1題不扣分,錯3題扣1分,錯5題扣2分,依此類推。多寫、少寫或錯寫一個或一個以上的字母均為錯。
  V. Word Form (10 points, 1 point for each)
  56 、are called 57、 transmitting 58、 to discuss 59、 less
  60、 unlocked 61 、drank 62 、be doing 63、 had left
  64、 extended 65、 haven‘t changed
  VI. Translation from Chinese into English (15 points, 3 points for each)
  66、 Studies show that people who drink a lot are more likely to suffer from heart attacks.
  67、 Solutions to actual problems cannot be seen in advance.
  68、 You wouldn‘t have got into trouble if you had taken my advice.
  69、 Most single parents find it hard to take care of a family alone.
  70、 It is modern technology that leads us to success.
  (1) 主要語法錯誤(如動詞時態(tài)、語態(tài)、虛擬語氣、主謂一致、否定、疑問以及其他句型錯誤)或影響基本句意的重要用詞錯誤扣1分。
  (2) 基本語法錯誤(如介詞、代詞、冠詞、大寫、標點等錯誤) 以及不影響基本句意的用詞錯誤每兩處扣1分。
 ?。?) 拼寫錯誤每錯兩處扣1分。拼寫錯誤本大題總扣分不超過3分。
  VII. Translation from English into Chinese (15 points)


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