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摘要 每一個成功者都有一個開始。勇于開始,才能找到成功的路。新的一天,早安!2018年成人高考《高起點-英語》模擬試題及答案(4)趕快來練習(xí)!更多成人考試資訊請鎖定環(huán)球網(wǎng)校成人高考頻道,海量模擬試題、精品復(fù)習(xí)資料歡迎免費下載。



Ⅰ. 單項選擇 從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。

1. The coat I bought last week is too big for me. I’d like to change it for a _______ one.

A. small B. large C. nicer D. smaller

2. You can ______ what is happening on the other side of the world by telephone.

A. see B. make C. hear D. learn

3. “Let’s go for a long walk into the country this morning.” “_______ , but I think I’m catching a cold.”

A. I certainly could use the exercise B. Yes, let’s go

C. Sure. I’d like to go for a long walk D. No, I won’t

4. Jack runs as _______ as Tom.

A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. much faster

5. I want to be a doctor when I ________ .

A. grow up B. talk about C. agree with D. get up

6. There is ________ “h” and ________ “u” in the word “huge”.

A. a; an B. an; a C. a; a D. an; an

7. — Li Hua’s English is very good.

— Yes, and her French ________ her English.

A. is as good as B. isn’t as good as C. is as well as D. is as better as

8. — What’s wrong with you, Cheng Li?

— I’m feeling ________.

A. terrible B. terribly C. badly D. good

9. — What did Lu Xun do after he gave up medicine?

— He devoted ________ writing all his life.

A. him to B. himself in C. himself to D. her in

10. — Why don’t you ask Tom to do it?

— I don’t know whether he is ________ to. He sometimes makes things worse.

A. possible B. afraid C. easy D. able

11. — Did you go to Jane’s birthday party?

— No, I ________.

A. am not invited B. wasn’t invited

C. haven’t been invited D. didn’t invited

12. “Tom, ________ afraid of speaking in public. You are no longer a small boy.” said Mum.

A. not be B. not to be C. be not D. don’t be

13. — People can not only use salt for meals.

— Yes. They also use it to ________ fire.

A. put on B. put off C. put out D. put down

14. — Is it possible to be mad ________ others?

— Of course not.

A. to B. at C. with D. for

15. They found ________ useful to advertise on the Internet.

A. that B. this C. it D. it is【翻頁繼續(xù)練習(xí)】

【答案】1-5 DDCAA6-10 BAACD11-15 BDCBC

II. 完形填空 閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。


“I should tell you that the boy’s family is very poor. I don’t think that they can 1 you anything.”

“That’s all right.” said Dr. Van Eyck.

A few minutes later, the 2 car had to stop for a red light at the edge of town. A man in an old black coat opened the door of the car and 3 .

“ 4 , ”he said, “I’ve got a gun.”

“I’m a doctor,” said Van Eyck, “I’m on my way to the hospital to 5 a very sick…”

“Don’t talk,” said the man in the old black coat. “Just drive.”

A mile 6 town he 7 the doctor to stop the car and to 8 . Then the man drove on down the road. The doctor stood there for 9 in the falling snow.

Half 10 later Dr. Van Eyck found a 11 and called a taxi. At the 12 he learned that the next train to Glens Falls would not 13 until 12 o’clock.

It was 14 two o’clock in the morning that the surgeon(外科醫(yī)生)arrived at the hospital in Glens Falls. Dr Haydon was 15 him.

“I did my 16 ,”said Van Eyck. “But I was stopped on the road and my car …”

“It was 17 of you to try,” said Dr. Haydon. “The boy died an hour ago.”

The two doctors walked by the door of the hospital waiting room 18 sat the man in the old black coat, with his head in his hands.

“Mr. Cunningham,” said Dr. Haydon to the man. “This is Dr Van Eyck. He is a surgeon who 19 all the way from Albany to try to 20 your boy.”

1. A) offer B) pay C) tell D) show

2. A) businessman’s B) postman’s C) surgeon’s D. reporter’s

3. A) ran out B) got in C) got out D) left

4. A) Drive on B) Drive away C) Go ahead D) Come on

5. A) talk with B) interview C) protect D) operate on

6. A) near to B) with in C) outside D) out of

7. A) ordered B) asked C) advised D) persuaded

8. A) drive away B) wait C) stay there D) get in

9. A) a whole day B) a whole morning

C) the moment D) a moment

10. A) a day B) a minute C) an hour D) week

11. A) horse B) telephone C) bank D) stranger

12. A) post office B) bank C) bus stop D) railway station

13. A) stop B) leave C) reach D) stay

14. A) before B) by C) until D) after

15. A) waiting for B) sending for C) talking with D) thinking of

16. A) duty B) research C) best D) share

17. A) brave B) clever C) kind D) foolish

18. A) Nearby B) Next door C) Far away D) There

19. A) drove B) came C) ran D) flew

20. A) save B) see C) wait on D) ask advice from

【答案】1-5 BCBAD 6-10 CADBA 11-15 BDBDA 16-20 CCDBA


It is two thousand years __ 1__ the Chinese began to make paper. ___2__ everybody knows, paper was one of the most important __3__ in Chinese history. It is because of the invention that __4__ Chinese history was kept.However, in __5__ parts of the world, much of the history over hundreds of years is __6__ because they had no paper in these countries.

Can you __7__ that ancient Chinese people __8__ records by putting many stones together in the old days? As soon as writing was developed, words were __9__ on animal bones with a knife, later in metal pots, examples of these have been __10__ from the 16th to the third centuries B.C. __11__ the second and the fifth centuries A.D., words were written on pieces of bamboo or wood. Maybe you have seen the earliest books, which were made __12__ pieces of bamboo or wood __13__ words were written on.

About, 2000 years __14__ another kind of paper was __15__, which was made from ___16__. It was much easier to write and draw on it than __17__, but it was too expensive so people made a kind of paper from the fibres of plants, __18__ the outside of trees, pieces of old clothes and so on. This kind of paper was as good as silk but much __19__.

In the first century A.D. the making of paper had been well developed in China. In the 18th century a paper-making __20__ was built in the Middle East. And later on, Spain, Russia and America began to make paper as well.

1. A. that B. since C. when D. ago

2. A. As B. Which C. That D. What

3. A. things B. discoveries C. wonders D. inventions

4. A. many of B. much about C. little D. much of

5. A. the other B. the others C. others D. other

6. A. known B. unknown C. remained D. lost

7. A. think B. trust C. believe D. imagine

8. A. used to keep B. used keeping

C. were used to write D. was used to writing

9. A. written B. drawn C. carved D. printed

10. A. seen B. looked C. searched D. made

11. A. Between B. During C. In D. At

12. A. up of B. of C. into D. from

13. A. what B. who C. where D. which

14. A. before B. ago C. later D. after

15. A. developed B. being invented C. appeared D. discovered

16. A. wood B. silk C. cloth D. bamboo

17. A. on bamboo and wood B. bamboo or wood

C. on bamboos or woods D. on bamboo or wood

18. A. as B. such as C. like D. for example

19. A. more cheap B. expensive C. cheaper D. more expensive

20. A. machine B. factory C. house D. building【翻頁繼續(xù)練習(xí)】

【答案】1-10 11-20 BADDD BDACA 11-20 BBDCD BDBCB

Ⅲ. 閱讀理解 從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。

Passage 1

All living things live according to rules or patterns affecting when and how they do things. These rules are called biological rhythms. They affect every living thing in some way. Some scientists think that biological rhythms are related to the cycle of day and night and to the motion of the moon.

For example, flying squirrels are nocturnal animals. Nocturnal animals are active mostly at night. The flying squirrel becomes active at dusk and return to its nest at dawn. Even if the flying squirrel were kept in a dark room, it would sill be active mostly during the nigh-time hours. The squirrel would not be active during daylight hours, even though the squirrel could not see daylight. This inner control system is sometimes called a biological clock. A biological clock refers to inner controls that seem to be timed by outside or environmental events that happen in regular pattern. Some examples of these patterns are day and night, seasons, and tides.

Different animals have different biological clocks that control ovulation. Some animal such as frogs, chickens and turtles lay eggs, and others carry the egg inside. Both kinds of animals ovulate.

1. What is biological rhythm?

A. The rules according to which all living things live.

B. The patterns affecting when and how living things do things.

C. The inner control system of animals

D. Both A and B

2. What is biological rhythm relate to according to the passage?

A. It is related to the cycle of day and night and to the motion of the moon

B. It is related to where the animals live.

C. It is related to whether and animal is active at night or in the daytime.

D. None of the above

3. We can see from Para. 2 that flying squirrels ________.

A are nocturnal animals

B. would still be active mostly during the nighttime hours even if they were kept in a dark room.

C. would not be active during daylight hours even in the dark

D. all of the above

4. What is a biological clock?

A. It is the same of biological rhythms.

B. It refers to inner controls that seem to be timed by outside or environmental events that happen in a regular pattern.

C. It belongs to animals exclusively.

D. It controls ovulation of all creatures.

5. What do different animals have?

A. They have the same habit of ovulation.

B. They have different ways of laying eggs.

C. They have different biological clocks that control ovulation.

D. They all carry their eggs inside.

D. They will lose their brightness and be little known.


Passage 2

A star usually is someone who has become famous in sports, film, or pop music, someone like singer Michael Jackson. In the middle nineteen eighties, Michael Jackson successfully made a famous record, which quickly became the most popular recording in the history of music. This made Michael Jackson a bright star.

One of the famous sports bright stars in the United States is Mohammed Ali. When he was a young man, he won a gold medal in the Olympic Games as a boxer. Then, he won first place in the world heavy weight boxing match. Before long, he was known as one of the greatest and most famous boxers in sports history. Everyone knows his name.

Like the stars in the sky, a bright star will lose his brightness as lime passes. He is loved by millions of people today, but will be forgotten tomorrow.

6. This passage mainly talk about ________.

A. Michael Jackson B. Mohammed Ali

C. pop music and boxing D. bright stars

7. Michael Jackson is famous for ________.

A. his film B. his songs C. his sports D. his heavy weight

8. The word below that can be used to describe Mohammed Ali is ________.

A. Friendly B. Healthy C. Clever D. Famous

9. The word “boxer” in the passage means ________ in Chinese?

A. 盒子 B. 裝箱者 C. 拳擊手 D. 制作人

10. What will happen to the bright stars at last according to the text?

A. They will be remembered by millions of people.

B. They will be loved for ever.

C. They will be the most important people in history.

【答案】6-10 DBDCD

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